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Hunting down Shias: Society’s deafening silence

how convenient, you failed to read even the basic thing, he puts blame on 'global conspiracy' try to read it first before posting if the shia heads are responsibile then this isnt any sectarian issue in the first place
I read it. That's what I am saying. There is targeted attack on Shias to cause sectarian violence, so called orchestrated by foreign forces and you guys are saying Shias are making too much fuss.

Don't you get it ? You are saying we sunnis don't make such noise why shias are crying. They want to create this same divide.
Oh please enough with the nonsense "it affects us equally", what a pile of bullish*t. Shias are dying like dogs, every other day and how does it affect us equally? I am a sunni, and such incidents boil my blood. We ALL know the long story behind the sorry state of affairs behind all what is happening in Pakistan right now, and yet we come up with new iteration of conspiracy theories and tag-lines!

TTP = Wahabi / Salafi DAWGS (don't derail by getting into nomenclature / the egg and the chicken theory) usual suspects stay away....
Wahabi Dogs -> Kill Shias first
Wahabi Dogs -> Kill Barelvis next
Wahabi Dogs -> Try to fix Deobandi's if not possible kill them as well.
Wahabi Dogs create a republic -- You'll have "Al-Wahabistan or Camelistan" where the official language shall become Camelrdu.

Oh let's not forget other minorities............ the Parsis/Hindus/Christians...... they'll be burned at the stake!!!

People wake up... this is what is going on.. these are facts.... no denying them.... the seeds of hatred planted by Zia and his Arab patrons have ripened... taste them..... enjoy them.........

Use more "D's" in your language.... forget the "Z's" as Arab ******* don't pronounce it.....

Need more clarifications on THE REAL PICTURE.... Please ask, I'll continue........

P.S. No, I am not a Shia, actually after seeing the apathy of my people and inability to reason and deduct, I don't know who I am anymore.
The sad part is.. that even when there was a divide.. it was restricted to debates..
Now its within the social fabric..

It did not start with the Taliban though..
When forms for Universities, Armed forces.. and civil service ask which sect do you belong to..
it was bound to happen.
I read it. That's what I am saying. There is targeted attack on Shias to cause sectarian violence, so called orchestrated by foreign forces and you guys are saying Shias are making too much fuss.

Don't you get it ? You are saying we sunnis don't make such noise why shias are crying. They want to create this same divide.

no wonder that somebody is trying to instigate the shia sunni sectarian violance, but is he succeeding? i think so, its because as you said shias are making a fuss out of it, the sunnis and not shias got killed in past ten years as a result of terror attacks, do you remember all the bomb blasts and how common people got it? they were all pakistanis not sunni, shia, barelvi, deobandi etc

shias and hazaras complain how they are dying where as the first female fighter pilot was a shia from hazara community, the president of pakistan is a shia, the sindh home minister was a shia, who operates a gang og extortionists, and sindh chief minister is also a shia(provided most of the members of MQM are also shia)

now the question is who is responsible for shia attacks?

obviously the guy who made those attacks will never be caught because its shias themselves in power who are not willing to catch these guys

in northern areas where the terrorists tried to target kill the shias, it were sunnis who also got killed because they refused to point out shia members of the bus to the terrorists, so you see that even though somebody is trying to instigate a sectarian violance, its not a sectarian issue
Read the actual text. Imran has said that the sectarian violence is only one aspect of a wider problem of terrorism and its support from political parties. As usual, he is spot on!
Sir I read it. That's exactly my point. The terrorists want sectarian divide. They gave color of sectarian violence as the previous act of terrorism didn't cause this rift among people you see today.

Its divide and rule policy. Don't take me otherwise. I am the one who is saying that its attack on Pakistanis but people are now saying one sect is most affected than other.
@darkinsky My brother, don't go down the road which these terrorists wants you do. My point is if someone leaves a note on my door step or say leave my version of religion or they will kill me, and they kill my son just because of my belief, I will feel outraged. But I will also feel outrage if a Sunni is targeted because of his belief.

The whole point is what was the stated reason of terrorists for these attacks.

Shias are crying out because in one city, how can a terrorist strike which killed over 100 people, 1000 kg of explosives can come and kill over 80 people. They made Shias target so that when they protest, people can say, why Shias are crying, even Sunnis are killed. The terrorist want you to feel the divide.

@Hyperion This is what I have been saying. People are going as these terrorist wanted. they wanted to create a divide and people are now second guessing.
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They are outnumbered, outgunned and out classed... If our people don't take a stance, they will be wiped out.... no kidding..... we can crunch numbers and I bet that is what will be the result.....

What will happen if some militant shias start striking back. Will the majority sunnis be as tolerant or will there be an escalation?
Sir I read it. That's exactly my point. The terrorists want sectarian divide. They gave color of sectarian violence as the previous act of terrorism didn't cause this rift among people you see today.

Its divide and rule policy. Don't take me otherwise. I am the one who is saying that its attack on Pakistanis but people are now saying one sect is most affected than other.

That's our point that we should NOT fall for the terrorist agenda and view this violence through sectarian lenses.

We should see this as a problem for all Pakistanis, not just for Shias.

Here's the crude reality:

Imagine you are an average Sunni Pakistani. You already have enough things on your mind, what with the electricity shortage, water shortage, and rising costs. Now you hear one of two statements:

A: security situation is really bad for Shias; they are not safe anywhere

B: security situation is really bad for people; we are not safe anywhere

Which one is more likely to get your attention? Just human nature says you will pay more attention to something which can potentially affect you personally. This is the message we want to convey to the public: that the terrorists are enemies of all Pakistanis, not just Shias.
The sad part is.. that even when there was a divide.. it was restricted to debates..
Now its within the social fabric..It did not start with the Taliban though..When forms for Universities, Armed forces.. and civil service ask which sect do you belong to..t was bound to happen.
Like I said, terrorist just gave a little push and people are doing the damage themselves. Instead of being united, they say why one is crying louder than me.
1. All Pakistanis are NOT armed.
2. All Pakistanis who are borderline "Deobandi" are being converted at light-speed to Wahabism.
3. Remainder from point two above have become numb and apathetic.

The problem is of the state, maximum liability lies squarely on the Army, no denying it. They DID create the monster, for whatever reasons, it's time they die eliminating it. Before one more drop of blood is bled from a civilian, they need to offer the sacrifice with THEIR lives...

I can clarify further, if you need?

You just proved our point.

This is not a Shia problem.
This is a problem for all Pakistanis who disagree with the terrorists.
That's our point that we should NOT fall for the terrorist agenda and view this violence through sectarian lenses. We should see this as a problem for all Pakistanis, not just for Shias.
For that, the media is at fault here. Sometimes Morality should be considered over Logic.

Morality dictates that media should say 48 Pakistanis killed, but logic says 48 Shias targeted killed in majority.

In our country, newspaper don't mention the religion of people fighting. All they say a group of people fought with other, or one community with another minority community. Careful use of words is important. And it has to be forced to keep the unity intact.
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