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I can answer questions about China and help you understand our country

So....help me out here.
Han Chinese eat everything except dairy?
I been to Guangzou meat Market and it looked like a zoo.
Someone told me that this idea of eating everything was put forward by communist party, so that people can be fed.
But surprised dairy isn't part of diet.
Many Han Chinese are also lactose intolerant. Milk is one of the well known allergens.
Of course there is going to be a difference. Asians tend to like bitterness over sweet so restaurants have to adjust the taste for the local population otherwise they'd go out of business.

There's even differences in taste for the same products sold in the EU vs the US...like Nutella.

There's taste tests showing people don't like Italian pizza..how screwball is that.
Yes, there are some bitter foods in China, such as balsam pear, but Chinese people don't like bitter taste.
China is very big, different places have different taste preferences.
For example, Shanghai and Jiangsu like sweetness. I have eaten their fish and steamed stuffed buns, and they are sweet. I don't like them, but it's really Chinese food, American Chinese food is not. They are easy to distinguish, but I don't know why.
Do Chinese eat butter?

It's not mainstream food, but some people eat it. You should go to the supermarket to find it, not a small shop.

There are many large supermarkets in Chinese cities, it should not be difficult for you to find them. It would be easier if you were in Guangzhou.
If you can't find it, the reason may be that there are too many goods in the supermarket. I suggest you ask the shopping guide.
You can also buy it online.
OK, so which ethnic group lives in Guangzhou? I couldn't find butter anywhere in the city?
Most people in Guangzhou are Han people. In 2019, there are 100000 legal foreigners with visas and 300000 illegal foreigners without visas in Guangzhou, mainly Africans. But because of the epidemic, many foreigners cannot return to China, and the number is much less.


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So....help me out here.
Han Chinese eat everything except dairy?
I been to Guangzou meat Market and it looked like a zoo.
Someone told me that this idea of eating everything was put forward by communist party, so that people can be fed.
But surprised dairy isn't part of diet.
Guangzhou people do have bad recipes. Han people in other places laugh at Guangzhou Han people like this: Guangzhou people eat all four legs things except tables and all two legs things except human.

Of course, this evaluation is somewhat exaggerated. But it does tell us that Guangzhou people have bad eating habits. Guangzhou people are special. Compared with other Chinese people, their recipes are closer to Southeast Asian people than traditional Han recipes. Shenzhen and Guangzhou are only 130 kilometers away. Shenzhen is also a big city for Han people. The diet of Shenzhen people is very normal.
PDF has Southeast Asian members. Maybe we can listen to Southeast Asian recipes.

There is no shortage of food in China. The diet of Guangzhou people is their own bad habit and has nothing to do with other Chinese people. China's annual grain output is 669 million tons, twice that of India. China imports 100 million tons of grain every year and does not export grain. India exports 30 million tons of grain every year. Considering that the population gap between China and India is not large, the annual per capita food consumption of Chinese people should be three times that of Indians (I'm sorry, I admit that there is a problem of food waste in China, and we need time to correct this mistake. and the problem of food waste in Japan is more serious than that in China). If China is short of food, what will happen to India?
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Yes, there are some bitter foods in China, such as balsam pear, but Chinese people don't like bitter taste.
China is very big, different places have different taste preferences.
For example, Shanghai and Jiangsu like sweetness. I have eaten their fish and steamed stuffed buns, and they are sweet. I don't like them, but it's really Chinese food, American Chinese food is not. They are easy to distinguish, but I don't know why.

I'm sure there is a big difference between going to a restaurant in a US Chinatown where the customers are 99.9% Chinese and the menu has 4 pages in English and 8 pages in Chinese

than going to a PF Changs where the customers are 99.9% non-Chinese and there is no Chinese menu.
(He's a Falun Gong guy BTW)

I'd find it hard to believe a non-Chinatown restaurant in Pakistan is going to taste more authentic.
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OK, that answers my question.

Many people don't know that Chinese people's bodies are very different from westerners.
1. Chinese people are generally lactose intolerant. Eating too much dairy products will lead to diarrhea.
2. The Chinese have only 28 teeth, the Westerners have 32 teeth, and the aborigines in the southern hemisphere have 40 teeth.
3. The Chinese have only 204 bones and the Westerners have 206 bones.
4. Different from westerners, Chinese masticatory muscles have degenerated and are not suitable for biting and eating raw meat.
5. The evolution of the olecranon hook and the cartilage layer of the knee joint surface of the Chinese is faster than that of the westerners, so the flexibility of the Chinese is better.
6. Chinese people have small nostrils and little body hair, so they are not good at vigorous exercise that requires a lot of oxygen. It also makes Chinese people less prone to obesity.
7, Westerners have body odor, Chinese people do not have body odor, so men's perfume has no market in China.
There is no shortage of food in China. The diet of Guangzhou people is their own bad habit and has nothing to do with other Chinese people. China's annual grain output is 669 million tons, twice that of India. China imports 100 million tons of grain every year and does not export grain. India exports 30 million tons of grain every year. If China is short of food, what will happen to India?

