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I have a Question: to which western country we can compare Turkey in science and technology?.

Venezuela, Bolivia, Columbia, Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico ? not even close

HIGH TECH TURKISH MILITARY PROJECTS which only a few countries developed in the World

KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System Aselsan ASELPOD Targeting POD and MEHPOD Jamming POD 450km CAFRAD GaN based AESA RADAR
600+km Early Warning GaN based AESA RADAR MILDAR Fire control Radar similar to American LONGBOW Radar TAI ANKA Multirole MALE UAV ( SAR Radar , SATCOM , Laser guided Missiles ) Aselsan LASER Weapon TUFAN Electromagnetic Railgun 222+ km ATMACA networked anti ship Missile 250km SOM networked Cruise Missile ( anti ship/ land attack ) GOKTUG Air to Air Missiles HISAR Air Defense System 120 km TRG-300 guided MLRS BORA Tactical Ballistic Missile
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LGK Laser guided Bomb - KGK -HGK and TEBER Smart Bombs TORK anti torpedo hard kill System ADA class stealth Corvette ALTAY Tank

Aselsan AKKOR Active Protection System

OMTAS Anti Tank Missile

MIZRAK Anti Tank Missile

CIRIT 70 mm laser guided Rocket for Attack Helicopters

SAPAN Electromagnetic Railgun

TAI T-625 Utility Helicopter

Aselsan ASYA Truck Mounted 15mm Howitzer

HISAR-A short range Air Defense System
Tubitak EWPOD Aircraft Self-Protection Jammer Pod

TUMOSAN "New Generation Diesel Engine "

TEI TS1400 Turboshaft Engine for Helicopters

TEI PD170 170 hp Turboprob Engine for UAVs

KALE Turbojet Engine for Cruise Missiles

Aselsan ASYA Exoskeleton System
also upcoming projects

TAI TFX 5+ gen Stealth Fighter will be in service by 2029

ISTANBUL class Frigate will be in service by 2021

TF-2000 class Destroyer will be in service by 2024

TF-100 ( TF-4500) class Frigate will be in service by 2029
Many people do not realize that the level of civilization of a country does not depend on science but on money and financial recources.

Science and technology only depends on the level of secularity of a country.

In britain the industrial revolution would have been imposible without rothshild debt funding.

And rothshild debt bonds are a huge scam by the way. Todays people suck the future of their own children. They eat the flesh of their own children practically.

Besides this global policy is based upon law of the jungle. No country will develope without an own identity.

China, japan, south korea developed because their identity is hard working labor force.

Germany, france, italy, brittain, netherlands, spain developed because their identity is colonialism.

USA developed because of imperialism.

Russia developed because of supremacy against eastern folks. Without suppressing them we would not survive

Thank YOU finally someone said it for me well kind of, the bit about rothschild money talk. If you submit to rothschild then you can have direct technology transfer so they will give you blueprints, material, et but they will be the accountants. In the end you will get tech but you be in debt, but they will allow you trade more openly while countries resisting will be restricted on trade etc. North korea?, Iran?

I suggest evryone interested to read these books avilabl free on pdf:

1. Major jordan diary
2. western technology and soviet economic development by prof antony sutton.


I like Tumoson vehicle. Also like the cockpit of T-625. What I don't like is the design of that helicopter. I would prefer a modern design like US RAIDER or the Russian equivalent.

isnt tf 2000 anti air defense?

As far as i know Iran produces nothing serious other then some ballistic missiles and rockets, so how could we compare with them?
I wouldn't sell iran short. They are already conducting ground tests of their 5th gen fighter Qaher 313 jet, while ours is still on paper. They rolled out Shahed 129, an MALE UAV years ago and are actively using it in Syria. Also they have an enviable missile and space program. After all, they did send their own satellites and some animals to space. Granted, the quality of most of these products are questionable, but still, Iran is a formidable rival.
I wouldn't sell iran short. They are already conducting ground tests of their 5th gen fighter Qaher 313 jet, while ours is still on paper. They rolled out Shahed 129, an MALE UAV years ago and are actively using it in Syria. Also they have an enviable missile and space program. After all, they did send their own satellites and some animals to space. Granted, the quality of most of these products are questionable, but still, Iran is a formidable rival.

