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Hypothetical scenario : Can Bangladesh beat back India in a war of attrition?

what exactly did i overestimate? That IAF wont be able to easily take BD af? or that IN wont easily take our BN?

No - those are POSSIBLE. Maybe not easily, but given some effort, yes. Especially air superiority...

However Army-wise, no.

I am just continuing this conversation with you to educate you - but if you had even a little idea about military countermeasures, you would not talk like you did.

Being the armchair arms expert you are, consider some counter-offensive measures for all three armed forces scenarios, such as short, medium, long-range...SHORAD, GMLRS, Ballistic weapons etc. I believe Indians are far more prone to believe the efficacy of their own weapon systems (given recent bhakt propaganda) than is PROVEN.

Many of those countermeasures are available to equip at far less outlay and with far more sophistication, CEP, efficacy than conventional weapons. A simple Bakhtar Shikan missile (HJ-8) costing way less than say a thousand dollars can disable a 3 or 4 million dollar 'numbers' tank, ERA etc. notwithstanding. Disabing Arjuns and T-90's will take more effort, but Arjuns especially are plenty capable of disabling themselves on their own given how heavy and unwieldy they are. :-)

With that type of scenario, the era of tanks have basically come to an end. Even weapons as simple as the Bakhtar Shikan are well proven in Syria, Bosnia conflicts and have proven deadly against T-72 and T-80 tanks...

So - educate yourself. Go talk to some Indian army folks, you will get a better picture.
My 2 cents on what would significantly help Bangladesh's ability to fend off India with long range weapons.

1. Bangladesh needs to invest in offensive artillery, and rocket force to take out Indian strategic targets early in the conflict with overwhelming firepower launched towards every single target. Dozens of rockets should be launched similar to American tactic in '03.

A-300 MLRS with 290 km range.

Indian airbase near Bangladesh represent small circles, and A-300 represnts big circles in various locations.

2. Investing in shore batteries of anti-ship missiles like Marte, and Exocet. DON'T allow India to blockade Bangladesh and harass Indian ships as much as possible with goals of destroying Indian ships.

200 km

Not complete, but want to see input of other members.

Bangladesh needs to ally with Pakistan ASAP and possibly make a mutual defense pact if possible. India couldn't face them both at the same time if BD develop it's military capabilities. How likely is this? Not likely at all, but I can wish.
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'Shock and Awe'?

Guessing this complies with MTCR?
Yeah, exactly Shock and Awe, and yes it does comply with MTCR. I think if BD could apply my concept it would destroy a good percentage of Indian air force and allow BAF(if expanded) to operate without major opposition for at least a few weeks.
4. Someone claiming India won't be able to sustain gureilla warfare, long drawn out wars like Afghanistan and Vietnam.
What makes you think India will not be using to flush the BD gureillas using all the tech and equipment at its disposal. If you think, India has not be able to clear the Naga and Naxal insurgency so it wont be able to clear BD gureillas as well, then you are mistaken. India has a policy to not use air power or heavy weapons against its own population even in insurgency on its own land. BDs are foreigners on a foreign land. All the assets will be in play here. And don't for a second think that its only BD that knows gureilla warfare. Our forces know *a thing or two.* Check the location of Afg and Vietnam on map and see how far they are from USA and Russia. Now check how far BD is from IND, Oh wait, its surrounded.

That said, why will BD and Ind fight?

Ah yes, what US couldn't do in 2 decades, India can. Don't believe everything you see in Bollywood.

The question was on the attrition war. That means the scenario is Indians are aggressors in Bangladesh. Try to understand the context.

The very fact that India is near to Bangladesh, as opposed to US in Afghanistan/Vietnam, is also the reason why India will not think about destabilizing the peace in the region. Especially in the North-East, where it is difficult to police. In case of a prolonged occupation of Bangladeshi territory, there will be random sporadic attacks on Indian soil as well. This is something Viet-Cong or the Talibans could never do to US because of the distance.

Will these guerilla attacks inside Bangladesh and India, demolish the Indian military? Absolutely not. But over time it will create enough damage to force the Indian occupation force to rethink the objective and withdraw from Bangladesh.

The war of attrition means when the aggressor suffers so many casualties, that the cost of holding territory is more than abandoning it. Thus, even though the aggressor was able to neutralize and demolish the defender, it is still a lost cause for the aggressor.

And that is precisely why a war between India and Bangladesh will not happen.

Some other country also had the same misconception that they will be able to harm India guerrilla warfare and inflict 1000 cut on India. They are bleeding very badly now.

