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Hundreds of Britons waging jihad in Syria

I think it can successfully challenged in european court.
Tera kya hoga Tharki !!!
Uh so what do you suggest? Killing people because they have bad taste in literature? Because that's what you're aiming at with the two names you mention and "constraints" by law.

Lone wolf is a lone wolf. These aren't lone wolves. They're a pack, a known pack at that.

As for the 100's of motivated jihadis.....motivated by what?
You do know GCC pays for their participation in Syria right? Story from Bosnia goes that 15.000€ per combatant is wired to his family when he leaves. Now, when Saudis stop the funding how much motivation you think they'll still have?

May I see any materialistic evidence to back up such claim please?
I think it can successfully challenged in european court.

I have seen the quilliam guy talking, he is an ex jihadi... and makes very good point regarding what causes terrorism.
tommy robinson left bnp due to him.

Precisely. Hence all the talk about UK revoking the Human Rights Act and reviewing the legal position vis a vis the ECHR
Precisely. Hence all the talk about UK revoking the Human Rights Act and reviewing the legal position vis a vis the ECHR
its offtopic .. but UK will become a sad little island if it leaves european treaties.. there will be no different between USA and UK, at least USA is big and rich...
its offtopic .. but UK will become a sad little island if it leaves european treaties.. there will be no different between USA and UK, at least USA is big and rich...

I was not referring to the whole EU debate but specific issues around ECHR. Plans are afoot to reign in this kangaroo court and re establish primacy of UK legislation

BBC News - European Court of Human Rights 'risk to UK sovereignty'

European Court of Human Rights 'risk to UK sovereignty'

Claims the European Court of Human Rights can set law on social matters threatens Parliamentary sovereignty, a former lord chief justice has said.

Lord Judge said Parliament needed to decide how much power it was willing to give up to the court in Strasbourg.

Meanwhile, the European court's head said Britain is violating international law with a ban on prisoners voting.

Judge Dean Spielmann said if Britain did not adhere to European human rights laws it could face leaving the EU.

Lord Judge, the former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme he was concerned that Judge Spielmann was claiming too much power for a body of unelected judges whose rulings could not be challenged.

"This is a court which is not answerable to anybody," he said.

Serious problem'

"If it's right, it can't be over-ruled by anybody. I genuinely don't think that a body of judges - however distinguished - should have that sort of power."

Lord Judge said he supported the European Convention on Human Rights but insisted the court was overstepping itself in attempting to dictate rather than influence the social legislation of member states.

He urged the government to rally support across Europe to rein the court in.

"His (Judge Spielmann's) view means that the court in Europe is entitled to tell every country in Europe how it should organise itself," he said.

"He refers to it as a living instrument. Of course the convention isn't a dead instrument, but it means that legislation can be made by judges on all sorts of societal issues - binding legislation - and if that's the position there is a very serious problem with sovereignty.

"It's not a UK problem, the sovereignty issue affects every single country in Europe."

He added: "It is time for us to recognise that it is a very important time. My own view is: stop here."

But Judge Spielmann, who sits as president of the European Court of Human Rights, told Today that the UK should not heed the demands of some Conservative MPs to defy the court's ruling on prisoner voting rights.

'Fundamental principle'

He said such a move could propel Britain out of the Council of Europe, which created the court, and consequently the EU.

"All the members of the European Union are also members of the Council of Europe. I can hardly see how a member of the European Union could withdraw from the Council of Europe. I see a problem there.

"I think from a political perspective it might be very difficult to stay in the European Union."

Lord Judge acknowledged that there were differences among British judges as to what extent the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights were binding on the UK which MPs now needed to resolve.

"My very strong belief is that this issue now needs to be resolved by Parliament," he said.

Lord Judge called on Parliament to clarify the extent to which European Court of Human Rights rulings were binding in the UK.

"The issue that is in play here is not the convention, it's sovereignty. The most fundamental principle of our unwritten constitution is parliamentary sovereignty.

"Our elected representatives have ultimate sovereignty not only over our own unelected judges but in my view over the unelected judges of any other jurisdiction, including Europe, unless we choose to give them sovereignty."
[q uote="KRAIT, post: 5003234, member: 136502"]Take away their nationality. Declare them criminals.[/quote]

Only logical thing to do.

