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Hun Sen praise China and blames USA

I don't think you have enough information of SEA, what you have is form Thai side, there's some propaganda in it.
Siamese again is not the same as Tai. Tai is from Southern China. Siamese is natives of South East Asia, they are the same stocks as Khmers. Khmers and Siamese war with each other before the Tai migration. Have you wondered why the Thai many have dark skin and the look of natives, while the Tai in Laos and Vietnam have lighter skin of mongoloid race? You need to read Khmer Angkor history too.

The Viet can have light skin and big eyes, but your facial structure still looks closer to the Southeast Asian.

Most Viet girls can be told apart from the Chinese girls, and I just posted an example above.
I don't think you have enough information of SEA, what you have is form Thai side, there's some propaganda in it.
Siamese again is not the same as Tai. Tai is from Southern China. Siamese is natives of South East Asia, they are the same stocks as Khmers. Khmers and Siamese war with each other before the Tai migration. Have you wondered why the Thai many have dark skin and the look of natives, while the Tai in Laos and Vietnam have lighter skin of mongoloid race? You need to read Khmer Angkor history too.

Thanks! Appreciate your input. :)

The Viet can have light skin and big eyes, but your facial structure still looks closer to the Southeast Asian.

Most Viet girls can be told apart from the Chinese girls, and I just posted an example above.

Depends on the Vietnamese, tho. Some Vietnamese i know have darker skin, lack the nasal bridge and thus have flatter nose. They also have curlier hair? Very common in South Vietnamese , which tend to have mixed with the Mon Khmer stock that used to live in that region. Northern Vietnamese , in general, look much similar to southern Han.
Hmmm, bro, remember 2 hundred hears before ? Even when the Burmese invaded Siam in the 16th century? The Siamese revolted again under their King Naresuan the Great? I think history shows that Burma cannot fully control Siam. Siamese are survivalists; remember their ancestors survived against Dali threat before.

Notice two types of troops in the Khmer Army, the Khmers on the left carrying shields, disciplined and keeping in rank. The ‘Syem’, either referring to their dark skin or possibly Siamese, were mercenaries stand in front of the main Khmer army. Probably as cannon fodder to wear down the opposition. Notice their generally ill-disciplined manner and long, unkempt hair. These troops, the Khmer army, march towards a battle against the Cham, who came from what is now Vietnam.


Adventures in Angkor - Angkor Wat | SEAArch - The Southeast Asian Archaeology Newsblog

NanZhao and Dali are both Tai kingdom. Dali is successor of Nanzhao. Siamese are natives of SEA. Later Tai migrated to SEA both were common enemies of Khmer, that is why they bang together created new nation. The Tai brought advanced technology enable to destroy Khmer.
Thanks! Appreciate your input. :)

Depends on the Vietnamese, tho. Some Vietnamese i know have darker skin, lack the nasal bridge and thus have flatter nose. They also have curlier hair? Very common in South Vietnamese , which tend to have mixed with the Mon Khmer stock that used to live in that region. Northern Vietnamese , in general, look much similar to southern Han.

Vietnamese (girls in particular) in general have shorter face and flatter nose, also more infantile looks than their Chinese counterpart.

Many Japanese girls also tend to look very infantile and petite.

When it comes to the maturity, it should be Chinese > Korean > Japanese = Vietnamese
The Viet can have light skin and big eyes, but your facial structure still looks closer to the Southeast Asian.

Most Viet girls can be told apart from the Chinese girls, and I just posted an example above.

A Vietnamese with Mon Khmer phenotype, from southern Viet Nam:



Pure Vietic Kinh of northern Viet Nam:


When it comes to the maturity, it should be Chinese > Korean > Japanese = Vietnamese


So you're saying Japanese are not mature?
A Vietnamese with Mon Khmer phenotype, from southern Viet Nam:



Pure Vietic Kinh of northern Viet Nam:


She has full lip, and most Northern Chinese women don't have full lip and have softer/more feminine facial structure than her.


So you're saying Japanese are not mature?

Not really mature, since your girls always prefer to show the kawaii lollipop mode.

