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I can answer questions about China and help you understand our country

The Chinese people are only concerned about two problems in Afghanistan:
1. Stop growing drugs.
2. Relationship between Taliban and ISIS.
Do the Chinese people think that the isis is an organic organization that they claim to be? organic meaning that they weren't actually created by the cia/mi6/mossad gang...or do the Chinese people think that isis is an american cia creation just so that it can keep having excuses to create wars?
IF the Taliban fulfills its promises to prohibit external extremist forces from using Afghanistan as a safe haven, and protect Chinese investment in Taliban-controlled territory, then there is no reason not to develop a stable & friendly relationship with Afghanistan. EVEN IF the Taliban only manages to do the former & not the latter, it’s still grounds for having an amicable relationship.
IF the Taliban fulfills its promises to prohibit external extremist forces from using Afghanistan as a safe haven, and protect Chinese investment in Taliban-controlled territory, then there is no reason not to develop a stable & friendly relationship with Afghanistan. EVEN IF the Taliban only manages to do the former & not the latter, it’s still grounds for having an amicable relationship.
they will have no choice but to protect Chinese investments. after almost 45 years of war, the taliban need to fully concentrate on infrastucture development, human development and law n order within the country. China along with all of the other afghan's neighbors including Pakistan will definitely help with the first two but they will have to provide stable law and order. afghanistan under the taliban now have no enemies around them, all of your neighbors are friendly with zero hostilities towards you and towards each other. Frankly, my advice to the taliban would be that at least for the next 10 years, don't have an army OR an air force; just maintain a strong police and border paramilitary force and just concentrate 100% on infrastructure and human development. After 10 years of prosperity and depending on the global strategic situation, then they can develop a strong army and air force for now, maintain law and order, develop infrastructure and develop your people. Its allies like Pakistan, China, Iran and Russia will guarantee their sovereign protection during this time of development.
I come from Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, China. I am a foreign trade manager of a state-owned enterprise, mainly selling cemented carbide products.

Zhuzhou is experiencing the second wave of epidemic, and I was left in Hong Kong because of the closure of the city.

The number of new crown patients in Zhuzhou is the sixth in China and one of the cities with the highest risk level. So I will introduce the current situation of the epidemic in China.

If you have any questions about China, you can ask me and I will try my best to answer them.

Yesterday, 5 new crown patients were added in our city, and the existing patients reached 29.
View attachment 768444
Okay, what is your opinion on Chinese Communism? How many of the people in the Chinese Communist Party are Communists?

Thanks and Regard.


Once the busiest chicken street street in Kabul, photographed by Chinese businessmen。
Do the Chinese people think that the isis is an organic organization that they claim to be? organic meaning that they weren't actually created by the cia/mi6/mossad gang...or do the Chinese people think that isis is an american cia creation just so that it can keep having excuses to create wars?

We don't know.
We just need ISIS to stay away from us. We don't welcome them. If they enter Afghanistan, we will block the wahan corridor, which is only 15 km wide. It's easy to block it.

There is a Chinese proverb: only when the tide recedes can we know who is swimming naked. This is not the time to track down those behind ISIS. If we do so now, we are likely to be misled by the trap.

If ISIS wants to get rid of the suspicion that they are controlled by the CIA, MI6 and Mossad, they can prove themselves by damaging the interests of the USA and Israel. If ISIS doesn't want to do it. Whether the CIA(MIA, Mossad) is behind ISIS or not, ISIS is serves the interests of the CIA (MIA, Mossad) , it is the same.
they will have no choice but to protect Chinese investments. after almost 45 years of war, the taliban need to fully concentrate on infrastucture development, human development and law n order within the country. China along with all of the other afghan's neighbors including Pakistan will definitely help with the first two but they will have to provide stable law and order. afghanistan under the taliban now have no enemies around them, all of your neighbors are friendly with zero hostilities towards you and towards each other. Frankly, my advice to the taliban would be that at least for the next 10 years, don't have an army OR an air force; just maintain a strong police and border paramilitary force and just concentrate 100% on infrastructure and human development. After 10 years of prosperity and depending on the global strategic situation, then they can develop a strong army and air force for now, maintain law and order, develop infrastructure and develop your people. Its allies like Pakistan, China, Iran and Russia will guarantee their sovereign protection during this time of development.
If the Taliban stop growing drugs and expel ISIS, China will certainly invest in Afghanistan. Chinese understand that Afghans grow drugs to survive, and Chinese will create jobs for Afghanistan as compensation.
Okay, what is your opinion on Chinese Communism? How many of the people in the Chinese Communist Party are Communists?

