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Hun Sen praise China and blames USA

I posted photo from China, in city. Its enough.:enjoy::enjoy:

400,000 Hua Chinese are living in Ho Chi Minh city now, they are lazy, dont take a works on rice plant and on fields. you can tell them go back to China, there is their home land.
Every area in China is a part of a city.
For example.Look at Hebei province.
As for Chinese in Vietnam,I think the most go there at the period around WW2(华人下南洋),like Japanese in northeast.日本遗孤
40% Chinese live in ur capital?That's okay,or I cant imagine those living in small cities.
Even in the heat of Vietnam, still they maintain their pale complexion? :)

Yes, they do it as usual.

The kids.



Yes, they do it as usual.

The kids.

Very similar, i suppose, to how we Japanese prefer warm baths outside. Especially in natural warm water springs. I suppose this is some kind of cultural similarity I find common between Japanese and some ethnic groups of Southern China. But what I understand is that while we Japanese maintain our very fair complexion -- it is understandable because the weather in Japan is very cold , and exposure to sun in jungle-like temperature is very uncommon. But its interesting to see that there are some Vietnamese who can maintain their fair skin tone and not get dark even despite being exposed to the heat and glare of the sun over there in more temperate locations.


Here is some Japanese pictures of folks enjoying the bath outside:





Yes, they do it as usual.

The kids.




When i am ever back home, I prefer to go to the Onsen close to my home subprefecture. Specially during winter time? Yes, please. The mixture of the extreme cold outside, and the extreme heat of the natural springs, it removes the bad ki from the body, oh such refreshing feeling!

Like this, my friend!!


Nude is normal? Nude saunas in Norway good for meeting adventurous people for a fun time, not always "fun" time though, good place to meet people who a bit more social, or make shy people be more open. But nude is not common. Is nude group baths normal in Asia.

Good, relaxing fun. Gets shy people to open up too. My girlfriend likes to take me to do weird things when she feeling hyper, which happens a lot. Sometimes to saunas when in Finland.
Nude is normal? Nude saunas in Norway good for meeting adventures people for a fun time, not always "fun" time though, good place to meet people. But nude not common. Is nude group baths normal in Asia.

More common in Japan, but taboo in China, and I am not sure about Korea.
Nude is normal? Nude saunas in Norway good for meeting adventures people for a fun time, not always "fun" time though, good place to meet people. But nude not common. Is nude group baths normal in Asia.

Nude baths is normal in Japan, yes. In fact it is in the public baths were most Japanese can just talk to talk and not even care about being polite or carry a friendly face. When i am in a public bath, i like to soak myself in steam at least an hour or more. Then i get massage , talk to the guy next to me and reveal our deepest secrets, even if i don't know the guy. Usually tho, men go to male public baths and women go to female public paths. Its rare that men and women share public baths. Unless they go to family-friendy public baths.

Nude is normal? Nude saunas in Norway good for meeting adventurous people for a fun time, not always "fun" time though, good place to meet people who a bit more social, or make shy people be more open. But nude is not common. Is nude group baths normal in Asia.

Good, relaxing fun. Gets shy people to open up too. My girlfriend likes to take me to do weird things when she feeling hyper, which happens a lot. Sometimes to saunas when in Finland.

In Japan, we bath each other and dont care for personal pleasantries. In the public bath, its where even samurai and merchant can be at common heads with each other:


But for me, I'm more the type that sticks to myself in these baths. Unless its time for a massage, LOL. I usually go through 3-4 rounds of massage (40 minutes each round!).

Best massage is Japanese style; specially when the man gives it. Not weak women, but men. The bigger, the stronger, the better.

When i am ever back home, I prefer to go to the Onsen close to my home subprefecture. Specially during winter time? Yes, please. The mixture of the extreme cold outside, and the extreme heat of the natural springs, it removes the bad ki from the body, oh such refreshing feeling!

Like this, my friend!!


It is called "mineral water bathing" in Vietnam. we do it too.


In winter.

Free air for Summer.

Place for family or small groupe
Oh well that because Vietnam is so greedy want to invade the whole indo China (Lao, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar). So pol pot run to China for help, and that why the 1979 lesson for Vietnam been taught.

vietnam emperor Ming Mang is running Chinese bloods form the Dai Viet country. Does that mean Vietnam was part of China? So SCS really belong to China.