Won't happen- all 3 main poltical parties need the Muslim votes.

This country is a complete joke on this front. I honestly can't explain it but we've actually become an exporter of radicalised Muslims!

Glad I'll be out of here in a few years- if everything goes to plan.
[q uote="KRAIT, post: 5003234, member: 136502"]Take away their nationality. Declare them criminals.

Only logical thing to do.

Won't happen- all 3 main poltical parties need the Muslim votes.

This country is a complete joke on this front. I honestly can't explain it but we've actually become an exporter of radicalised Muslims!

Glad I'll be out of here in a few years- if everything goes to plan.[/quote]

@abigdonboy I have to disagree with you on the importance of the muslim vote for all major parties. Muslim population in the UK is relatively insignificant in an electoral sense, given its mainly concentrated in Northern Industrial conurbations and parts of inner city London/Glasgow where Labour's position is already unassailable. The Conservatives have long given up hopes of winning such seats and since Lib Dems are now tainted by association, the only realistic challenge to Labour in those areas is likely to come from fringe players like Respect. In any case, only a minority of Muslims actually bother to vote, for instance 47% in the 2010 general elections, which dilutes their electoral influence further.

I think the real issues for the Tories in the upcoming Euro elections and the big one in 2015 would include broadening their appeal to younger voters and preventing some of their core support base from switching allegiance to UKIP. UKIP is unlikely to dent Tory prospects in the home counties where Blues have always won big but UKIP's popularity and Lib Dems lack of it could lead to three way contests between UKIP/Con/Labour in parts of East Kent/East Anglia/ Middle England and Tory pockets up north, which could ultimately favour Labour.

None of these outcomes IMO would be significantly affected by the Muslim vote which in most cases would go to Labour or any other token Muslim candidate put up by other parties anyway.

I wholeheartedly endorse your plan to leave the UK though, provided you are opting for somewhere with better weather and not so ridden with political correctness-which does narrow down your choices a fair bit.
May I see any materialistic evidence to back up such claim please?

Rough Google translation of local article, i reworded it slightly for better understanding:

In Syria, among the rebels against the regime of Bashar al -Assad fights 60 citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina , all of which are members of the extreme Islamist movement salafis , today reported the Sarajevo daily Avaz that citing unnamed sources of the Ministry of Interior of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The main motive for going to Syria is poverty in the country. Volunteers , including the 20 -year-olds get about 15,000 euros. They are accompanied with their spouses , as a rule young and without education, they met over the internet .

" The fly from Slovenia to Vienna , then to Istanbul, and then go from Turkey to Syria , " a police source described the way volunteers to battlefields in Syria , which have so far killed at least four citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina . They fear that it would be deaths can be even more, since fighters often change the name , so it is not always possible to determine citizenship. Volunteers pay someone a plane ticket and their families get the money.

The police is aware that there is an organized network , which sends volunteers from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Syria , but in the country there is no legal basis to prosecute such activities , citing the Serbian press agency Tanjug . The competent ministry already has launched an initiative for the adoption of legislation that would sanction the organizers and volunteers .

Among the organizers of the local media indicate also one of the leaders of Salafi community in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bilal Bosnić .

Salafisti adhere to the most stringent rules of Islam in Bosnia and Herzegovina have come during the last war , so now in the country for a few strong branches of this movement . According to the newspaper in the country come from Sandžak and Austria , and their number is growing .

24ur.com - V Sirijo za 15.000 evrov: na strani upornikov se bori 60 skrajnih islamistov iz BiH

Now, ofcourse you'll say there's no materialistic evidence that points to who is giving the money, but it's not that hard to figure out who has the cash for this.
Uh and also, there's more articles about this, from basically all the countries that sorround Bosnia.

Oh and a Happy New Year! :partay:
Rough Google translation of local article, i reworded it slightly for better understanding:

24ur.com - V Sirijo za 15.000 evrov: na strani upornikov se bori 60 skrajnih islamistov iz BiH

Now, ofcourse you'll say there's no materialistic evidence that points to who is giving the money, but it's not that hard to figure out who has the cash for this.
Uh and also, there's more articles about this, from basically all the countries that sorround Bosnia.

Oh and a Happy New Year! :partay:

Hey there :welcome: I haven't seen you for a while, how's been?

