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Hunger and Poverty in Pakistan Declined During Musharraf Years

Hardly has to do with Musharraf.

The entire global economy was booming till 2008/9. After that it has crashed for everybody. The exact same trend in Pakistan as well.

it hit hard perticularly in US and EU, it didnt hit hard in canada, china, even australia, australia economy is booming, you cant campare pakistan because we were in the N11 it was because of corruption and incompetence in the later government and it also occured in india because of mis governance

if thats the case dont try to blame manmohan singh because he just faced the global economic crash
I was following the Pakistani growth in Musharraf's regime and frankly speaking I was quite impressed. I guess people should again elect Musharraf , if not for themselves then for those people lying in the streets waiting for an oppurtunity to come their way .
Why the hell do you bring musharraf and his fake progress opening tons of Threads you people look and understand the reality was by 2006-2008 ECONOMY WAS FLAT!

Lastly for the 1000th time musharraf had pml-q team he was not a lone wolf or not someone controlling all the departments being a super human. Get facts straight regardless you like it or not.

You people have a poor poor knowledge and understanding and you are no different then mindless pml-n/ppp workers who live in darkness in load shedding no food no clothes no shelter and still say jivey jivey bhutto nawaz.
There was SHaukat Aziz with him as well...then the US aid, global economic outlook etc.

Go and have a look that what was the educational and professional background of Shaukat Aziz.
as said earlier cant we modify the whole govt and appoint Mushy at the same position as khomeni in iran?

we need 8% growth of 2005 again for atleast the next 5 years
Government school were running good in Musharafs time! Now there is no Accountability of teachers al all!
What do majority of Pakistanis think about Musharraf? Does he have a chance to get elected?
What do majority of Pakistanis think about Musharraf? Does he have a chance to get elected?

we do not hope of wide spread acceptance of results of coming elections, due to open corruption and dictation.
Pakistan's human development score rose by 18.9% during Musharraf years and increased just 3.4% under elected leadership since 2008. The news on the human development front got even worse in the last three years, with HDI growth slowing down as low as 0.59% — a paltry average annual increase of under 0.20 per cent.

Who's to blame for this dramatic slowdown in the nation's human development? Who gave it a low priority? Zardari? Peoples' Party? Sharif brothers? PML (N)? PML (Q)? Awami National Party? Muttahida Qaumi Movement? The answer is: All of them? They were all part of the government. In fact, the biggest share of the blame must be assigned to PML (N).

Sharif brothers weren't part of the ruling coalition at the center. So why should the PML (N) share the blame for falling growth in the nation's HDI? They must accept a large part of the blame because education and health, the biggest contributors to human development, are both provincial subjects and PML(N) was responsible for education ad health care of more than half of Pakistan's population.

Going further back to the decade of 1990s when the civilian leadership of the country alternated between PML (N) and PPP, the increase in Pakistan's HDI was 9.3% from 1990 to 2000, less than half of the HDI gain of 18.9% on Musharraf's watch from 2000 to 2007.


Haq's Musings: Who's Better For Pak Human Development? Musharraf or Politicians?
A few more years and he would have screwed Pakistan even more, whatever problems Pakistan faced during the last decade and still facing including the government of Zardari were because of his idiotic moves. 10 years is not a short time, he ruled Pakistan for 10 years with full power and authority and full support and financial aid of western countries, and only gave ethenic and religious extremism.
PPP's government, in an MOU with the IMF, hailed the performance of Pakistan's economy under President Musharraf's watch as follows:

"Pakistan's economy witnessed a major economic transformation in the last decade. The country's real GDP increased from $60 billion to $170 billion, with per capita income rising from under $500 to over $1000 during 2000-07". It further acknowledged that "the volume of international trade increased from $20 billion to nearly $60 billion. The improved macroeconomic performance enabled Pakistan to re-enter the international capital markets in the mid-2000s. Large capital inflows financed the current account deficit and contributed to an increase in gross official reserves to $14.3 billion at end-June 2007. Buoyant output growth, low inflation, and the government's social policies contributed to a reduction in poverty and improvement in many social indicators". (see MEFP, November 20, 2008, Para 1)


Haq's Musings: Musharraf's Economic Legacy
Im sick of Musheraff taking credit for the economic boom

A) Sanctions removed - No credit to his diplomacy, credit to 9/11
B) American Aid provided a stimulus around 2% of GDP(aid stopped in 2008) - No credit his economic policies, credit war on terror

Ayub Khan did the same trick, americans gave him huge aid then started giving in loans, by the time ayub khan , 20% of the federal budjet went towards repaying american loans

C) Property Investments by overseas pakistanis -no credit his policies, credit racists in wests driving pakistanis home

D) Investment from Gulf went to property to meet demand of overseas Pakistanis
E) Cheap Credit which went to elite and upper middle class. They borrowed alot of money and imported lots of goods, in 2009 this led to BOP crises as pakistan was importing too much and musheraff had no export policies

Economic growth has little to do with government. Government should just keep regulations limited,law and order , corruption free, not give trade advantages to economic rivals like India and educate the workforce

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