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Hurriyat leader meets Pakistan envoy after talks called off

Their forum they can edit it. when they do not find any argument they does it. Even webby, Aero all are like that. But few members are reasonable.

this is really a cheap trick by mods..to edit a signature of a member...it shows ..how much are they butthurt...
No wonder in here only they can dream to take kashmir, defeat india..etc etc....but reality is very far.....
...move on.....:coffee:
this is really a cheap trick by mods..to edit a signature of a member...
No wonder in here only they can dream to take kashmir, defeat india..etc etc....but reality is very far.....
...move on.....:coffee:
I even know who did this. Its their dream. As long as kashmiri pundits are not rehabilitated nothing is going to happen. Violence will be dealt with violence and brutal force.
Well we have much more than an inch of Kashmir. So your claim of not giving an inch is lame. We never wanted an inch either. So thank you for endorsing and agreeing with our claim.

IS Pakistan contented with that, in 1947 in your own word Pakistan was moth eaten and had no resources but still you marched deep inside Kashmir to the outskirts of Srinagar within few months of creation of Pakistan, now after the ceasefire of 1949, what stopped you from getting even an inch of Kashmir and losing entire East Pakistan. ;)
Everything East of the Indus from Gandhara in North-West to Dravida in South India was the ancient Bharat/India/Hindustan and modern Hindus still carry the culture of Indus valley civilization and Indians still carry the ancient folkore and culture associated with that ancient land East of the Indus rive.

Please read over my previous post again.
Hurriyat leader meets Pakistan envoy after talks called off | Page 4

Pakistan was an established nation since at least 2500 BC (as confirmed by ancient Mesopotamia now Iraq) which began at least 7000 BC. Your race/civilization is completely distinct from ours and we're not going to allow you people to try to steal our history nor let you invent history any longer.

There is no such religion as "Hinduism" particularly considering not a single religious text from the region ever referred to it's adherents as "Hindus" (ex. like the Quran refers to the religion as “Islam” in Surah 3:19 and it's adherents as "Muslims" in Surah 2:128) nor is there any language or dialect native to India that the word "Hind" or "Hindu" originates from so this idea of a "Hindu" religion is nothing but a long standing lie. All you have now is nothing more than a collection of different, in many cases unrelated, folklore religions no different from what you'd find in neighboring China.

Based on the geography of the Rig Veda, a collection of hymns, its origin is NOT in the least attributed to the Indian civilization. There is only one river associated with the Indian civilization in the entire text (i.e. the Ganga or Ganges which is mentioned just once while earlier beliefs that the Ghaggar-Hakara referenced the fabled Yamuna/Saravasti river no longer hold true considering the former was monsoon fed while the latter is written to have been Himalayan fed). The Rig Veda is in no way a "Hindu" text particularly since not a single one of the Indian civilizations Brahman "gods" (ex. Vishnu, Krishna, etc...) are ever mentioned in it and it actually supports monotheism:

One All is Lord of what is fixed and moving, that walks, that flies, this multiform creation. (Rig Veda B3H54V8)

They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa, Agni, and he is heavenly nobly-winged Garutmān.
To what is One, sages give many a title they call it Agni, Yama, Mātariśvan.
In fact based on works wholly attributed to the Indian civilization like the Mahabharata (ex. fight between the light skinned Indra of the Rig Veda versus the dark skinned Kirshna of the Indian civilization) it is obvious that our two civilizations were extremely hostile towards each other.

The Pakistani civilization has never been "Hindu". Our ancestors did not believe in a caste system nor is there any evidence to suggest there was one (Pg. 59 of “Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization” and pg. 210 of “The History and Geography of Human Genes” which is actually backed up by the Rig Veda B9H112V3), abhorred idolatry, ate meat (pg. 123 of "The Ancient Indus Valley: New Perspectives" by Jane McIntosh) and buried the dead with food, pots and pans confirming the belief in an afterlife not reincarnation (pg. 278 of "Encyclopedia of Prehistory: Volume 8: South and Southwest Asia") like the Ancient Egyptians all of which are in complete contradiction to the beliefs/practices of Indian Brahminism or modern day "Hinduism".

This is why the Pakistani civilization, unlike those of Indians, quickly absorbed Islam because the message wasn't alien to us while it was a radically foreign concept for the Indian. Furthermore, our long established historical ties with the Middle East (ex. Iraq/Mesopotamia and Egypt) which is documented to have spanned thousands of years facilitated the eventual flow of Islam to our lands.