In short, I'm glad to find out that nothing official came as of right now, at this point. Thanks for bringing the article into my attention though.
Chickens coming home to roost...its only a matter of time before a few slip through the net.

UK police arrest two men on suspicion of terrorist offences in Syria

Two men, both aged 21 and from Birmingham, are detained at Heathrow airport after arriving back in UK on flight from Turkey

Two men have been arrested at Heathrow on suspicion of terrorism offences linked to activities in Syria.
The pair, both aged 21 and from Birmingham, were detained at the airport at around 3.30pm on Monday after arriving back in the UK on a flight from Turkey, West Midlands police said.

Detectives believe the men, from the Handsworth area, travelled to Syria in May last year. Unarmed officers detained the men, who are now being questioned in the West Midlands, as they disembarked.

Detective Chief Superintendent Kenny Bell, head of the West Midlands counter-terrorsim unit, said: "We took action this afternoon in order to ensure we can properly understand what activities these men have been engaged in whilst in Syria, not because they posed any imminent threat to the public."

In its statement confirming the arrests, the West Midlands force urged anyone thinking of travelling to Syria to heed warnings issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. (Nice gesture from the FCO to show concern for budding terrorists..they must think the 'scary' travel advisory would put at least some of them off from making the trip)

UK police arrest two men on suspicion of terrorist offences in Syria | UK news | The Guardian

Two women arrested over terror offences

One woman, 26, was held at Heathrow and the second, 27, was arrested at an address in London

Two women have been arrested on suspicion of terror offences in separate police swoops. The first, aged 26, was held at Heathrow Airport at around 9.20am after officers stopped her as she tried to board a flight to Istanbul in Turkey from Terminal 5.

She was arrested on suspicion of being involved in the commission, preparation and instigation of acts of terrorism and a "large quantity" of money was seized. Five hours later a second woman, aged 27, was held on suspicion of the same offence in north-west London and taken into custody. Both women are now being questioned.

Scotland Yard said the arrests were intelligence-led rather than in response to an immediate threat or risk.
Two addresses in north and north-west London are now being searched.

Two women arrested for alleged terror offence as police investigate suspected Syria links - Telegraph

Looks like the UK has turned into the logistical hub for these terrorists scum..
Crazy. Many of those fighting there fight under the Salafist Jihadist groups who are amongst the worst terrorists on the planet. Very few if any fight for the secular FSA. It's a well known fact that the FSA is now losing ground to these savage fanatics.

These people are highly volatile and certainly cannot live amongst British society. I think the home secretary has taken away the citizenship of at least 80 of them.
Crazy. Many of those fighting there fight under the Salafist Jihadist groups who are amongst the worst terrorists on the planet. Very few if any fight for the secular FSA. It's a well known fact that the FSA is now losing ground to these savage fanatics.

These people are highly volatile and certainly cannot live amongst British society. I think the home secretary has taken away the citizenship of at least 80 of them. [/quote]


Have you got a link for the citizenship bit? Personally, I doubt Ms May has done anything of that sort or else the European Kangaroo Court would have been all over her like a rash by now (all funded by legal aid of course)
What does "waging jihad" mean? Literally it could mean many things. Why don't you guys just be straight forward and say it as is.

Hundreds of British citizens flee to Syria to fight alongside anti-Assad rebels? That sounds more right.

Because this original title seems to want to attach an agenda to their actions and make jihad a dirty word.

Hezbollah are jihadists too, it's not supposed to be a dirty word. Yet people praise Hezbollah's actions while disregarding they are jihadists too.

Don't associate jihadists with a dirty meaning. It's a normal term that the media likes to twist around with.
What does "waging jihad" mean? Literally it could mean many things. Why don't you guys just be straight forward and say it as is.

Hundreds of British citizens flee to Syria to fight alongside anti-Assad rebels? That sounds more right.

Because this original title seems to want to attach an agenda to their actions and make jihad a dirty word.

Hezbollah are jihadists too, it's not supposed to be a dirty word. Yet people praise Hezbollah's actions while disregarding they are jihadists too.

Don't associate jihadists with a dirty meaning. It's a normal term that the media likes to twist around with.

'Hundreds of British citizens with no links to Syria travel there to seek martyrdom in a sectarian conflict inspired by an extremist interpretation of their faith'...how does that sound?
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