We do not make movies for Bangladesh specially. We releases movies for all predominately for Indian audience. They are not made to Promote soft power. It is a different matter that it promotes soft power not only in BD but in countries like china as well.

First, the hypothetical situation is an active war zone where Bangladesh has been occupied by India like Iraq or Afghanistan. My comments were based on that scenario. Kashmir is not an active war zone, understand the difference.

Of course you don't make movies for Bangladesh specifically. But nonetheless, it is a means of projecting soft power which the Indian government has been leveraging. And that is why I want my countrymen to be aware of this soft aggression.
Prior to the Indo-Chinese war in 1962, there used to be a thriving Chinese community in Assam and other parts of NE. Beginning of the hostilities saw the most of them pack their bags and leave for China.

Similar events will unfold in NE against the Bangladeshis if, God forbid, war ever breaks out between India and BD. And Bangladesh will face a massive exodus of illegal Bangladeshi refugees living in NE.

Thoughts of capturing chicken neck and causing instability in NE are merely Bangladeshi wet dreams on two counts. Firstly, we in the NE harbour a strong dislike for the Bangladeshis and will leave no stone unturned to teach them a lesson for their transgression. Secondly, the security personnel, arms and equipments stationed in the NE alone is more than enough to subdue the Bangladesh's joke of an armed forces. Those getting trained by our forces in guerrilla warfare in NE shouldn't dream of being disobedient. Bangladesh should realise its place in the food chain, and harbouring these delusions else Sylhet and CHT is just hours away..
That's impossible, you'd would get mowed down. Any one knows this.
Yeah, alright! Mighty Sylhetis will cut India's chicken neck and cause instability in NE without having as much a scratch on their sorry and sordid self. New master race is emerging, i suppose.. Karimganj, Hailakandi and Cachar will be bereft of you Sylheti miyas and you better ask your parents to make room for some of them in your London House.
Prior to the Indo-Chinese war in 1962, there used to be a thriving Chinese community in Assam and other parts of NE. Beginning of the hostilities saw the most of them pack their bags and leave for China.

Similar events will unfold in NE against the Bangladeshis if, God forbid, war ever breaks out between India and BD. And Bangladesh will face a massive exodus of illegal Bangladeshi refugees living in NE.

Thoughts of capturing chicken neck and causing instability in NE are merely Bangladeshi wet dreams on two counts. Firstly, we in the NE harbour a strong dislike for the Bangladeshis and will leave no stone unturned to teach them a lesson for their transgression. Secondly, the security personnel, arms and equipments stationed in the NE alone is more than enough to subdue the Bangladesh's joke of an armed forces. Those getting trained by our forces in guerrilla warfare in NE shouldn't dream of being disobedient. Bangladesh should realise its place in the food chain, and harbouring these delusions else Sylhet and CHT is just hours away..

Enough with your nonsense. Correct yourself by saying Indian Bengali instead of Bangladeshi. Bangladeshis have far more important things to do than going to a backward region like Assam with half living standard that of Bangladesh. After NRC it will be appreciated you stop your nonsense and garbage propaganda regarding Bengali Muslims as already 11.2 million out of 11.9 million have been legalized. Many others those who left out are woman and children who will be added as well as their family members are in NRC. Only around 100-250k will eventually left out where most will get back to NRC after appeal to Court. Assam is already Bengali majority state and prepare yourself to start living under their dominance. After NRC such dominance will only become stronger.
you can beat them if you ask for chinese help otherwise no chance.i have seen many indian members talking about bangladesh and how they can defeat bangladesh.i think war will end within two to three days.bangladesh is very small.
Of course you don't make movies for Bangladesh specifically. But nonetheless, it is a means of projecting soft power which the Indian government has been leveraging. And that is why I want my countrymen to be aware of this soft aggression.

Our film makers make movie with target audience predominantly Indian and motive is to make money. It is a different matter if it generates soft power because of its vibrancy. Our government has nothing to do with this.
My answer is here. https://www.heritage.org/military-s...essays/logistics-the-lifeblood-military-power.

We are always too quick to answer that since India is a big Country and have more military personnel, so they can easily win. We never considered the reality.

We must look at history. History teach us that many times small army beat a bigger army.

Let's take a look at first and second battle of panipat. And also let's look at Rajput resistance. Number of military personnel was not a very big deal.
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You are the one who is seriously trolling here.
He just asked a question , so I am unable to understand that how it can be trolling .
Tell me somw good reason of why will India invade BD
In this world there is no real friend exist , all are actually friends with benefit , and if India's interest will be seriously harmed , they will try to invade us . So this is not Veda bakyam , that once ally can't be adversary in future .
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