Many people don't know that Chinese people's bodies are very different from westerners.
1. Chinese people are generally lactose intolerant. Eating too much dairy products will lead to diarrhea.
2. The Chinese have only 28 teeth, the Westerners have 32 teeth, and the aborigines in the southern hemisphere have 40 teeth.
3. The Chinese have only 204 bones and the Westerners have 206 bones.
4. Different from westerners, Chinese masticatory muscles have degenerated and are not suitable for biting and eating raw meat.
5. The evolution of the olecranon hook and the cartilage layer of the knee joint surface of the Chinese is faster than that of the westerners, so the flexibility of the Chinese is better.
6. Chinese people have small nostrils and little body hair, so they are not good at vigorous exercise that requires a lot of oxygen. It also makes Chinese people less prone to obesity.
7, Westerners have body odor, Chinese people do not have body odor, so men's perfume has no market in China.

Bro that's a damn daylight robbery right there

Where are they even putting these teeths, I am pretty sure humans have pretty similar facial size (depending on hieght etc)

A human being with 40 teeths is crazy, what are they even eating?...
Excellent Thread

My Question 1
With rise of China, its obvious that West will attack china directly and indirectly. Is there a debate internally in China about the need of global military/naval bases to protect Chinese and Chinese allies' interests?

As an example of the recent attack on Chinese engineers in Pakistan by Indian RAW and Afghan NDS,why doesn't China believe (or portray publicly) in militarily threatening its enemies? How long do you think you can have a peaceful rise before West "physically" blocking you? When will your hawks dominate your doves, if ever?

Soft power is very important, India's bollywood has an impact across the globe despite being much poor. Why is China not focused or deems unnecessary the need of a robust cinema and TV(news and entertainment) which can propagate Chinese softer image across the globe? I know China is doing it on small scale but its not proportionate to Chinese global position.

95% of Chinese people do not support a large number of overseas bases, do not support overseas wars, or fight for global hegemony with the United States. I personally think that 5 overseas bases are enough for China to protect its own interests.
2. The Chinese market is large enough. As long as film and television production companies have a market share in China, they are enough to make a lot of money, so they will not spend a lot of energy on overseas expansion. On the contrary, South Korea has a small domestic market, so it needs global operations.
Other reasons include differences in culture and religion. Most film and television companies don’t know what kind of works foreigners like.
The censorship system, no ghosts, no discrimination against certain ethnic groups, no drugs, no violence, no blood, no drag racing on the road , which hinder the creation of horror movies, action movies, etc;
The company is small and does not have enough experience to produce sophisticated and excellent works;
Diarrhea is not the main symptom of lactose intolerance. Excessive farting is the main one. When the body cannot digest lactose, it stays inside the guts. Bacteria soak it up and produce a fook tonne of gas with it...

what do Chinese people want improved in their lives, that many if not most westerners or people in developed countries take for granted? One aspect a Chinese colleague brought up to me was the limited quality of the public/government hospitals in China. Would you say this is true and if so what can be done about it? Also what other aspects of a regular person’s life do most Chinese people aspire to improve in their lives, individually and collectively?
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Diarrhea is not the main symptom of lactose intolerance. Excessive farting is the main one. When the body cannot digest lactose, it stays inside the guts. Bacteria soak it up and produce a fook tonne of gas with it...

I don't know it. I haven't tried it. I only drink fermented yogurt, not pure milk.
Many people don't know that Chinese people's bodies are very different from westerners.
1. Chinese people are generally lactose intolerant. Eating too much dairy products will lead to diarrhea.
2. The Chinese have only 28 teeth, the Westerners have 32 teeth, and the aborigines in the southern hemisphere have 40 teeth.
3. The Chinese have only 204 bones and the Westerners have 206 bones.
4. Different from westerners, Chinese masticatory muscles have degenerated and are not suitable for biting and eating raw meat.
5. The evolution of the olecranon hook and the cartilage layer of the knee joint surface of the Chinese is faster than that of the westerners, so the flexibility of the Chinese is better.
6. Chinese people have small nostrils and little body hair, so they are not good at vigorous exercise that requires a lot of oxygen. It also makes Chinese people less prone to obesity.
7, Westerners have body odor, Chinese people do not have body odor, so men's perfume has no market in China.
Mindboggling information. I also read East Asian mature slower than Westerners, hence they look younger and their brains grow bigger too.
This thread is very informative and the author has given a matter-of-fact answers from ground level without attempting to brag or denigrate. He has also sidestepped the few jerks who tried to bait him.
Carry on.
*My question: what does autonomy entail in the " Autonomous " Provinces? If you visited one, did you find anything different?

