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Hurriyet leaders reject Manmohan’s claim on Kashmir


Feb 2, 2007
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Srinagar, September 30 (KMS): In occupied Kashmir, Hurriyet leaders have rejected Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s claim on Jammu and Kashmir saying that 18 resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council endorse the disputed status of the State.

The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has said that Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh cannot do away with the historical perspective of the Kashmir dispute, as there are 18 resolutions pending with the United Nations over the dispute.

Commenting on the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s speech that he delivered at the United Nations General Assembly on Saturday night, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in his statement said that Kashmir had always been a bone of contention between India and Pakistan.

“It is an irony that while Kashmir issue is lingering for the past six decades, the Indian leadership still talks about bilateralism. The bilateral dialogue has failed. The agreements like Tashkant, Simla and Indhira-Abdullah have failed to resolve the Kashmir dispute,” he added.

Kashmir, the Mirwaiz said, is not a territorial dispute. “It is purely a political issue which needs to be resolved through active participation of people of Kashmir, who are the main stakeholders,” he said.

Manmohan Singh’s in his address to the UNGA claim that Kashmir was integral part of India.

“It would not make any difference if they talk on everything but leave Kashmir issue. India must understand that Kashmir is a problem not because Pakistan speaks about it in UN but because India has commitments with the people of Kashmir.”

Senior APHC leader, Shabbir Ahmad Shah said that though Nawaz Sharif had reflected true aspirations of people of Kashmir, but his Indian counterpart had once again annoyed Kashmiris.

APHC leader, Nayeem Ahmed Khan said that the meeting between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh seemed to be customary. “Though it is a good omen that the leaders of two countries are talking, they should sit together seriously and try to resolve the Kashmir issue. Kashmir is threat to global peace,” he said. “What Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has stated is not the reality. Bold initiatives need to be taken for resolving Kashmir issue.”

Another APHC leader Javed Ahmad Mir said that Kashmir was a nuclear flashpoint between India and Pakistan. “Bilateral arrangements have failed in the past and are destined to meet the similar fate in the present circumstances,” he added.

APHC leader, Syed Bashir Ahmad Andrabi addressing a meeting in Srinagar welcomed the meeting between the two prime ministers and hoped that the leadership of the both countries would demonstrate courage to resolve the decades-old dispute.

Independent Member of so-called Kashmir Assembly and President Awami Ittihaad Party (AIP), Engineer Abdur Rasheed said, “By making contradictory and unrealistic speech, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has not only misled the world community but has shown the true face of India’s duplicity to the whole world.”

Engineer Rasheed addressing a public meeting at Lariganapora said that Manmohan had every right to argue for India’s stand over Jammu and Kashmir but even the worst enemies of Kashmiris would take pity on Indian leaders when they claim Kashmir as India’s integral part.

Dukhataran-e-Millat chief, Syeda Aasiya Andrabi termed Manmohan Singh’s claim as “contrary to the historical facts.”

The Jamiat-e-Ahli Hadees (JAH) in a statement urged the prime ministers to find a meaningful solution to the Kashmir dispute as per Kashmiris’ aspirations.

Hurriyet leaders, Zafar Akbar Butt, Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, Yasmeen Raja and Abdul Ahad Para also criticized Manmohan Singh for the statement.

Hurriyet leaders reject Manmohan
HC is most impractical organization, gets funds from Pakistan and full of bigots. They all have glasses of religion. I have least respect for people who treat others badly because they are from other religion.
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