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I have a Question: to which western country we can compare Turkey in science and technology?.

Guys....Bismarck is here for years and he is being very polite.

Turks used to be known for their hospitality...please, be polite with him. You are giving us a bad name.
Lighten up man!
In 1980-90's, Turkish defensive science and technology activities had serious vision and planing problem so The development activities were mostly done with individual efforts of a few defence companies. Army was a big fan of USA and European hardwares so Industry had to work as a smee of Western contractors under some offset deals. The domestic projects were mostly generated from radios, command control software and artillery systems which was contributing to own Armed Forces around %18-20 in those years.

Today, Turkish defensive science and technology activities are totally connected into roadways and the institutes who is willing to join into a tender/project, must obey some obligations/rules/permissions in terms of smee share /R&D/secrecy/intellectual-property rights and industrial input/output activities. Planning/Roadway/complete product portfolio/subsystem expertise are what makes Turkish defence industry way better/stronger than Eastern European countries-planing/funding/roadway/concentrating over the deficiency/maturation. Today, For exm. We may predict the condition and technological level of Turkish defence industry for following 10 years thanks to SSM (Coordinator of Turkish defence projects/strategy design/development activities for industry) strategic planing pages and ongoing complete projects which is reached around 300 at present.


That's the league table of SSM analysts to put their current and future efforts into a group with countries having similar infrastructure. In accordance with analyse, Turkey's infrastructure (3-4 years ago) is around level-3 to level-4 group which seems ahead of Brazil like countries. The range of total ongoing defence projects carried out by Turkish institutes are quite large and deep in terms of big and strategic complete defence projects along with sub-component developments which is going to put Turkey into League-2 in a short time (It is stated clearly in official pages).

For exmp.
-TF-X stealth fighter project is a giant industrial revolution project with around planned 10000 engineer/technicians contribution in development/production period. No need to mention AA missiles, E/O systems, Mission computer/avionics/engine development/AESA radar projects following the paths of same project.

-Altay MBT is an industrial revolution project thanks to armour excellence center for reactive/composite/ceramic type armours to be applied for all type of vehicles. 1500hp Engine/ FCS / Akkor hard-kill project is also following the steps of Altay project.

-Milgem - Istanbul class frigate - TF-2000 destroyer - TF-100 multi-mission frigate - Milden submarine projects ! Another industrial revolution projects of Turkish naval industry. Long range radars/EW systems/Torpedo/anti-ship missile/CIWS/FCR/CMS/Railgun/Low/medium/long altitude Hisar based SAM projects, Mizrak based Temren missile projects, Gezgin land attack cruise missile projects...etc Rare states have capability of developing such big and complex naval projects.

-T-129 Atak thanks to Italian airframe know-how, later T-625 6t utility helicopter, new 3t utility helo, new 8t utility helo projects. Transmission/rotor/cockpit/EW and many ATGM projects called Mizrak family has followed baby steps of those helo projects.

-AESA/APAR based radar projects MAR (80km), Kalkan-2 (120+km), F-16 AESA, TF-X AESA, STR WLR(100+km), EIRS (600+km) Early Warning Radar, CAFRAD TF-2000 non-rotating radar complex... Those are highly strategic projects and their exportation are restricted with permissions of governments.

-Big NATO has just two long altitude SAM option (Aster and Patriot-THAAD is not export free for all states) for other NATO costumers. Turkey is the third state in NATO which is actively developing Low/Medium/Long Altitude SAM missiles domestically.

-NATO has 3-4 VWR and 3-4 BVR type of missile options but Turkish industry is going to test own developed VWR and BVR missiles in 2019.

-Turkey is actively charged to develop cruise missile for F-35 project. Turkish cruise missile will be offered to all F-35 costumers as a rival of Norway JSM.

-Turkey is among a few NATO state actively testing all long/medium/short range fire-forget/update ATGM in field.

-Turkey is among a few state revealed 122mm, 230mm, 300mm, 600mm precision guided artillery missile system.

-Turkey must be third NATO state planning (By 2020's) to use own combat management system called Genesis Advent, controlling own Multi-function/illumination/Fire control/Long range Early Warning radar complex + domestic surface to air missiles + CIWS + Atmaca Ship to ship missiles + Gezgin LACM on own designed 7000t destroyer after France and USA.

