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Hurriyat leader meets Pakistan envoy after talks called off

The reason the talks were called off was because Pakistan's High Commissioner Abdul Basit met Hurriyat leader Shabir Shah first and now Modi is butt hurt.

This once again proves India isn't interested in peaceful dialogue only state terrorism of our people of Kashmir and ancestral lands through continued violations of their basic human rights which includes their right of self determination as ordered by UNSC resolution 47 which India has continued to violate despite the fact that it too once was ask for the same from the British empire.

Terrorism against Pakistan, terrorism against China, terrorism in Bangladesh, etc... when will you guys stop murdering innocent men, women and children?

We will continue to assist the our peoples of Kashmir in their struggle for freedom.

I completely agree.

Our first obligation is to our ancestral land of Kashmir and its peoples not India.

Whether India wants to meet or not is up to them. We'd be more than happy to resolve all issues through diplomacy but this obviously shows that India has no intention on resolving anything through peaceful dialogue and simply wants war.

Apparently the BJP is doing a good job at keeping you people completely in the dark and ignorant of ground realities in the portion of Kashmir you occupy.

The only reason why there is even a sense of calm in occupied Kashmir is because Pakistan, under Gen. (retd) Musharraf, thought you people had brains and were interested in resolving the issue peacefully so he calmed everyone down and talked with Manmohan Singh about ending your occupation of our ancestral land.

Unfortunately, it is increasingly clear you are not interested in dialogue only state terrorism and refusing to grant the people of Kashmir the right to self determination.

With regards to development I personally see Pakistan having a much brighter future particularly if the government gets its act together.

Your country has developed largely on debt hence your massive short term debt crisis that has resulted in many of your companies going bankrupt or liquidating assets left and right to try to keep themselves afloat. To give you an example though Gujrat has been "successful" under Modi it also has the highest per capita debt in the entire country:

Pakistan's debt crisis is largely due to a burgeoning oil/gas import bill which shouldn't even exist if the state collects taxes to fund the exploration and subsequent extraction of our massive unconventional natural gas, shale oil and lignite deposits which are far cheaper than anything we could import, would create jobs (improving the economy) and can actually make us energy independent resulting in Pakistan being an export surplus economy. Those deposits are large enough to meet our needs for well over the next 50+ years at 12% yearly increases in consumption based on an energy elasticity of 1:1.

However, India has been running on cheap electricity from domestic coal since well before '47 which are now running:
India's biggest power producer warns coal stocks running out| Reuters

Furthermore, Pakistan has yet to fully utilize our large gold, copper and rare earth metal deposits like those found at Reqo Diq and Saindik or even began to utilize domestic low grade iron ore (which has been, and particularly now is, profitable) in places like Kalabagh.

I've said this before and I'll say it again Pakistan can easily achieve 12+% yearly GDP growth right now and should have left India in the dust years back.

1. There's nothing called ancestral claims in the partition - the only criteria for division in 1947 was that you are Muslim. if we get down to ancestry then then there's no limit to how back in the past one can go before muslim invasion.

2. Terrorism in Pakistan? - where's the proof? the funny part here is that the one's whom you call terrorists are all Pakistani groups and ar Pakistani's or Afghans or someone who came to Pakistan from Central Asia be it the TTP or BLA or BRA or any other....now compare that with also the terrorist groups that operate out of pakistan into all of its neighboring countries be it al qaeda, LET, HUM, Taliban, LEJ...etc etc - all of them are Pakistani as well.

3. Terrorism in Bangladesh? are you kidding me?

4. Terrorism in China? -The funny part is Chinese themselves do not name India - in fact they blame Pakistan for sheltering ETIM and ask Pakistan to take action, so lets not kid ourselves by making a mockery of the principle source of terrorism in the region that is Pakistani soil.

5. Let's not compare economies of Pakistan and India because there's nothing to compare.
The reason the talks were called off was because Pakistan's High Commissioner Abdul Basit met Hurriyat leader Shabir Shah first and now Modi is butt hurt.

This once again proves India isn't interested in peaceful dialogue only state terrorism of our people of Kashmir and ancestral lands through continued violations of their basic human rights which includes their right of self determination as ordered by UNSC resolution 47 which India has continued to violate despite the fact that it too once was ask for the same from the British empire.