what do Chinese people want improved in their lives, that many if not most westerners or people in developed countries take for granted? One aspect a Chinese colleague brought up to me was the limited quality of the public/government hospitals in China. Would you say this is true and if so what can be done about it? Also what other aspects of a regular person’s life do most Chinese people aspire to improve in their lives, individually and collectively?

Mindboggling information. I also read East Asian mature slower than Westerners, hence they look younger and their brains grow bigger too.
This thread is very informative and the author has given a matter-of-fact answers from ground level without attempting to brag or denigrate. He has also sidestepped the few jerks who tried to bait him.
Carry on.
*My question: what does autonomy entail in the " Autonomous " Provinces? If you visited one, did you find anything different?
It Contrary to India.
In China, the quality of public hospitals is much better than that of private hospitals. But public hospitals have too many patients, private hospitals are cheaper and have few patients.

I personally hope to get a higher income. I also hope Westerners will reduce discrimination against Chinese people. I hope the government will reward childbirth. My family has two children. My neighbor is the DINK family. Although my income is more than twice that of them, they live better than us. It's unfair. Given China's poor population growth rate, I should be rewarded.
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Soft power is very important, India's bollywood has an impact across the globe despite being much poor. Why is China not focused or deems unnecessary the need of a robust cinema and TV(news and entertainment) which can propagate Chinese softer image across the globe? I know China is doing it on small scale but its not proportionate to Chinese global position.

There are many reasons, but there are three main ones: 1. We all like to see the cultural products of rich countries, which is because we aspire to a rich life. China's current level of economic development has enabled Chinese people to live a comfortable life, which has been achieved only recently, not for a long time. 2, China has been the target of Western imperialism and Soviet suppression, a stumbling block to their world domination. This made it inevitable that the West and the Soviet Union would smear, discredit, and suppress China through various means in the media, academia.3, The Chinese government and people have always made it clear from the founding of the country that the highest priority development goal is hard power, so the development of soft power has not gained importance. I think this policy is correct. With the existence of the first two reasons, developing soft power is a pure waste of time, money, and energy.

Now the world's media platforms are basically owned by the United States, and it is impossible to show China's soft power through these media platforms. Soft power is like military power, if you want to deploy military power overseas, you necessarily need to get the permission of the world's bosses. The reason why Japan, South Korea, and Britain's soft power can have influence overseas is that they have the permission of the United States, and the size of their soft power is also under the control of the United States. South Korea's current cultural soft power over Japan, is also the result of U.S. manipulation, just as electronic products from Japan to South Korea, are products of the will of the United States .
As a vassal state of the United States, the United States suppresses Japan and supports its rival (South Korea) when it reaches a certain level of power. By the same token, in order to suppress China, the U.S. and Britain have historically supported Japan, and when China's power further increased, they increased their support for India.

By the same token, China and Pakistan are unlikely to promote soft power on Indian, Japanese media platforms. This has nothing to do with the level of effort China and Pakistan put into promoting soft power.

I don't know if you can use Chinese version of tiktok (抖音 快手) or you can use some software from Chinese companies like wetv etc. so you can see China on Chinese media.

More than spreading soft power, I want to spread the idea of creating a better life through labor.

Foreigners' misunderstanding of China, ignorance,that is their own problem. Some countries like to make up fake news and rumors, this is their culture and custom, they always like to create enemies, whether external or internal, always hostile to each other, hatred, discrimination. I think this is the result of the political system in Western countries, where each political party has its own media, and they get political support by lying and attacking each other to discredit each other. Their political system itself relies on the mouth (soft power). Those who can speak, those who can guide the public, and those who can get strong media support can come to power. China's political system is the opposite, he does not rely on soft power (mouth), but on the hand, only those who can do something can come to power.

Why is the source of most superstitions believed by Chinese..why do they dont like number 4 ..
Chinese people actually do not have many superstitions, what you said has something to do with the pronunciation, if the pronunciation of 4 is die, if the pronunciation of 8 is rich, how do you think people will choose the number.
If it were you, how would you choose what number? 💕

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