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Hunting down Shias: Society’s deafening silence

@Mirzay @Hyperion can you explain as to why are Pakistani People not getting outraged over these terrorists incidents which have now become a weekly affair & asking the GOP as to what actions have been taken to stop them??

I mean, if such huge casualty would have occurred in a terrorist incident on Indian soil, you would have seen all 1.2 billion Indians on streets.

Remember Mumbai 26/11??

The reason is that our government don't realize the condition ... After all they are not paying it is our nation who are paying to them on regular bases
And people are protesting (shia+sunni+wahabi) but infront of whom..... :angry:
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@Roybot and you who has not smelled even the air in Pakistan knows this better than any of us Pakistanis? :pop: Interesting...

You don't need to be there physically to know about something. Combination of knowledge and logic is more than enough to deduce a conclusion, specially in this day and age. And FWIW I have been to Pakistan twice. :wave:
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While i sympathize with shias and condemn their deaths, they are not entirely innocent , they get support in sectrian violence from Iran, the centre of evil. A sect of shiaism, alvi, give God-like status to hazrat ali. Another sect of shias, ismailia were responsible for one of the biggest fitna in islam.
They call names to hazrat abu bakar, hazrat omar and hazrat ayesha , a muslim's sentiments would definately get hurt on such outbursts of shias and if provoked by mullah, he would be even ready to hunt down some shias. So these shias of nowadays, who have become hazrat ali and imams worshippers, need to embrace mainstream and proper islam. Most of the shias were once proper muslims forcibly converted to shiaism by safvis of Iran.
You don't need to be there physically to know about something. Combination of knowledge and logic is more than enough to deduce a conclusion, specially in this day and age. And FWIW I have been to Pakistan twice. :wave:

depends on where you got the knowledge ;)

Which part of Pakistan?
Every Pakistani is getting killed by terrorists irrespective of sects. Sunnis have died more than shias in bomb blasts every day.

the shia killings are also part of terrorists agenda.

we all need to stand for everyone
Oh please enough with the nonsense "it affects us equally", what a pile of bullish*t. Shias are dying like dogs, every other day and how does it affect us equally? I am a sunni, and such incidents boil my blood. We ALL know the long story behind the sorry state of affairs behind all what is happening in Pakistan right now, and yet we come up with new iteration of conspiracy theories and tag-lines!

TTP = Wahabi / Salafi DAWGS (don't derail by getting into nomenclature / the egg and the chicken theory) usual suspects stay away....
Wahabi Dogs -> Kill Shias first
Wahabi Dogs -> Kill Barelvis next
Wahabi Dogs -> Try to fix Deobandi's if not possible kill them as well.
Wahabi Dogs create a republic -- You'll have "Al-Wahabistan or Camelistan" where the official language shall become Camelrdu.

Oh let's not forget other minorities............ the Parsis/Hindus/Christians...... they'll be burned at the stake!!!

People wake up... this is what is going on.. these are facts.... no denying them.... the seeds of hatred planted by Zia and his Arab patrons have ripened... taste them..... enjoy them.........

Use more "D's" in your language.... forget the "Z's" as Arab ******* don't pronounce it.....

Need more clarifications on THE REAL PICTURE.... Please ask, I'll continue........

P.S. No, I am not a Shia, actually after seeing the apathy of my people and inability to reason and deduct, I don't know who I am anymore.

You said it dude. The Salafi/Wahabi movement is on our doorstep trying to break down the door with a battering ram. The State is watching passively while our people are getting killed everyday. As a Sunni, I'm disgusted by the state's inaction. Both the politicans and military are to blame - with the exception of ANP which is the only party that has truly fought the likes of TTP/LeJ.
One of the great ruler of his time ... Today's ruler don't care about common people .. Even the didn't visited the palce of blast.. :frown:

Hazrat Umar (RA) is reported to have said that, even if a dog died of hunger and thirst at the bank of the Euphrates in Baghdad, he would be held accountable by Almighty Allah..

Every Pakistani is getting killed by terrorists irrespective of sects. Sunnis have died more than shias in bomb blasts every day.

the shia killings are also part of terrorists agenda.

we all need to stand for everyone

What you'll say about media electronic media helping to provoke sectarian issue ???
its unfortunate how terrorism is eating in to the very roots of pakistan..ur army's latest doctrine that terrorism is a greater enemy than india is true..but unfortunately the stance is taken very late..if tolerated it can collapse the entire state like a cancer slowly..only people can stop this now by publicly opposing terrorists..girls like malala shall become an inspiration..
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

This is what happens you let Americans run around in your country with impunity.
1. All Pakistanis are NOT armed.
2. All Pakistanis who are borderline "Deobandi" are being converted at light-speed to Wahabism.
3. Remainder from point two above have become numb and apathetic.

The problem is of the state, maximum liability lies squarely on the Army, no denying it. They DID create the monster, for whatever reasons, it's time they die eliminating it. Before one more drop of blood is bled from a civilian, they need to offer the sacrifice with THEIR lives...


I agree. The Army created this mess and now it must clean it up. Time to step up to the plate General Kiyani!
its infact you who is trying to do what terrorists want you, not me

if BLA attacks and kills some punjabis in balochistan

did any punjabi raised issues of ethnic cleansing in balochistan because of BLA, did they came out in the streets saying that? i dont think so, because a punjabi pakistani is equally responsible for this instibility as a baloch or sindhi or pashtun is

th same standards should be applied here, until and unless you want to see this in your spectrum of sectarian violance

as i said again, shias and sunnis and everybody will have to get united on this terrorism and demand government to provide them security, if a shia, is not safe then sunni is not safe

the majority of them are shias who got killed but we cant ignore that sunnis among them also got killed

if the terrorists wanted to target shias, they would have thought that they are killing sunnis in the process too which they didnt

as i said, and i will say it again, its not about shia sunni, its about insecurity, and insecurity tries to give birth to making panic situation, you my indian friend is trying to use this panic situation to create a divide, and what my role in all this is to resist that

well said sir..india faced similar situation after the earlier stages of independece..casts ,religions.languages and all kinds of divides between people made the system in to a hell.but things have changed..people learned..today people learned to live together.share with each other ,adjust with each other..after all theres no option but to live with each other..if at all the same situation continued in india .it would have been a 100 countries by now owing to so many diversities..hope pakistan to transforms into better..afterall it only need the realization of people..it may take some time..but not impossible
WEll , we have such forces who are killing shias. but my question is why only this time they have started doing such stuff when Pakistan has handed over gawader to china... i smell something fishy ... if you guys know what i mean ..
Every Pakistani is worried. I am pissed on Gen. Kayani.
WEll , we have such forces who are killing shias. but my question is why only this time they have started doing such stuff when Pakistan has handed over gawader to china... i smell something fishy ... if you guys know what i mean ..

Duh, the handover happened only last month. The attacks on Shia are going on for a long time now. SSP / LEJ type of people are two decades old, Taliban massacres of shias have been well documented. There is a violent idology involved that believes in hurting shias. What help theyr receive from whom is moot, but the perpetrators are pakistani.
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