Terrorism against Pakistan, terrorism against China, terrorism in Bangladesh, etc... when will you guys stop murdering innocent men, women and children?

We will continue to assist the our peoples of Kashmir in their struggle for freedom.

Please stop parroting the same old broken record. Its sounds very stale and boring.
whenever confronted by an argument with facts - indians go on defensive and offer little else but cheap one-liners

standard indian M.O.
Wondering what was negative in the above post, questioning Pakistans existence in future or responding to Administrator which didnt went well with the position :rofl::D

if you dont want an all expenses paid trip to AF-BANISTAN i suggest you keep your beak shut and take it easy on your lame prophecies (which we've been hearing for decades)
I would say that India is playing good. They are growing economically, in science and technology, giving good education to their kids, world renowned uni, pumping money in infrastructure & defence sector. Kashmir is not only a primary concern for them whereas for Pakistan pretend that Kashmir is everything for them and are failing in every other front.What will we do of Kashmir when as a country we are dying down ? Pakistan should concentrate on Pakistan first and once they become strong or have a voice in international arena then they should talk about Kashmir otherwise that time is not far when we will have a difference of USA and Mexico. Kashmir should be thrown in back burner for some time. Pakistan Moral, Financial or Man support is not anyways making any difference in current scenario. We are just getting a bad name, nothing less.
1. There's nothing called ancestral claims in the partition - the only criteria for division in 1947 was that you are Muslim. if we get down to ancestry then then there's no limit to how back in the past one can go before muslim invasion.

Sorry but there was no partition all our civilization did is regain our independence/freedom from the British Empire hence why we refer to it as "independence day" not "post partition day".

For those parroting the "Hindustan" nonsense get real there never was any such country nor has the term, particularly when used by foreigners, ever been used to refer to any particular religious or ethnic group or even people with a shared history and common government much like the term "Asia" today. "India" as a country never existed before the British occupation of countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, etc... In fact the oldest known name for Pakistan was one used by Mesopotamia which referred to our nation as "Meluha" and our coastline as "Makran" (pg. 285 of "History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume 1") from about 2500 BC and our did not encompass modern day India (other than Gujrat and small sections of Punjab but at this time the Indian peoples would not have reached our borders).


The Pakistani civilization (which includes Kashmir) and Indian civilization are two distinct groups
with our civilization having been born and flourished within Pakistan. Our civilization was composed of two neolithic settlements the most significant being that of Mehrgarh and the much smaller settlement of Burzahom (located in the portion of Kashmir India now occupies) which spread throughout Pakistan particularly along the Indus and it's tributaries just as the Mesopotamians spread along the Tigris and Euphrates, the Egyptians along the Nile and the Chinese along the Yellow River. India's civilization on the other hand began in two locations the first was the Belan Valley from where they spread into the Gangetic valley and eventually along the Ganges the other being settlements located in Tamil Nadu.


Kashmir is our ancestral territory and they are our people.

Your state sponsored terrorism of the innocents and continued denial of their right to self determination is both a violation of their human rights and complete hypocrisy considering you were once asking for the same from the British.

However, we will continue to support our Kashmiri brethren in their quest for freedom.

3. Terrorism in Bangladesh? are you kidding me?

4. Terrorism in China? -The funny part is Chinese themselves do not name India - in fact they blame Pakistan for sheltering ETIM and ask Pakistan to take action, so lets not kid ourselves by making a mockery of the principle source of terrorism in the region that is Pakistani soil.

When did CPC's leadership ever blame Pakistan?

As for Indian state sponsored terrorism in China and Bangladesh the US' own Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute has a paper titled "The Lessons of History: The Chinese Liberation Army at 75" by Laurie Burkitt, Andrew Scobell and Larry M. Wortzel (pg. 335) which again confirms that:

"The CIA had worked to develop a guerrilla effort in Tibet from the time of the Korean war, and India tacitly, and later between 1959 and 1962 more actively, supported this effort"

When your state sponsored terrorism failed you tried to invade China but were beaten back.

So what happened after that?

