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Hypothetical defence systems

How about a submarine of the future
Which acts as a mothership carrying several mini subs tasked with Research and anti shipping roles
Or an Underwater Aircraft carrier
Think about it , an aircraft carrier weighing about 45000 tons , which can fully submerge into water upto say a depth of 200 m , after it launches its aircrafts or after it accepts its aircraft

I have read that Americans are developing a submarine capable of carrying 2 Helicopters
which it launches when it surfaces
How about Force Fields/Shields?

Shields Up! British Military Developing Force Fields for Tanks

Something like this for entire armies!!


Actually the British story seems to be true.
Brit military boffins developing Star Trek-style force-field armour


March 21st, 2010

LONDON - British military scientists are in the process of developing a space-age “force field” capable of protecting armoured vehicles and tanks by repelling incoming fire.

Using pulses of electrical energy to repel rockets, shrapnel and other ammunition, the new type of armour will provide protection to vehicles, reports The Telegraph.

According to scientists at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), which is the research and development arm of the Ministry of Defence, it’s possible to incorporate material known as supercapacitors into armour of a vehicle to turn it into a kind of giant battery.

Professor Bryn James, head of Dstl’s armour and protection science and technology centre, said: “The supercapacitor material can be charged up and then discharged in one powerful event to repel incoming fire.

“You would think this would require huge amounts of energy, but we have found it can be done with surprisingly small amounts of electrical power.

“Conventional armour is just a lump of metal but an RPG round can punch through more than a foot of steel. Carrying around enough armour to protect against that is extremely heavy.

“The real advantage to the electric armour is how light it can be by comparison.” (ANI)

Filed under Science and Technology | Tags: London | Comment Below

ps: I dont know how or why the pic of gals in Star Trek costumes is relevant to the Brit story. Meh, whoz complaining though?
On a lighter note - the recipe for an unsinkable,invincible navy :D


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How about a submarine of the future
Which acts as a mothership carrying several mini subs tasked with Research and anti shipping roles
Or an Underwater Aircraft carrier
Think about it , an aircraft carrier weighing about 45000 tons , which can fully submerge into water upto say a depth of 200 m , after it launches its aircrafts or after it accepts its aircraft

I have read that Americans are developing a submarine capable of carrying 2 Helicopters
which it launches when it surfaces

There was a Japanese cartoon series, ThunderSub' (also dubbed in English), a hybrid of submarine and aircraft carrier, had a minisub aslo later upgraded as spaceship. Series was aired in 80's.

Ion cannon is a beam weapon that fires beams of ions (atoms or molecules with an electrical charge). Due to its power, it is usually classified as a superweapon

thats tiaberium wars stuff dude ...lol
There was a Japanese cartoon series, ThunderSub' (also dubbed in English), a hybrid of submarine and aircraft carrier, had a minisub aslo later upgraded as spaceship. Series was aired in 80's.

Oh yes i remember Thunder sub..Loved it..
On the subject of Japanese manga.. I love their obsession with mecha.. and its mine as well..
But I suppose a realistic option would be something akin to the mechwarrior series..

Asking for a robotech ..would be too much
Anti Ballistic missiles are essentially missiles trying to hit incoming Warhead..But that as difficult to hit one bullet with another.

How about a kill cloud instead of a direct contact kill vehicle?
We all know that ICBMs are re entry missiles and upon re entry at roundabout mach 20 the warhead is surrounded by plasma which on its own can kill the warhead,only if it can breach the protective heat shield,be it ceramic or any other type.
Now if there was a way of breaching the heat shield? Something similar happened to a space shuttle(i don't remember the name),the heat shield was breached,Plasma found its way into the vehicle and blasted it into smithereens.

If an ICBM's path can be predicted vaguely,we can fill missile defense missiles with some sort of chaff? May be Tungsten carbide or synthetic diamond? which is hard enough to breach any surface on impact? A shrapnel cloud of many hundred meters across can be created in the predicted path of the incoming missile. As the missile passes through the chaff cloud,the heat protection is breached and plasma will do the rest?
Instead of missiles,even cannons can be used to fire chaff at high altitude directly in the approximate path of incoming missile.

Well,just an idea.

Proposed back in the early 70's.. and part of the hoax star wars project.
How about Anti-A2A missile?

In air to air combat, in order to kill the incoming missile, launch a missile to kill it?

Against a radar guided missile, a heat seeking one?
How about Anti-A2A missile?

In air to air combat, in order to kill the incoming missile, launch a missile to kill it?

Against a radar guided missile, a heat seeking one?

Better yet.. a point defense laser.
How about Anti-A2A missile?

In air to air combat, in order to kill the incoming missile, launch a missile to kill it?

Against a radar guided missile, a heat seeking one?

You mean each ballistic Missile should be Having its own Active protection system?? well that sounds like a Smart Idea....
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