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Hurriyat rejects Pakistan High Commission's invitation for Eid Milan: reports!

Maybe you should start reading this thread from the start to understand why I meant:
Pakistan to host Hurriyat leaders on Eid in New Delhi

I was ridiculed, thrown insults at, called a traitor because I exposed double standards in Pakistan's current foreign policy. Today, those same separatists who Pakistani High Commissioner was so anguish to meet on Eid Milan Party, themselves declined the offer. So much for pro-Kashmirism! :sarcastic:
You still don't get it do you? You were being ridiculed for arguing that 'Pakistan was being too hardline and undermining peace' by merely 'hosting parties for the APHC' - the APHC, by rejecting this invitation, is arguing that Pakistan is not being 'hardline enough', and for some unfathomable reason you seem to think that the APHC rejection of the invite is support for your argument that Pakistan is being too hardline.
Yeah and it will end up just like Muslim support for the oppressed Palestinians has been so far...
Yeah sure, because as we all know the Palestinians have a well trained Army of half a million, an air force, Navy and nuclear weapons.

Oh right, they don't, which is probably why India hasn't been able to occupy successively more Kashmiri territory like the Israelis have done with Palestine.

Kashmir is no longer in the list of UN Disputes. You believe it's a lie, then good luck with your delusions... :lol:
Where's the link to the 2014/2015 list of UN Disputes that we can all reference and confirm your claims against?

He is the PM, not that low-lifer Geelani. Is Geelani the thaikaydaar of Pakistan?

Modi killer or not, makes no difference. He is the PM of India.
PM of India or not, unless he's willing to compromise on issues like Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek and an end to supporting terrorism in Pakistan, he makes no difference and is of no use to Pakistan.
I have raised his issue with mods. His days of attacking Pakistan and Islam hiding behind Pakistani flags are numbered. Either mods have to ban him permanently for trolling and false flagging or either they would have to change his flags to where they really belong to. Enough with this scumbag attacking Pakistan and Islam with fake flags.

@waz @Jungibaaz @Oscar @Jango
I suggest we keep all false flag fatwas to the reports and not go around calling everyone non-Pakistani if they differ from our opinions slightly. Sectarian ideals are one thing that would be intolerable, thinking that we are idiots in pursuing Kashmir is another.
Bro, he doesn't fast.

anyway, this thing isn't over yet, they could still decide to attend. If you go by the indians reaction here then theyve won kashmir.....Pakistan has no allies.....Pakistam is about to be declared a pariah state etc. They love to amp up negativity about Pakistan to feed their involunerable egos.

So far i have not seen much reaction from the Pakistan side. Let's see first how this news is taken as and only then can any sort of analysis be made. But it's obvious it's a pmln fuk-up. How they'll try to salvage it is to be seen.

I want the indians to continue to think of the worst case scenarios. Gives me/many of us resolve and it continues to create some serious azz-burning across that God forsaken border
He is the PM, not that low-lifer Geelani. Is Geelani the thaikaydaar of Pakistan?

Modi killer or not, makes no difference. He is the PM of India.

what's a bigger priority - consistency and support for the Kashmiri nationalists or brushing shoulders with a 56 centimeter tall (or was it 56 inch chest :laugh: ) fascist who has the blood of scores of Muslims on his hand and who has never hidden his contempt and hostility towards OUR state!

obviously as a leader we recognize him as the PM of india...but these "cosmetic" gestures like talks are useless unless we settle the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of Kashmiri people - who clearly have demonstrated over time they are not docile to indian demands or wishes
What's the most effective manner in pursuing Kashmir? What do you think will be the outcome?
There is no further matter. Any military solution barring digging hundreds of tunnels behind their lines is not longer available and there is no further progress with Kashmiri Youths and India's social engineering of the local population by creating the idea of displaced Pandits and shoving other ethnicities and religious groups into the valley.

The best bet is to have the LOC done as IB till the AGPL and on the AGPL keep pushing via international frontiers.
There is no further matter. Any military solution barring digging hundreds of tunnels behind their lines is not longer available and there is no further progress with Kashmiri Youths and India's social engineering of the local population by creating the idea of displaced Pandits and shoving other ethnicities and religious groups into the valley.