True. Whilst they clearly lack in quality, they have shown the neccesary innovation and vision of a country that could rival us in the future. For the time being we arent really comparable as we are just doing much better because unlike them, we were not under cripling sanctions for many years. Their space program is a joke, but then what does that say about us when we clearly lack one ourselves.
Turkish civilian industry is also doing nice things in many different sectors but having difficulty to reveal a well-known World mark in global market.

Contrary to S. Korean example,

The Turkish strategic/vital components of civilian industry is being developed by Turkish defence institutes on electronics/electro-optic/screen/integrated circuit technologies. LED/OLED/Graphen screen cells, Lenses/optics, Transistors, photo-detectors, silicon based IC, GaN technologies have a wide range of usage area in civilian sector. 5G net technology is being developed by our giant Aselsan. Civilian satellite transponders, fully electrical busses/vehicles, national railway technologies such as Traction Control System, Train Control and Management Systems and Signalization Systems which have critical components in the field of Rail Transportation Technologies, are also same story.

Turkish defense land vehicle sector is being supported by Civilian automotive sub-system producers mostly locating in Marmara region.

Turkish naval industry is also being supported by many companies producing ship body mechanisms and components which are actually working for shipyards producing merchant ships.

Turkish aerial industry is advancing very fast. To support ongoing and future projects under the leadership of Tusaş, A big and large industrial complex, hundreds of institutes to be produced solely aerospace parts and components, are being established to serve the future of Turkiye in Kazan region/Ankara.

Those are civilian automotive subsystem producers supporting famous Turkish land vehicles manufacturers.

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The real strength of the big Korean companies is that they are groups (multinational conglomerate) that have so many services that they do not need ‘public finance’ in order to make future investments in R&D in the defense sector.

They can afford to take risks, make mistakes, to be wrong, there will always be money coming from another department to mop up the losses.

Samsung Group

Products : Apparel, chemicals, consumer electronics, electronic components, medical equipment, semiconductors, solid state drives, DRAM, ships, telecommunications equipment, home appliances.

Services : Advertising, construction, entertainment, financial services, hospitality, information and communications technology, medical and health care services, retail, shipbuilding.

Divisions :

Samsung Electronics
Samsung C&T Corporation
Samsung Heavy Industries
Samsung SDS
Samsung Life Insurance
Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance
Cheil Worldwide

True. Whilst they clearly lack in quality, they have shown the neccesary innovation and vision of a country that could rival us in the future. For the time being we arent really comparable as we are just doing much better because unlike them, we were not under cripling sanctions for many years. Their space program is a joke, but then what does that say about us when we clearly lack one ourselves.

It seems unthinkable for our region, but cooperation would benefit both countries. How proud could the region be if predominantly Muslim countries send people into space with their own technology? Shia and Sunni cooperating and advancing science and technology in the region. But not in the Middle East where a lot of people are stuck in their brains in medieval times.
I wouldn't sell iran short. They are already conducting ground tests of their 5th gen fighter Qaher 313 jet, while ours is still on paper. They rolled out Shahed 129, an MALE UAV years ago and are actively using it in Syria. Also they have an enviable missile and space program. After all, they did send their own satellites and some animals to space. Granted, the quality of most of these products are questionable, but still, Iran is a formidable rival.

5th gen fighter Qaher 313 Jet ? full of cheap Persian propaganda ..... that was nothing more than a poorly designed mock-up that would never fly

Qaher 313 is a toy ... nothing else .. bırakın kardeşim ucuz Pers propagandasını , torna atolyesinden cıkmış gibi Ucak , Helikopter , UAV leri bize modern silah gibi yutturmaya calışmayın

and Iran should develop first AESA Radar + E/O Systems + Targeting and Jamming Pods and weapon systems .....

and Shahed 129 is so garbage to compare with TAI ANKA-S ( superior E/O Sysyems ,,SAR Radar + SATCOM )

Iran is nothing to compare with TURKEY
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^agree with you about the qaher hobby toy plane but their ballistic missile technology is a bit further but not far from us. i know they have longer range missiles. i think if we are able to develop missiles like bora then we can also make a bigger versions with longer range .
didnt they shoot an ape into space ? if thats the case then they are at least 1 decade ahead of us (in space technology of course)
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