I do admit that this style has influenced some young Chinese girls, but most Chinese men still prefer the mature looking women with bigger body frame.

Interesting, and also lack of heavy armour. I notice that the early Khmer army fielded even no helmets, just minor wooden shields and some bronze swords or the like of spears. No wonder they were destroyed by the heavily sinicized DaI Viets who brought with them Chinese siege technology and Chinese-style calvary warfare let alone Chinese heavy armor technology.

She has full lip, and most Northern Chinese women don't have full lip and have softer/more feminine facial structure than her.

Bro, id prefer to kiss the full lip than the thin lip, to be honest with you.

Siamese are natives of SEA. Later Tai migrated to SEA both were common enemies of Khmer, that is why they bang together created new nation. The Tai brought advanced technology enable to destroy Khmer.

Makes sense. I do notice when I was in Chiang Mai (northern thailand), the folks there are lighter skinned than the folks in Bangkok. Perhaps you're right about the larger mon khmer stock in lower Thailand. Interesting.
Interesting, and also lack of heavy armour. I notice that the early Khmer army fielded even no helmets, just minor wooden shields and some bronze swords or the like of spears. No wonder they were destroyed by the heavily sinicized DaI Viets who brought with them Chinese siege technology and Chinese-style calvary warfare let alone Chinese heavy armor technology.

Bro, id prefer to kiss the full lip than the thin lip, to be honest with you.

You dont need heavy army in hot humid environment. They were good soldiers, they just dont have siege weapons, and good war tactics. The mongols army do not wear heavy armors that suits best for horse raiders. Mongol army also have very good tactics that was why they able to defeat Europe heavy Cavalry and infantry.
Most Chinese men are fond of the tall/curvy women, not the tall/thin catwalk model type, but also not overly chubby ones.

lol, bro, "more cushin for the pushin" as they say? I heard that when i was in the Pacific Mall in Ontario.

hahaha. To be honest, tall and curvy is best. mmmhmmm....

You dont need heavy army in hot humid environment. They were good soldiers, they just dont have siege weapons, and good war tactics. The mongols army do not wear heavy armors that suits best for horse raiders. Mongol army also have very good tactics that was why they able to defeat Europe heavy Cavalry and infantry.

1. I think the fact that the khmers and cham soldiers didn't wear heavy armor made them totall susceptible to Vietnamese army who were using Chinese Chu ke nu ballista technology --- the repeating crossbow. Besides if the khmer were assaulting Viet army lines in full frontal assault then they would be annhilated by the Viet's use of heavy archers that were usually placed in the center front of the line.

2. The mongols failed in Vietnam because using heavy cavalry in the thick dense jungles is impractical. Many of their horses were fed with grass that was found in northern or central China or in Monglia. There is none of that in Vietnam. Lastly, the Mongols were not used to the heavy and hot temperatures in Vietnam, many would have died due to malaria, typhoid fever, as well as small pox that was very common in this area of the world. Vietnam was a totally foreign environment.
  • In fact in WWII, when Japan invaded French indochina, many of our boys died not to fighting with the french or vietnamese viet minh, but due to the effects of malaria, dengue fever, and also typhoid.
  • Northern Asians like Mongols and Japanese are not used to the really heavy hot jungle climate of Southeast Asia; and also the mosquitoes there.

Northern Asians are used to the snow, cold environment, where we adapted to for millenia.
lol, bro, "more cushin for the pushin" as they say? I heard that when i was in the Pacific Mall in Ontario.

hahaha. To be honest, tall and curvy is best. mmmhmmm....

Well, this type is quite rare in Japan.

The Korean women can also have this body type, but their face is just too chubby before the cosmetic surgery.

That's why the Northern Chinese beauty overall represents the ideal beauty for the East Asia.
Well, this type is quite rare in Japan.

Only because women in Japan are too weight conscious! Seriously, if a girl is 5'4 , then the ideal weight should be 110 to 115 lbs for her (50-52 kgs). I like it here in America because women come in different sizes and shapes and youre not looked down for being 'bigger'.

That's why the Northern Chinese beauty overall represents the ideal beauty for the East Asia.

Even in China there is a big expectation for the woman to be thin and fit.

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