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Hurriyat rejects Pakistan High Commission's invitation for Eid Milan: reports!

Nawaz Sharif has now been backed into a corner , he is in danger of becoming irellevant now than ever before , this is actually a positive outcome , the news channels will pick this up and shove it up the back side of Nawaz Sharif

Then to whom do you back now? Are you a PPP guy or PTI person?...
Ya, you have your anologies reversed.

We don't run..we shoo you away, when you start chewing up the rug( indulging in terrorirsm.)

When we whistle, you come running back.


May be in your little lala land all this sh!t might have happened. But in real world the things are a lot different. Very very different. So different that we have started to enjoy to see you guys running here and there. :)

It was India who ran away from the dialogue table with its tail between its legs.

Amid Hurriyat overtures: India abruptly cancels talks with Pakistan - The Express Tribune

And then like any disgraced b@stard came back to talks despite none of India's demands were accepted by Pakistan.

India to resume talks with Pakistan after 6-month hiatus - Yahoo News

This is you. Running away and then coming back to work on old salary. There is no whistle. It is just you SOB's trying to act all strong and getting kicked in the nuts in return. :lol:

Same would happen this time too. ;)

Setting free a known terrorist and being proud of it. Welcome to la la land.

That is called legality. You didn't give us enough proofs to convict him. Just like Swami Asimananda. :)

Your army and your army chiefs are great in either calling their soldiers as mujahideens or civilians. But we don't. For us a causality is a causality with no fake numbers. Oh I forgot to tell you that NLA were civilian too ;)

yeah we should accept your claims. A military which fakes enemy kills to get medals.

Indian army admits faking Siachen encounters - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

And which fakes IED's to get money from its government.

Indian Army planted fake IEDs in Kashmir to get cash rewards

Very pious army indeed. We should believe in their claims :rofl:

your comprehension skill as well as logical skill both are pathetic :lol:
we will decide when to talk and when to stop and just like a nice kid you have to follow :rofl:

It is funny to see you bharati kids acting all strong while none of your demands have been met by Pakistan.

No issues. You cal always run away and come back. We also enjoy such drama. And we also know very well about your comprehension skills which takes as$kicking on bharat mata's rear side as some sort of achievement. :lol:

its not crawling back to renagociations but diplomacy as NaMo was in Russia and Russia , China and central asia are more important to us than china so we gave you the chance fully knowing what your establishment will do after it and you dint dissaopint us and sartaj aziz came owt as usual :sarcastic:

what NaMo did to NS recentlli in "jutt bhasha" they call it "sajji dikha ke khabbi marna" :haha:

As said before. You ran away with your tail in your legs. Trying to be all strong. But when Pakistan said "onus to resume talks is on India", you came back to dialogue table to work on the previous salary.

And do open your spellchecker. Your spellings suck. Just like your chaiwala's policy towards Pakistan. ;)
Huriyat can s**k ma d![《
These bast-ards of Huriyat including that Choo-tiya Geelani should have never been supported in the first place.

With projects like CPEC and diplomatic maneuvering with Russia going on, we need to have stable relations with India and dump these useless turds in Kashmir. They are no more useful to us.
These bast-ards of Huriyat including that Choo-tiya Geelani should have never been supported in the first place.

With projects like CPEC and diplomatic maneuvering with Russia going on, we need to have stable relations with India and dump these useless turds in Kashmir. They are no more useful to us.

Traitor, infidel, bharati, chutiya, bharwa alert! :omghaha: @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER
Bhai bharwa to sirf tu hai. Baqi logon ko na ghaseet. Tujhai special status dia hai. Mazai kar. :D
He just said what I said yesterday that dealings with these Kashmiri separatists are against Pakistan's interests. Now call him names you gave me, troll! :D
These bast-ards of Huriyat including that Choo-tiya Geelani should have never been supported in the first place.

With projects like CPEC and diplomatic maneuvering with Russia going on, we need to have stable relations with India and dump these useless turds in Kashmir. They are no more useful to us.
you will receive your payment at 1st Aug.
Are you really dumb or acting dumb ?? :lol:

Kashmir didn't even feature in joint statement at Ufa. And if you want to make any headway in dialogues then it would only be on our own terms.

Yes we can discuss terrorism emanating from Pakistan all you want.

India to go by Ufa statement, plays down remarks by Sartaz Aziz - The Times of India

Kashmir might not be part of joint statement since you needed a face saving after running away from talks and then coming back. But Kashmir would be part of talks or else you can end the talks again like before only to be resumed by you again.

Talks sans Kashmir issue with India impossible: Aziz - The Express Tribune

Kashmir or no talks. :)

He just said what I said yesterday that dealings with these Kashmiri separatists are against Pakistan's interests. Now call him names you gave me, troll! :D

He might be angry on Huriyat. But he is no sell out bharwa like you. You know your family background and all that. It is solely you who deserves that title. :D
you will receive your payment at 1st Aug.


He might be angry on Huriyat. But he is no sell out bharwa like you. You know your family background and all that. It is solely you who deserves that title. :D
BS. He just said what I said all the way yesterday. Yet I am the only one being a target here apparently! :D
We still hold dear what we have. You keep trying and maybe...:D

This is last lame attempt normally done by bharatis. "We have what we have. Take it if you can." :lol:

BS. He just said what I said all the way yesterday. Yet I am the only one being a target here apparently! :D

Nope. You lied. And lied. And then again lied. And in the end called a bharwa. A title you solely deserve. :)
Hehehehe... Sahi hai.. Pakistan and Hurriyat totally deserve each other as allies.. :enjoy:
So @Norwegian do tell which part of this post you agree with that prompted you to like it !
Was it him calling Pakistan a beggar country???
Or Pakistan being a shameful country???
Or this low life two bit bharti talking about Pakistan being f***d in the a$$ ??

There is a a great deal of difference between being critical of your own society and patting some outsider in the back when he vents out his daily frustrations in real life by trash talking about your family.
Don't be like Abu Lahab.
Maybe quit the play here and just change your flag.

I have raised his issue with mods. His days of attacking Pakistan and Islam hiding behind Pakistani flags are numbered. Either mods have to ban him permanently for trolling and false flagging or either they would have to change his flags to where they really belong to. Enough with this scumbag attacking Pakistan and Islam with fake flags.

@waz @Jungibaaz @Oscar @Jango
Nope. You lied. And lied. And then again lied. And in the end called a bharwa. A title you solely deserve. :)
Kashmir is no longer in the list of UN Disputes. You believe it's a lie, then good luck with your delusions... :lol:

I have raised his issue with mods. His days of attacking Pakistan and Islam hiding behind Pakistani flags are numbered. Either mods have to ban him permanently for trolling and false flagging or either they would have to change his flags to where they really belong to. Enough with this scumbag attacking Pakistan and Islam with fake flags.
How about yourself with your obscene language, abuses and foolish attempts of personal insults? :sarcastic:
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