Why worry so much about war?
It been clear that in any future scenario,India has either to go for a 2 front war or a single front nuclear war.
the best suited war to deal with china is mutual assured destruction. Have your beens fried? I am getting mine. Case closed.
Inside sources have been talking about the modification of nuclear doctrine for years with respect to threat perception. With this done? Any minor border skirmish with china will eventually lead to a large conventional war and thereby a nuclear holocast on both sides. you get your 1.4 billion killed,while I will loose my 1.2 billion.not bad at all eh for a folk talking about war?
Trust me, there is a reason for everything that India does with respect to china.Be it a slow modernisation of airfields,border roads and infra what not? India is strictly considered tactical nuking in case of a war (which china wants to over-run india) thereby leading to full-pledged nuclear.
Maybe its time for both the most populated and largest economies to think about development rather than war? It definitely is. This time no one walks out as a winner.Certainly not.
If we are talking about tibet? It will lead to many OTs and you will later regret for bringing in such topic onboard.
And Daming brahmaputra is a win-loose situation for both india and china,while its a loose-looooose for bangladesh.
For both india and china ,it brings trust deficit.And the dam being on the border makes it less secure during a war.India has to clear the down river in case of damage to dam.Bangladesh will certainly get drowned if excess water flows.
for india it reduces the flood water. For china,it increases the probablity of earth quakes.Being adjacent to mountaneous region most likely chances of disturbing the stability of earths crust with the construction of such huge dam. A perfect pawn moved by India ,will make bangladesh and china sworn enemies with respect to water issue.
Pours oil for the initial consideration of all river linkage project in India.
India may be obligated to exercise all rights related to Indus water treaty(where currently less than 50% rights are exercised).Speeds up linkage project,therby spreading the water evenly all accross the country(good for common man)
Bangladesh OTOH becomes more dependant on India for water.Currently the excess water was being dumped into bangladesh,in future where will be no excess water and india has to give its own share of water to B`Desh(this will cetainly cost a life from B`Desh in returning favor)
Arunachal Pradesh and many N-E states hate china like hell.It is understable for their petitions in regarding this dam construction.
Lastly, though appear minor,this single dam will bring in as many issues onto the table in whole sout-east asia.Sooner or later some others will feel the heat instead.Atleast India has resources and as many rivers to get through any worst situation,while the others that were soon to be turned into barren lands ,need to think more about the future implications.