List is incredible large enough to take all my day time to tell What Turkish defence industry achieves in those days and I am not crazy to spend all my time to tell them.

but, In paralel to ongoing projects,

-Role model country walking similar paths/strategies for defence projects: S. Korea
-A country with similar infrastructure for some sectors (today): Maybe Sweeden or Norway in some aspects (?)
-By 2030, When many strategic projects materialized successfully: You will see a France in Anatolia
France is almost independent on all Land, Sea, Air platform and most of them are world class, they have a very strong industry foundation, the conclusion you draw there is too bold.
France is almost independent on all Land, Sea, Air platform and most of them are world class, they have a very strong industry foundation, the conclusion you draw there is too bold.

He specifically says by 2030 and gives detailed information as to how and why. If you disagree challenge his reasoning, not a general carpet statement.
France is almost independent on all Land, Sea, Air platform and most of them are world class, they have a very strong industry foundation, the conclusion you draw there is too bold.

by 2030 TURKEY also will become almost independent on all Land, Sea, Air platforms

1 ... ALTAY Tank ( with indigenous engine + AKKOR Active Protection System )
2 ... T-155 Storm and MKE Yavuz 155 mm Howitzers
3 ... TRG-122 and TRG-300 guided MLRS
4 ... J600T and BORA Tactical Ballistic Missiles
5 ... OMTAS Anti Tank Missile
6 ... MPT-76 Battle Rifle and JNG-90 Sniper Rifle
7 ... KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System
8 ... APC , AFV , IFV
9 ... SAMUR Amphibious Assault Bridge
10 ... Radars , E/O Systems , EW Systems
11 ... CENKER Future Soldier System

12 ... ASELSAN Quantum-well infrared photodetectors .....(only 5 in world wide)
13 ... ASELSAN NANO Tecnology microchip for Radars .....(only 4 in world wide)

14 ... SOM and SOM-J air launched network enabled Cruise Missiles ( anti ship / land attack )
15 ... GEZGIN land and naval based Cruise Missile
16 ... ATMACA anti ship Missile ( with RAMjet )
17 ... HISAR low,medium and high altitude Air Defense System Familiy and and MANPADS
18 ... KORKUT SPAAG ( 35 mm air bust ammunition )
19 ... TUFAN Electromagnetic Railgun
20 ... ASELSAN and TUBITAK high energy LASER
21 ... GOKTUG BVR and WVR air to air Missiles
22 ... Laser Guided Bombs , Guidance kits for Smart Bombs
23 ... ORKA light Torpedo and AKYA heavy Torpedo
24 ... TORK anti torpedo hard kill System
25 ... DAKA and ZARGANA Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasure Decoys
26 ... TEMREN anti ship Missile is designed primarily to be used by naval Helicopters
27 ... ROKETSAN ASW Rocket System Submarine Warfare

28 ... 450km CAFRAD GaN based AESA Radar for TF-2000 class Destroyer Project
29 ... 600km GaN based AESA Radar for HISAR-U long range Air Defense System Project
30 ... GaN based AESA Radar for TF-X 5+ gen stealth Fighter Jet project

31 ... ASELPOD Targeting Pod
32 ... MEHPOD Jamming Pod
33 ... ASELSAN Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System
34 ... ASELSAN Self-Protection Electronic Warfare Suite (SPEWS )
35 ... ASELSAN HEWS Helicopter Electronic Warfare System
36 ... TUBITAK Electronic Warfare Pod against air defense missiles and systems
37 ... MILDAR Attack Helicopter Fire control Radar
38 ... AVCI Helmet Integrated Cueing System (HICS)
39 ... ASELSAN National identification System
40 ... METEKSAN National Data Links
41 ... AYESAS and MILSOFT Data Software

42 ... TAI T-129 Attack Helicopter ( with indigenous engine + MILDAR fire control Radar + Weapon Systems )
43 ... TAI T-625 Utility Helicopter ( with indigenous engine )
44 ... TAI ANKA UAV ( with indigenous engine + SAR Radar + SATCOM + Laser guided Missiles )
45 ... TAI TF-X 5+ gen stealth Fighter Jet ( with indigenous engine )
46 ... TAI GOKTURK Military Satellite Familiy
47 ... TAI HURKUS Trainer and light attack Aircraft
48 ... Bayraktar TB-2S Tactical UCAV

49 ... ADA class Corvette
50 ... MILGEM - I class Frigate
51 ... TF-4500 class Frigate
52 ... TF-2000 class Destroyer
53 ... Fast Attack Missile Boat
54 ... MILDEN class Submarine
55 ... Aircraft Carrier for 2030s
56 ... LHD ( under license production )
57 ... LST
58 ... Super Tanker

and many more

by 2030 TURKEY also will become almost independent on all Land, Sea, Air platforms

