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Hypothetical: Initial Israeli F-15 strike on Iran’s nuclear installations

Iranian air force practicing:


photo shopped image..
Totally different scenario. And totally irrelevant to the topic under discussion.

Aren't we talking about an attack on Iran ?

If they (Americans) can go back in time and say THIS is SPARTAAAAAA why can't the Iranians bring in a example from the recent past
No issue for Pakistan if Iran get nukes... why Israel is having them, I think if nothing is proven against Israel having nukes then they should allow all theri nuclear sites to be tested by Pakistan and Iran :)
Well dear i am not against iran nuclear program they have full right to do what ever they want, but if Iran gets nukes it will certainly destablize the region, it is best if less country have such capability .
Well dear i am not against iran nuclear program they have full right to do what ever they want, but if Iran gets nukes it will certainly destablize the region, it is best if less country have such capability .

Thats what i am trying to tell that region is already destabilized due to israel having nukes....
And west having double standards ...
Aren't we talking about an attack on Iran ?
Op Eagle Claw was NOT an attack on Iran. It was an ill planned, ill executed rescue operation to extract hostages captured by mullahs and their student militia from the US embassy buildings in Tehran. Hence irrelevant to the topic.
Operation Opera is more relevant to the discussion.
The Luftwaffe actually used the "Rotte" [a pair] as their 'basic' formation. Two Rrotten made a Schwarme, three Schwarme, a Staffel, and [I think] three Staffelen to a Geschwader

Diagram illustrating the formation in which the IDF/AF F-16s and F-15s flew over Saudi Arabia and into Iraq. Note that the four F-16As of the'Bunch' section flew a considerable distance ahead of the rest of formation, while F-15s were underway aside and behind the 'Giselle' section.

Op Eagle Claw was NOT an attack on Iran. It was an ill planned, ill executed rescue operation to extract hostages captured by mullahs and their student militia from the US embassy buildings in Tehran. ...

Yes the Americans will love to forget about that incident lest the demons come to haunt them if they jointly attack Iran with Israel

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