The best bet is to have the LOC done as IB till the AGPL and on the AGPL keep pushing via international frontiers.

I concur. However I am of the opinion that Pakistani "establishment" and the beloved jihadis do not want this at all due to their short-term advantages as opposed to the greater national good. What do you think?
The best bet is to have the LOC done as IB till the AGPL and on the AGPL keep pushing via international frontiers.

If you do the homework, the AGPL is likely to prevail as well Sir. Siachen is going to remain with India.
And with people like you, who jumps on every little opportunity to put down Pakistan (even if that is to get few brownie points with Indians), we don't need any enemies.

You and Dawn/Tribune/Geo make excellent pairs.
Facing the truth is hard. But learn to correct your mistakes instead of brushing them under the carpet. Living in denial has brought you guys nothing but censure, scorn and criticism from the world.
If you do the homework, the AGPL is likely to prevail as well Sir. Siachen is going to remain with India.

Will need a military dictator on the Pakistani side to take that decision and lay the Kashmir issue to rest. People aren't going to accept it if the solution comes out of a civilian leader of Pakistan.
what's a bigger priority - consistency and support for the Kashmiri nationalists or brushing shoulders with a 56 centimeter tall (or was it 56 inch chest :laugh: ) fascist who has the blood of scores of Muslims on his hand and who has never hidden his contempt and hostility towards OUR state!

obviously as a leader we recognize him as the PM of india...but these "cosmetic" gestures like talks are useless unless we settle the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of Kashmiri people - who clearly have demonstrated over time they are not docile to indian demands or wishes
Who gives a rat's @$$ about the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. Kashmir is only important because of the rivers.

As a military solution is no more possible (there was a chance in 1965 but we threw it away), we only need to guarantee that the our right on the water resources is protected. Now if that takes direct negotiations or involvement of the big powers, so be it.

The people at the helm of the affairs do not suffer from emotional temper tantrums like the common man. Do you think that Gen. Raheel Shareef would be shedding tears over the deaths of Kashmiris. That's not how countries work.

In addition, Kashmir issue provides adequate justification for increased defense expenditure. The Pakistani public has tolerated and continues to tolerate many unconstitutional actions of the military due to the impression that country is facing some grave security risks etc.

LOC is the border and Pakistani military have accepted it years ago. I understand they cannot openly say this because it would go against the decades-old state propaganda. Their credibility would take a hit if they take a U-turn in public.

It's time that the gullible fan-boys too swallow their nationalistic pride and accept this unpalatable and harsh fact.
@Norwegian and others

Pakistan High commissioner was about to host Hurriyat leaders for iftar dinner 2 - 3 days before Nawaz - Modi meeting during SCO. It was Indian demand to cancel the meeting and avoid raising the Kashmir issue during SCO, if NS wants to meet Modi. Pak govt accepted.

Now since these news have made it to Pakistani media and everyone is bashing Noora govt for this mess, they have thrown this party as face saving. Hurriyat is right here sadly.

Those who are going to ask about proof, watch @ Q Program of Ahmed Qureshi dated 13th July.


Oh and by the way, this iftar party between Hurrian leaders & Pak High commissioner in India is a norm, happening since years. Nawaz Govt cancelled this iftar party last year too, when NS was in India and he instead preferred to meet some Indian business tycoons. This is second time on the trot that Noora Govt has cancelled this ramzan gathering even after issuing invitations.
Nawaz aik azaab hai.and he is an ethnic kashmiri and he doesnt care a hoot abt it. Tch. Kitnay baikar log hain.
There is no further matter. Any military solution barring digging hundreds of tunnels behind their lines is not longer available and there is no further progress with Kashmiri Youths and India's social engineering of the local population by creating the idea of displaced Pandits and shoving other ethnicities and religious groups into the valley.

The best bet is to have the LOC done as IB till the AGPL and on the AGPL keep pushing via international frontiers.
Well the kashmiri youth support pakistan ,isee full progress with them. One thing that was needed was india allowing interaction of iok youth with ajk youth- a much much needed initiative. But sadly no.allowing that would have only helped the kashmir cause, so india as usual.....blocked.
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