1 ... ALTAY Tank ( with indigenous engine + AKKOR Active Protection System )
2 ... T-155 Storm and MKE Yavuz 155 mm Howitzers
3 ... TRG-122 and TRG-300 guided MLRS
4 ... J600T and BORA Tactical Ballistic Missiles
5 ... OMTAS Anti Tank Missile
6 ... MPT-76 Battle Rifle and JNG-90 Sniper Rifle
7 ... KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System
8 ... APC , AFV , IFV
9 ... SAMUR Amphibious Assault Bridge
10 ... Radars , E/O Systems , EW Systems
11 ... CENKER Future Soldier System

12 ... ASELSAN Quantum-well infrared photodetectors .....(only 5 in world wide)
13 ... ASELSAN NANO Tecnology microchip for Radars .....(only 4 in world wide)

14 ... SOM and SOM-J air launched network enabled Cruise Missiles ( anti ship / land attack )
15 ... GEZGIN land and naval based Cruise Missile
16 ... ATMACA anti ship Missile ( with RAMjet )
17 ... HISAR low,medium and high altitude Air Defense System Familiy and and MANPADS
18 ... KORKUT SPAAG ( 35 mm air bust ammunition )
19 ... TUFAN Electromagnetic Railgun
20 ... ASELSAN and TUBITAK high energy LASER
21 ... GOKTUG BVR and WVR air to air Missiles
22 ... Laser Guided Bombs , Guidance kits for Smart Bombs
23 ... ORKA light Torpedo and AKYA heavy Torpedo
24 ... TORK anti torpedo hard kill System
25 ... DAKA and ZARGANA Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasure Decoys
26 ... TEMREN anti ship Missile is designed primarily to be used by naval Helicopters
27 ... ROKETSAN ASW Rocket System Submarine Warfare

28 ... 450km CAFRAD GaN based AESA Radar for TF-2000 class Destroyer Project
29 ... 600km GaN based AESA Radar for HISAR-U long range Air Defense System Project
30 ... GaN based AESA Radar for TF-X 5+ gen stealth Fighter Jet project

31 ... ASELPOD Targeting Pod
32 ... MEHPOD Jamming Pod
33 ... ASELSAN Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System
34 ... ASELSAN Self-Protection Electronic Warfare Suite (SPEWS )
35 ... ASELSAN HEWS Helicopter Electronic Warfare System
36 ... TUBITAK Electronic Warfare Pod against air defense missiles and systems
37 ... MILDAR Attack Helicopter Fire control Radar
38 ... AVCI Helmet Integrated Cueing System (HICS)
39 ... ASELSAN National identification System
40 ... METEKSAN National Data Links
41 ... AYESAS and MILSOFT Data Software

42 ... TAI T-129 Attack Helicopter ( with indigenous engine + MILDAR fire control Radar + Weapon Systems )
43 ... TAI T-625 Utility Helicopter ( with indigenous engine )
44 ... TAI ANKA UAV ( with indigenous engine + SAR Radar + SATCOM + Laser guided Missiles )
45 ... TAI TF-X 5+ gen stealth Fighter Jet ( with indigenous engine )
46 ... TAI GOKTURK Military Satellite Familiy
47 ... TAI HURKUS Trainer and light attack Aircraft
48 ... Bayraktar TB-2S Tactical UCAV

49 ... ADA class Corvette
50 ... MILGEM - I class Frigate
51 ... TF-4500 class Frigate
52 ... TF-2000 class Destroyer
53 ... Fast Attack Missile Boat
54 ... MILDEN class Submarine
55 ... Aircraft Carrier for 2030s
56 ... LHD ( under license production )
57 ... LST
58 ... Super Tanker

and many more

It is a wish list, isn't it?Plus I believed the thread title says "Science and Technology", so how about civilian sector, thus i find this conclusion of "A France in Anatolia by 2030” too bold.
It is a wish list, isn't it?Plus I believed the thread title says "Science and Technology", so how about civilian sector, thus i find this conclusion of "A France in Anatolia by 2030” too bold.

It is not a wish list ..... Turkey started to develop all projects on the list ( even most of them are in service and will be in service in the next a few years)

only TF-2000 class Destroyer will be in service by 2024
TF-X 5+ gen stealth Fighter Jet will be in 2029
and MILDEN class Submarine will be in service by 2030

We are talking about Military technology .......
there are also many projects for civilian sector ... I can show you hundreds of projects about civilian sector
but Turkey needs more 10-15 years


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