Even the oldest book of Sanskrit was discovered within Pakistan and Sanskrit grammar is attributed to an ancient Pakistani named Panini.

It's time all Indians embrace the truth which is Islam. Stop following a lie built it up by the British kafir invader and perpetuated by the uneducated morons in the BJP/RSS/Shiv Sena who have been keeping you in the dark about a "religion" and "heritage" which never actually existed.

1. What do you think the so called two nation theory - which was the basis for Muslims getting a fresh new country was?.

Please refer to my previous post regarding the fact that Pakistanis and Indians are two separate civilizations going back to at least the neolithic:
Hurriyat leader meets Pakistan envoy after talks called off | Page 4

Just like our technology our culture has also evolved and Islam happens to be a big part of ours now influencing fashion, cuisine, etc... which we are very proud of.

Pakistani's have, with the adoption of Islam, also joined a much larger ideological family of nations and peoples and that is the brotherhood of Islam hence we invited Muslims in neighboring India or Bangladesh who feared discrimination and persecution to join us in our independence struggle if they wished (whether they did nor not did not in any way influenced the fact we were going to reclaim our civilizations independence).

2. Where is mukhti bahini now?

Either dead and many of those still alive active supporters of the Awami League which, alongside a new generation of goons they've shaped, continue to the poor Bengali people particularly the opposition and alongside Hasina robbed the nation of their democracy by eliminating any chance for free and fair elections.

However, you should ask your military since they should be the ones keeping track of their league of terrorists.

as for the rest of your balderdash - it qualifies under the murder of history in pakistan - a big yawn*

Unfortunately, most Indians have been brainwashed in their temples and schools by the same guys who avoid facts and books like the plague except those pamphlets on "history" written by the BJP, Shiv Sena, RSS, etc... again very similar to the actions of your old bloodthirsty ally the USSR.
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Can anyone give me a piece of history before 1947 which has any details about something called Pakistan.
Tommorow if America takes over Pakistans, will the 7000years old history will become American history.

The core of Hinduism is Karma.
God resides in every one and can be found in any form.
If you connect yourself in better way with water, then you can have god in water. If you feel connected with Vishnu or Mahesh or Fire or any XYZ it doenst matter as HE exists in everything and you can connect with him what ever way want, what matters is your righteous karma.

Come to India, i can show you pandulipis (Manuscripts) that where written before your earliest forefather even landed on this soil and some good details about Hinduism (Sanatan Dharam)
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Please read over my previous post again.
Hurriyat leader meets Pakistan envoy after talks called off | Page 4
Pakistan was an established nation since at least 2500 BC (as confirmed by ancient Mesopotamia now Iraq) which began at least 7000 BC. Your race/civilization is completely distinct from ours and we're not going to allow you people to try to steal our history nor let you invent history any longer.
There is no such religion as "Hinduism" particularly considering not a single religious text from the region ever referred to it's adherents as "Hindus" (ex. like the Quran refers to the religion as “Islam” in Surah 3:19 and it's adherents as "Muslims" in Surah 2:128) nor is there any language or dialect native to India that the word "Hind" or "Hindu" originates from so this idea of a "Hindu" religion is nothing but a long standing lie. All you have now is nothing more than a collection of different, in many cases unrelated, folklore religions no different from what you'd find in neighboring China.
Based on the geography of the Rig Veda, a collection of hymns, its origin is NOT in the least attributed to the Indian civilization. There is only one river associated with the Indian civilization in the entire text (i.e. the Ganga or Ganges which is mentioned just once while earlier beliefs that the Ghaggar-Hakara referenced the fabled Yamuna/Saravasti river no longer hold true considering the former was monsoon fed while the latter is written to have been Himalayan fed). The Rig Veda is in no way a "Hindu" text particularly since not a single one of the Indian civilizations Brahman "gods" (ex. Vishnu, Krishna, etc...) are ever mentioned in it and it actually supports monotheism:
One All is Lord of what is fixed and moving, that walks, that flies, this multiform creation. (Rig Veda B3H54V8)
They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa, Agni, and he is heavenly nobly-winged Garutmān.
To what is One, sages give many a title they call it Agni, Yama, Mātariśvan. (B1H164V46)
In fact based on works wholly attributed to the Indian civilization like the Mahabharata (ex. fight between the light skinned Indra of the Rig Veda versus the dark skinned Kirshna of the Indian civilization) it is obvious that our two civilizations were extremely hostile towards each other.
The Pakistani civilization has never been "Hindu". Our ancestors did not believe in a caste system nor is there any evidence to suggest there was one (Pg. 59 of “Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization” and pg. 210 of “The History and Geography of Human Genes” which is actually backed up by the Rig Veda B9H112V3), abhorred idolatry, ate meat (pg. 123 of "The Ancient Indus Valley: New Perspectives" by Jane McIntosh) and buried the dead with food, pots and pans confirming the belief in an afterlife not reincarnation (pg. 278 of "Encyclopedia of Prehistory: Volume 8: South and Southwest Asia") like the Ancient Egyptians all of which are in complete contradiction to the beliefs/practices of Indian Brahminism or modern day "Hinduism".
This is why the Pakistani civilization, unlike those of Indians, quickly absorbed Islam because the message wasn't alien to us while it was a radically foreign concept for the Indian. Furthermore, our long established historical ties with the Middle East (ex. Iraq/Mesopotamia and Egypt) which is documented to have spanned thousands of years facilitated the eventual flow of Islam to our lands.
Even the oldest book of Sanskrit was discovered within Pakistan and Sanskrit grammar is attributed to an ancient Pakistani named Panini.
It's time all Indians embrace the truth which is Islam. Stop following a lie built it up by the British kafir invader and perpetuated by the uneducated morons in the BJP/RSS/Shiv Sena who have been keeping you in the dark about a "religion" and "heritage" which never actually existed.