Thanks and Regard.
I come from a tradition CCP family.
My grandfather used to be a volunteer soldiers, he used to take part in the Korean War as a driver.
My parents have been in the CCP for more than 50 years.
My wife and I are both CCP member, and even my father-in-law is also a CCP member.

I don't think I'm fit to answer your question.
I come from a tradition CCP family.
My grandfather used to be a volunteer soldiers, he used to take part in the Korean War as a driver.
My parents have been in the CCP for more than 50 years.
My wife and I are both CCP member, and even my father-in-law is also a CCP member.

I don't think I'm fit to answer your question.

you have any pics of your grandfather while he was volunteer solider?
I come from a tradition CCP family.
My grandfather used to be a volunteer soldiers, he used to take part in the Korean War as a driver.
My parents have been in the CCP for more than 50 years.
My wife and I are both CCP member, and even my father-in-law is also a CCP member.

I don't think I'm fit to answer your question.
Strange. Wouldn't that make you even more fit to answer that question?
Okay, what is your opinion on Chinese Communism? How many of the people in the Chinese Communist Party are Communists?

Thanks and Regard.
For China, the best party is at least better than Republicans and Democrats in the United States, conservatives and Labour in Britain. It will not be hampered by votes and money, nor will it require compromises or changes to policies that must be implemented. It can give priority to remote and poor areas and populations, regardless of the proportion of benefits. It will not be controlled by capital behind the scenes, what is good for the country and the people, but not what is good for capital, it will not hesitate to do it. It can flexibly adjust policies, such as implementing special economic and political systems for a region as a pilot area, and adjust policies according to the test results.
There are 90 million members of the Communist Party in China.
For China, the best party is at least better than Republicans and Democrats in the United States, conservatives and Labour in Britain. It will not be hampered by votes and money, nor will it require compromises or changes to policies that must be implemented. It can give priority to remote and poor areas and populations, regardless of the proportion of benefits. It will not be controlled by capital behind the scenes, what is good for the country and the people, but not what is good for capital, it will not hesitate to do it. It can flexibly adjust policies, such as implementing special economic and political systems for a region as a pilot area, and adjust policies according to the test results.
There are 90 million members of the Communist Party in China.
Oh wow! As you know Chinese government is not practicing economic communism. China is a Mixed economy.

Chinese Communist Party sees itself the defender of Communism in the world.

But atleast they are better than American political parties.
Americans are always dishonest.
I am speaking from experience like the Mohammad Mossadeq removal, WMDs in Iraq, or the infamous Pressler Amendment on Pakistan for developing nuclear weapons.

Who said nuclear weapons are just for the West. LOL!

The western countries just wants to subjugate other nations.

Even their lapdog nation of Japan is a slave of USA. Japan doesn't even have a real military.

Japan traded independence for western technology.

I would rather work with those Chinese Communists than say the treacherous and doublecrossing West.
For China, the best party is at least better than Republicans and Democrats in the United States, conservatives and Labour in Britain. It will not be hampered by votes and money, nor will it require compromises or changes to policies that must be implemented. It can give priority to remote and poor areas and populations, regardless of the proportion of benefits. It will not be controlled by capital behind the scenes, what is good for the country and the people, but not what is good for capital, it will not hesitate to do it. It can flexibly adjust policies, such as implementing special economic and political systems for a region as a pilot area, and adjust policies according to the test results.
There are 90 million members of the Communist Party in China.
Chinese relationship with Pakistani government is much better than say with Indian government.

But Chinese people do not know Pakistanis very well, because most Chinese people live in the East coast.
Only some Chinese live in Tibet or Xinjiang province.
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The picture shows the statue of Confucius in Tiananmen Square. Chinese ideology merges with traditional Chinese culture, absorbing the advantages of socialism and capitalism.
View attachment 770532
The picture shows the statue of Confucius in Tiananmen Square. Chinese ideology merges with traditional Chinese culture, absorbing the advantages of socialism and capitalism.
Do you believe there is an ideological struggle between Socialism and Capitalism proposed by USA. I too am very critical of uncontrolled capitalism and how it is exploitative of the lower classes of society.
Do you believe there is an ideological struggle between Socialism and Capitalism proposed by USA. I too am very critical of uncontrolled capitalism and how it is exploitative of the lower classes of society.
"Black cat or white cat, if it can catch mice, it's a good cat."Deng Xiaoping's remark is accepted by the vast majority of Chinese people.
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