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Hundreds in Pakistan pay tribute to bin Laden

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This is an example of the lunacy that many in Pakistan think of as proper, yes, all have a right to peaceful assembly, but rights are conditioned by responsibilities - I would ask whether you appreciate this -- The problem of so many in Pakistan is that they are morally confused, they create relationships or equations between moral opposites and posit them as if they were relationships of equals.
You say better a OBL march tn an OBL bomb tribute - are these our choices?? bad and worse is our public morality? our democratic right??

Democratic rights stand first for me, everything else comes second and third. We can agree to disagree however.
Democratic rights stand first for me, everything else comes second and third. We can agree to disagree however.

No one has dispute democratic rights, however those rights are predicated upon, are conditioned on the exercise of Democratic responsibilities - too many in Pakistan think of Democracy as the same as Anarchy
No one has dispute democratic rights, however those rights are predicated upon, are conditioned on the exercise of Democratic responsibilities - too many in Pakistan think of Democracy as the same as Anarchy

Democratic responsibilities don't nor should restrict the expression of what people believe, right or wrong is ours to judge though.
Sir, OBL isn't "popular" in India the Tera Bina Laden film was mocking him not praising or glorifying him.

OBL is more popular in india than pakistan. Indian scholars like Dr Zakir Naik praise him in public. I don't need to tell you about public support of Dr zakir naik and other indian muslim scholars.
Good, they should also gather chanda and open 'Bin Ladin University of Terror' and take their teachings to next level above madrassas.

Why open that up in Pakistan when there's hundreds of Bin Ladin University of Terror' already present in afghanistan?
I've hung out at this forum on and off for five years now and you're the first Pakistani to explain this to me. Can you back up what appears to be a cowardly and (given the growth of militancy) ineffective approach with supporting examples?

Dear poster,

This forum is great in some ways and also terrible in many ways.

As it brings about the best the Pakistan has to offer and at the same time the worst possible stuff is also said on these same forums.

Off all the people, Indians are the first one to spread and post and spread Jih@di propaganda. And this very thread is an indication.

You my dear solomon posted a good essay about good natured Americans kind hearted americans yesterday.


you wanted to spread good news from America. even when the country suffered the horrible incidence in boston.

How would you fee if bunch of Mexians post bad news about America at their first chance and that too in an american forum.

How will you feel?


So it really depends on you who to believe. and how much to believe.

It all depends on you and your view of the world.

Here is what I say and suggest and recommend to Indian posters who happen to live (in general) only few miles from Pakistan border.

Travel to Pakistan when you get a chance. When you get a chance make sure you come by.

It is damn easy these days minus some hurdles.

Most of the Indian cities have direct bus service to Amritsar Punjab. Then a short run on a taxi and you are at the border. few minutes with customs and immigration and you are in Pakistan where a dedicated taxi cab will be waiting.

If you are on official visit, you will be provided full security even if you don't ask.

No it is not private.

Pakistani home ministry has this provision where local police stations make sure nothing goes out of hand.

OK the only hitch is to get the visa.

for official business it is easy (as long the embassy in Delhi is not shut due to some protest like one expected for Sarabjeet).

Other than that, no issues with food or travel.

you will be spoiled. Dare I say.

Now this is from first hand account.

And unfortunately you will not see this in good name newspapers like NYT, Wash post, Times of India, and Hindustan times.

No Siree.

you will not.

Newspapers have to sell story.

And a comfortable visit to Pakistan will not sell.

but the beardos and ben-fing-laden pictures and protest will.

So we are stuck in a rut.

And good people like you thing that we the 200 million people all are beardos and hijabis and ready to kill Hindus and Jews and Christians.

And that sadly is the image that is very hard to rid of.

especially when some in our country have worked "very hard" to build that dastardly image.

Oh and btw no surveys will help those who are bent on spreading rumors about Pakistan.

No surveys.

No one will tell you that without Pakistani majority supporting, our police protecting, and government planning for the HUGE amount of supplies to Afghanistan, US NATO campaign will come to a halt.

Yeah yeah. It is not free.

But who said one can get a free lunch.

you pay for it and you enjoy your lunch.

Hope this is not too long of an answer.

Thank you
Most of our 'chanda' is being spent on feeding 'your countrymen'.

That's a lie not a single penny pakistan has spent on refugees but has taken $millions to give them space in Pakistan but on the contrary many Afghan refugees invested heavily in Pakistan in different sectors which generated many jobs for pakistanis there.
If hundreds paid tribute in 190 million population of Pakistan... Describes about the popularity of Osama
Delete this glorification of terrorist thread please do not want to hear that man's name
These 'hundreds' of people need to be gathered and thrown out of Pakistan or just handed over to US. We don't need this f ilth paying tribute to a nut job.
@muse All citizens have the right to peaceful assembly,regardless of their beliefs. If American Nazis can march on the capital hill, these extremists can protest here too.

If i as an educated Pakistani, start to pick and choose on which citizens have rights and which don't,than i am no different to those very protestors.

I,personally would have them go to the people to march for OBL's death and be rejected than restricting their assembly rights and having them blow up some school or a market to mark OBL's death.

And, yes there is 'nothing wrong with the mods' here.


lol. Pakistan comparing itself to America in terms of rights of expression is a joke. Your govt. officially bans the entire internet at the mere sight of blasphemy and you guys are paranoid of all external culture. Your govt. officially banneds non-muslims from becoming leaders.
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My dear dear poster, As an Indian you should be sharing sadness with us instead of loling.


I'm not loling at the incident or the horrible acts done by the terrorists but the comparison of rights in Pakistan (or south asia) with America and a mod/ admin supporting this act as a constitutional right.
Its because every one in india is afraid of Bal Thakur even rich movie stars , in Pakistan I would slap these idiots...... and can openly dislike them

In any case I have not seen one news outlet reporting this news , so I doubt its authenticity
as whole Pakistan is busy with Election fever

Because the government already demolished that place, I don't buy it

In general I think we need to delete threads about the culprit as he was illegally in Pakistan a fugitive and trouble maker
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