Actually, the ancient Indian books mentions entire land East of Indus from Gandhara in North-West to Dravida(in South India) as Bharatavarsha, Bharat Khand, Bharata, Bharatam, the others ancient names names used were Jambudweepa and Aryavarta. ;)

uttaraṃ yatsamudrasya himādreścaiva dakṣiṇam
varṣaṃ tadbhārataṃ nāma bhāratī yatra santatiḥ

उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।

"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."

"India then being four-sided in plan, the side which looks to the Orient and that to the South, the Great Sea compasseth; that towards the Arctic is divided by the mountain chain of Hēmōdus from Scythia, inhabited by that tribe of Scythians who are called Sakai; and on the fourth side, turned towards the West, the Indus marks the boundary, the biggest or nearly so of all rivers after the Nile." -Megasthenes(300BC)

Hindu is a Persian word, the native name is Sanatan dharm, and pretty every Hindu consider Vedas as supreme literature and Sanskrit as their liturgical language. Don't act dumb by saying Rigveda is monotheistic Rigvedic deities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pakistan was created in 1947 when Choudhary Rehmat Ali invented the name Pakistan in 1930s and the nation was created for Muslim identity, where there were Muslims in Pakistan from 3000BC to 700AD, how you claim Pakistan was proclaimed at Meluhha :lol::lol:. Indus Valley civilization and Mesopotamian trade was taking place from the ports of Gujarat(Lothal), thus Indians have first claim on the name Meluhha. Your claim comes secondary to that. ;)
IS Pakistan contented with that, in 1947 in your own word Pakistan was moth eaten and had no resources but still you marched deep inside Kashmir to the outskirts of Srinagar within few months of creation of Pakistan, now after the ceasefire of 1949, what stopped you from getting even an inch of Kashmir and losing entire East Pakistan. ;)

Well bharatis are very proud of their victory with the help of terrorists. But what stopped the bharati soormas from taking back 35% of their toota hua attot ang? May be because there was no 1000 km distance between AJK or GB and rest of Pakistan like east Pakistan. We all know the warriors of Indian army need a 1000 km distance for a major victory. :lol:

Anyways nobody wants an inch here. So you are right. You don't need to give us any inch. :D
Actually, the ancient Indian books mentions entire land East of Indus from Gandhara in North-West to Dravida(in South India) as Bharatavarsha, Bharat Khand, Bharata, Bharatam, the others ancient names names used were Jambudweepa and Aryavarta. ;)

uttaraṃ yatsamudrasya himādreścaiva dakṣiṇam
varṣaṃ tadbhārataṃ nāma bhāratī yatra santatiḥ

उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।

"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."

Where is this sanskrit shloka taken from ??
Well bharatis are very proud of their victory with the help of terrorists. But what stopped the bharati soormas from taking back 35% of their toota hua attot ang? May be because there was no 1000 km distance between AJK or GB and rest of Pakistan like east Pakistan. We all know the warriors of Indian army need a 1000 km distance for a major victory. :lol:

Anyways nobody wants an inch here. So you are right. You don't need to give us any inch. :D
Can I say the same thing about pakis on your voice ? he he he
Please read over my previous post again.
Hurriyat leader meets Pakistan envoy after talks called off | Page 4

Pakistan was an established nation since at least 2500 BC (as confirmed by ancient Mesopotamia now Iraq) which began at least 7000 BC. Your race/civilization is completely distinct from ours and we're not going to allow you people to try to steal our history nor let you invent history any longer.