In the book "The False Dalai Lama: The Worst Dictator in the Modern World" by the International Shugden Community (pg. vii) those same Tibetan guerrilla fighters were later inducted into the Indian Armies Special Frontier Force to fight Pakistan's military in Bangladesh who went around murdering civilians within the country in 1971 as part of the Mukti Bahini terrorist organization your country created and confirmed by the "Indian Defence Review: Volume 23" (pg. 24) which states:

"RAW was given the task of gathering intelligence and undertaking covert missions, including pro-insurgency" and "the operation involved getting the [terrorists]... in East Pakistan (Now Bangladesh) together and training and arming them"


This also happens to be confirmed by your former COIA General V.K Singh

Unfortunately for India, like before and as confirmed by US sources, the Mukti Bahini also failed with the Pakistani army quickly eliminating their ranks and encountering virtually no resistance from the poor Bengali people caught up in India's malicious activities.

However, India had a contingency plan in place which effectively proves they were gearing up to start another war (as they've always done). After having been defeated by China and failing to do anything more than score a draw against Pakistan in '65 (a nation 10 times smaller) four months before your country invaded Bangladesh in 1971 India signed what is known as the "Indo-Soviet treaty of Friendship and Cooperation" Article IX of which specifically states that:

"... In the event of either being subjected to an attack or a threat thereof, the High Contracting Parties shall immediately enter into mutual consultations in order to remove such threat and to take appropriate effective measures to ensure peace and the security of their countries."
This is what lead to a large scale USSR naval intervention in the 1971 war on behalf of India to assist in blockading the bay of Bengal as confirmed by former Russian naval commander Vladimir Kruglyakov.

It's no surprise this agreement was forged considering the USSR and India are very similar. The USSR was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of peoples, the occupation of their lands and forced displacement of millions more pretty much the exact same as India.

Why is India repeating the terrorism of its old ally USSR that eventually required us to get involved and help crush it in Afghanistan?
Sorry but there was no partition all our civilization did is regain our independence/freedom from the British Empire hence why we refer to it as "independence day" not "post partition day".

For those parroting the "Hindustan" nonsense get real there never was any such country nor has the term, particularly when used by foreigners, ever been used to refer to any particular religious or ethnic group or even people with a shared history and common government much like the term "Asia" today. "India" as a country never existed before the British occupation of countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, etc... In fact the oldest known name for Pakistan was one used by Mesopotamia which referred to our nation as "Meluha" and our coastline as "Makran" (pg. 285 of "History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume 1") from about 2500 BC and our did not encompass modern day India (other than Gujrat and small sections of Punjab but at this time the Indian peoples would not have reached our borders).


The Pakistani civilization (which includes Kashmir) and Indian civilization are two distinct groups with our civilization having been born and flourished within Pakistan. Our civilization was composed of two neolithic settlements the most significant being that of Mehrgarh and the much smaller settlement of Burzahom (located in the portion of Kashmir India now occupies) which spread throughout Pakistan particularly along the Indus and it's tributaries just as the Mesopotamians spread along the Tigris and Euphrates, the Egyptians along the Nile and the Chinese along the Yellow River. India's civilization on the other hand began in two locations the first was the Belan Valley from where they spread into the Gangetic valley and eventually along the Ganges the other being settlements located in Tamil Nadu.


Kashmir is our ancestral territory and they are our people.

Your state sponsored terrorism of the innocents and continued denial of their right to self determination is both a violation of their human rights and complete hypocrisy considering you were once asking for the same from the British.

However, we will continue to support our Kashmiri brethren in their quest for freedom.

When did CPC's leadership ever blame Pakistan?

As for Indian state sponsored terrorism in China and Bangladesh the US' own Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute has a paper titled "The Lessons of History: The Chinese Liberation Army at 75" by Laurie Burkitt, Andrew Scobell and Larry M. Wortzel (pg. 335) which again confirms that:

"The CIA had worked to develop a guerrilla effort in Tibet from the time of the Korean war, and India tacitly, and later between 1959 and 1962 more actively, supported this effort"

When your state sponsored terrorism failed you tried to invade China but were beaten back.

So what happened after that?

