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Hundreds in Pakistan pay tribute to bin Laden

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Hundreds from a nation of millions.
Terrorism is unpopular, al qaeda is unpopular.

If you went back in time, I bet you more would have held a positive view of him, such rallies would have been bigger.
Today, only a few hundred nut jobs. This fact is a testament to what I'm saying.

Support is almost dead. Only a few lunatics left.
The day Pakistan fixes it's problems such as education, law and order, economic recovery and peace.
That will be the final blow to extremism.
have zero problem with going after Jamaatis, you should know this - and I promise you that when their ermed faction is killed, they will think a hundred times before they do this kind of thing -- Democratic rights do not exist without democratic responsibilities

I edited the last post... catering to this point.

These people cannot be killed...the media gets on everybody's backs.

Remember missing persons, CJ is also not shy to becoming a hero!

Do you think ISI has enough time to go after some average billy or joe on the streets? NO, they go after these closet terrorists...and they can't kill them, they can't arrest them through court, so they detain them, and media starts crying. Pressure builds up, and they are released.
I edited the last post... catering to this point.

These people cannot be killed...the media gets on everybody's backs.

Remember missing persons, CJ is also not shy to becoming a hero!

Do you think ISI has enough time to go after some average billy or joe on the streets? NO, they go after these closet terrorists...and they can't kill them, they can't arrest them through court, so they detain them, and media starts crying. Pressure builds up, and they are released.

Yes, everybody remembers the missing -- by the way are they still missing? Disturbing the peace, any kind of unruly behavior related to maintenance of peace will suffice - and prisons and jails are places all decent people should avoid given the kinds of things that inmates do to each other.
Sir, OBL isn't "popular" in India the Tera Bina Laden film was mocking him not praising or glorifying him.

Popular in terms of funny jokes. I assure you nobody loves OBL for his terrorist act but only those conspiracy theorists that believe 9/11 was an inside job.
Yes, everybody remembers the missing -- by the way are they still missing? Disturbing the peace, any kind of unruly behavior related to maintenance of peace will suffice - and prisons and jails are places all decent people should avoid given the kinds of things that inmates do to each other.

Some are some are not, some came back after seeing their families on TV and their pleas, some were indeed released by agencies...some were just having a holiday in Afghanistan. Can't put them all in the same basket.
Some are some are not, some came back after seeing their families on TV and their pleas, some were indeed released by agencies...some were just having a holiday in Afghanistan. Can't put them all in the same basket.

So what is the drama behind misng persons and ISI :undecided: elaborate thz plese
Popular in terms of funny jokes. I assure you nobody loves OBL for his terrorist act but only those conspiracy theorists that believe 9/11 was an inside job.
there are too many pakistanis who believe in the insider job theory. And then there are those who consider him as resistance fighter against neo-colonialist(amreeka).
Add lawyers to the list of admirers. :chilli:
Fail thread.

Pakistan Population = 180 million

People paying tribute to OBL = hundreds

there are too many pakistanis who believe in the insider job theory. And then there are those who consider him as resistance fighter against neo-colonialist(amreeka).
Add lawyers to the list of admirers. :chilli:

The theories are also wide-spread here many Americans believe the Government had something to do with 9/11, WTC 7 collapsed and it wasn't even hit with a plane or anything whatsoever.
Sir, there is no intent behind my posting of this. This is news I have stumbled on and have posted here on a Pakistani defence forum.

I hardly feel that my own ethnic background comes into it. And for the record, not that it matters, I am not a Hindu but a Sikh. And I have not "immigrated" or "fled" to the UK, I was born here, I am a British citizen as are my parents. But again this is irrelevant.

I am quite surprised by the response this news has provoked especially by the more senior and respected Pakistani members on PDF.

I have not invented this news merely posted it- don't shoot the messenger.

With due respect, you should read the news, assess its importance and impact on PDF, Pakistan, etc. and then post, discuss it.

If you were born and raised in UK to some desi grandparents, then you should be much more free-thinker and diplomatic owning to your British environs.

However if you post Islamist $hit news like fresh of the boat Mirpuri Islamist, then obviously you will not get positive feedback.

Hope you understand.

If OBL is popular in Pakistan as a hero ... Why did religious extremist form the government ... And I can't see them in significant position in this election too ..............
there are too many pakistanis who believe in the insider job theory. And then there are those who consider him as resistance fighter against neo-colonialist(amreeka).
Add lawyers to the list of admirers. :chilli:

Well, it is what it is. It doesn't make any difference. There are hundreds of other countries which have the same thing going on, i assure you the case is same in India also among majority of Muslims, Arabs, etc.
Well, it is what it is. It doesn't make any difference. There are hundreds of other countries which have the same thing going on, i assure you the case is same in India also among majority of Muslims, Arabs, etc.
not denying about Indian muslims. you seemed to imply only few people admire him in pak, I would say more than a few.
Not saying these guys are terrorist or evil people though.
wow ...this shows bin laden was hero in pakistan .

world's top terrorist bin laden is hero in pakistan . and pakistan is peaceful nation . mix the two lines and result is pakistan want usa aid . ha3
stop nonsense kid . he got few supporters doesn't mean whole nation supports terrorists .
Off course it doesn't.

Question is? Is it newsworthy from Indian-Hindu point of view.

If no one else touches these lepper-Mullahs with 10 feet pole, why on earth an Indian-Hindu who has fled (ok immigrated) to UK would find it good to go give full body hugs to these terrorists and spread their heinous message around the globe?

I mean if this news was posted by an Islamists on PDF, it probably was something they would be proud of.

But an Indian-Hindu?

Why would he post such things.

Unless the only goal is to continue $hite-shoveling India-Pak style.

Hope you understand this now.

And no it is not a personal attack on anyone.

INstead it is a discussion about merits of posting Jih@@@@@di propaganda on PDF.


A serious question to you - How do you even know that OP is an Indian Hindu? Do you have some special powers to see the religion of any one posting here on PDF or do you think everyone waving Indian flag is "Indian Hindu"? Let's be clear on this that It is definitely a personal attack no matter what way you try to put it and that too laced with hatred for the religion that is followed even by millions of Pakistanis.

You can not ask for peace when you incite hatred for religion of anyone for posting the events happening in your backdrop. Please also explain how does OP posting an news qualify as posting Jih@@@@di propaganda here specially when you yourself have shown the hatred those Jih@@@@dis supposedly carry for kafir Hindus..

But how am I, being an Indian Hindu, supposed to even ask this? And yeah I know the ideology spread with in your country does not merit a discussion but the merits of an supposed "Indian Hindu" posting an event happening in your country does indeed needs a detailed discussion.
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