There is no such religion as "Hinduism" particularly considering not a single religious text from the region ever referred to it's adherents as "Hindus" (ex. like the Quran refers to the religion as “Islam” in Surah 3:19 and it's adherents as "Muslims" in Surah 2:128) nor is there any language or dialect native to India that the word "Hind" or "Hindu" originates from so this idea of a "Hindu" religion is nothing but a long standing lie. All you have now is nothing more than a collection of different, in many cases unrelated, folklore religions no different from what you'd find in neighboring China.

Based on the geography of the Rig Veda, a collection of hymns, its origin is NOT in the least attributed to the Indian civilization. There is only one river associated with the Indian civilization in the entire text (i.e. the Ganga or Ganges which is mentioned just once while earlier beliefs that the Ghaggar-Hakara referenced the fabled Yamuna/Saravasti river no longer hold true considering the former was monsoon fed while the latter is written to have been Himalayan fed). The Rig Veda is in no way a "Hindu" text particularly since not a single one of the Indian civilizations Brahman "gods" (ex. Vishnu, Krishna, etc...) are ever mentioned in it and it actually supports monotheism:

One All is Lord of what is fixed and moving, that walks, that flies, this multiform creation. (Rig Veda B3H54V8)

They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa, Agni, and he is heavenly nobly-winged Garutmān.
To what is One, sages give many a title they call it Agni, Yama, Mātariśvan.
In fact based on works wholly attributed to the Indian civilization like the Mahabharata (ex. fight between the light skinned Indra of the Rig Veda versus the dark skinned Kirshna of the Indian civilization) it is obvious that our two civilizations were extremely hostile towards each other.

The Pakistani civilization has never been "Hindu". Our ancestors did not believe in a caste system nor is there any evidence to suggest there was one (Pg. 59 of “Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization” and pg. 210 of “The History and Geography of Human Genes” which is actually backed up by the Rig Veda B9H112V3), abhorred idolatry, ate meat (pg. 123 of "The Ancient Indus Valley: New Perspectives" by Jane McIntosh) and buried the dead with food, pots and pans confirming the belief in an afterlife not reincarnation (pg. 278 of "Encyclopedia of Prehistory: Volume 8: South and Southwest Asia") like the Ancient Egyptians all of which are in complete contradiction to the beliefs/practices of Indian Brahminism or modern day "Hinduism".

This is why the Pakistani civilization, unlike those of Indians, quickly absorbed Islam because the message wasn't alien to us while it was a radically foreign concept for the Indian. Furthermore, our long established historical ties with the Middle East (ex. Iraq/Mesopotamia and Egypt) which is documented to have spanned thousands of years facilitated the eventual flow of Islam to our lands.

Even the oldest book of Sanskrit was discovered within Pakistan and Sanskrit grammar is attributed to an ancient Pakistani named Panini.

It's time all Indians embrace the truth which is Islam. Stop following a lie built it up by the British kafir invader and perpetuated by the uneducated morons in the BJP/RSS/Shiv Sena who have been keeping you in the dark about a "religion" and "heritage" which never actually existed.

Please find Dwarika( Mahabharata times during one of Dwaper yug) - An 9,000- 12, 000 BC Yrs old City ........which knows about metals , Ships etc., Indian Gods Idols found , means Hindu Culture exist around 10,000 BC yes also....

Lost city 'could rewrite history'
BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Lost city 'could rewrite history'

All above proves that hindu culture existed more then 10,000 BC years ago.........please update knowledge ....

Some of text is also copied form hindu Vedas into Quran , which was written on 600 CE, and most indian language was started from BC . 500-600 yrs older then Quran.

around 10,000 BC even been your 1st forefather was not existed in Nile....
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Well bharatis are very proud of their victory with the help of terrorists. But what stopped the bharati soormas from taking back 35% of their toota hua attot ang? May be because there was no 1000 km distance between AJK or GB and rest of Pakistan like east Pakistan. We all know the warriors of Indian army need a 1000 km distance for a major victory. :lol:

Anyways nobody wants an inch here. So you are right. You don't need to give us any inch. :D

That is a fancy sounding excuse but how you avoided the main question, how you going to get Kashmir when you were unable to get in inch of it after the ceasefire of 1949 either by negotiations or wars. :lol::lol:
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