In the book "The False Dalai Lama: The Worst Dictator in the Modern World" by the International Shugden Community (pg. vii) those same Tibetan guerrilla fighters were later inducted into the Indian Armies Special Frontier Force to fight Pakistan's military in Bangladesh who went around murdering civilians within the country in 1971 as part of the Mukti Bahini terrorist organization your country created and confirmed by the "Indian Defence Review: Volume 23" (pg. 24) which states:

"RAW was given the task of gathering intelligence and undertaking covert missions, including pro-insurgency" and "the operation involved getting the [terrorists]... in East Pakistan (Now Bangladesh) together and training and arming them"


This also happens to be confirmed by your former COIA General V.K Singh

Unfortunately for India, like before and as confirmed by US sources, the Mukti Bahini also failed with the Pakistani army quickly eliminating their ranks and encountering virtually no resistance from the poor Bengali people caught up in India's malicious activities.

However, India had a contingency plan in place which effectively proves they were gearing up to start another war (as they've always done). After having been defeated by China and failing to do anything more than score a draw against Pakistan in '65 (a nation 10 times smaller) four months before your country invaded Bangladesh in 1971 India signed what is known as the "Indo-Soviet treaty of Friendship and Cooperation" Article IX of which specifically states that:

"... In the event of either being subjected to an attack or a threat thereof, the High Contracting Parties shall immediately enter into mutual consultations in order to remove such threat and to take appropriate effective measures to ensure peace and the security of their countries."
This is what lead to a large scale USSR naval intervention in the 1971 war on behalf of India to assist in blockading the bay of Bengal as confirmed by former Russian naval commander Vladimir Kruglyakov.

It's no surprise this agreement was forged considering the USSR and India are very similar. The USSR was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of peoples, the occupation of their lands and forced displacement of millions more pretty much the exact same as India.

Why is India repeating the terrorism of its old ally USSR that eventually required us to get involved and help crush it in Afghanistan?

1. What do you think the so called two nation theory - which was the basis for Muslims getting a fresh new country was?.

2. Where is mukhti bahini now?

as for the rest of your balderdash - it qualifies under the murder of history in pakistan - a big yawn*.
if you dont want an all expenses paid trip to AF-BANISTAN i suggest you keep your beak shut and take it easy on your lame prophecies (which we've been hearing for decades)
Are you seriously high on some weed, neither your post nor your negative ratings make any sense.
Sometimes mods and admins surely act out of prejudice it seems. Anyway have a good time :)
I would say that India is playing good. They are growing economically, in science and technology, giving good education to their kids, world renowned uni, pumping money in infrastructure & defence sector. Kashmir is not only a primary concern for them whereas for Pakistan pretend that Kashmir is everything for them and are failing in every other front.What will we do of Kashmir when as a country we are dying down ? Pakistan should concentrate on Pakistan first and once they become strong or have a voice in international arena then they should talk about Kashmir otherwise that time is not far when we will have a difference of USA and Mexico. Kashmir should be thrown in back burner for some time. Pakistan Moral, Financial or Man support is not anyways making any difference in current scenario. We are just getting a bad name, nothing less.

Worst case scenario, Pakistanis are too talented to have such gap of a difference. But we do need to do more including more support for Azaad Kashmir expansion.:enjoy:
Are you seriously high on some weed, neither your post nor your negative ratings make any sense.
Sometimes mods and admins surely act out of prejudice it seems. Anyway have a good time :)

cry me a river and go find another forum if you feel your pride is hurt

on subject - india's position on this matter is one of total weakness and fright
Well its not India's position, its global perception that given the way things have turmoiled, it would be very difficult for Pakistan to maintain its integrity.

If you become ostrich and dig your head in and see it as Indian position then its not my fault.

cry me a river and go find another forum if you feel your pride is hurt

For sure I am not here to hurt yours on any Pakistanis pride. And what do you have in you to hurt my pride or for that matter any Indian's pride.

So chill and relax dont get emotional and sentimental, be practical.
Have a great time ahead, wish you and your country a very bright future.
Well its not India's position, its global perception that given the way things have turmoiled, it would be very difficult for Pakistan to maintain its integrity.

If you become ostrich and dig your head in and see it as Indian position then its not my fault.

to be quite frank and quite honest - this is advice best served for YOU and your people
Kashmir is integral part of Pakistan & they have shown their love for Pakistan many times.
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