Historicaly Indo-China pennisule is native land of Autroasian people . Vietnamese belong to them. TaiKatay people is new comers.

Ming mang is descent of Warloard Nguyen Kim from year 1600 moved to South Vietnam. Home village of Nguyen Kim is in Thanh Hoa province in North Vietnam. There is also native land of Muong/Trai people.

Chinese has habit to fabricate such stupied things.
Well remember that there were two civilizations that were Tai-speaking that rose from the ashes of Khmer rule:
1) Sukkothai
2) Ayuthaya

The first civilization was Sukkothai and was created and founded by the first Tai king , King Rhamkamhaeng the Great. He would influence the creation of the smaller states of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and also the mountainous Tai state of Lan Chang. In fact these smaller northern states maintained their Tai ethnic identity tho adopted Khmer court culture and style of governing, evening religious practice --- Thervada Buddhism instead of Mahayana Buddhism.

I will say this tho, while the nothern Tai states of Sukkothai , Lan Chang, Pitsanulok, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Ayuthaya spoke in their Tai dialect, the state of Ayuthaya was the largest of these. Ayuthaya also had a larger number of Mon and Khmer people who lived and mixed with the Tai invaders. They all spoke in Ayuthaya dialect of Tai. In fact in its height of power, Ayuthaya had conquored the smaller states of Lan Chang, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Putsanulok, the Malay states of the south, Cambodia and part of the burmese shan lands.


Yes you are indeed right that in the latter half of the 16th century the Tongoo dynasty of Burma had threatened the Empire of Ayuthaya. In fact the Burmese king Bauyinog was even considered by Burmese, Thais and even Manipurese Indians as "The Conqueror of Ten Directions" because of his ability to subjugate various ethnic territories. The Burmese defeated the Ayuthayans in the 18th century and burned their great capital of Ayuthaya, but their control was limited to no more than a decade or so. The Burmese governor of Ayuthaya was killed when the Siamese patriot named Taksin rose to power and rallied the people to wage a war of resistance. The Burmese were ejected by the end of the 18th century and Taksin 's heir had founded the current Chakri dynasty that now rules Thailand. While Burma would be destroyed and subsumed by the British in the 3 ango-burmese wars, the Siamese were able to expand their power the longest. This is why, my friend, I say that the greatest land based powers in the region were the Siamese / Ayuthayans and the Vietnamese / Dai Viets.

I would even argue the opposite. I will not deny that the Burmese Tongoo Dynasty was indeed effective at being overlords and to an extent had wielded clouts on their satellite states and had them field men to do their external affair fightings. The Burmese armies that fought and conquered Ayuthaya were not all Burmese you know; but actually composed of soldiers coming from Arakan, Manipur, Assam (South Asia), from Lan Chang, Pitsanulok, Malay sultanates of Johor and Songkla Pattani. You see the Burmans used politics and encouraged the tributary states of Ayuthaya to abandon Ayuthaya and join Tongoo Burmans to drive a force into the center of Ayuthaya in a pincer-like attack: a force from the north, a force from the south and a force by sea.

As quickly as these confederation of states and ethnic lords were composed together, so too were they divided--- quickly. This is why any and every single Burman invasion into Thailand / Siam always failed because the Burmans never really tried to integrate their newly conquered territories. That or Siam was just too large to control.

That time the Burmese forced to retreat not because they lost for the Thai, but they were busying fighting with the Qing army in the north. They withdraw most of their forces and small detach remain and soon out number by the Thai rebellions. Taskin therefore have easier time to deal with Burmese soldiers.

Lang Chang or Laos are another Tai group migrated to SEA after NanZhao kingdom were destroyed by Chinese, pushing them southward. NanZhao Kingdom at their peak of time cover Yunnan and Sichuan. They did invaded An Nam a few times. At that time An Nam was a part of Tang empire. When NanZhao collapsed, Dali kingdom replaced NanZhao. Dali (Dai Ly) clashes a few time with Dai Viet during Ly Dynasty (at this time Dai Viet was independent, the Tang collapse created the Song Dynasty). Dai Viet win over Dali, thus it absorbed part of Dali kingdom into Dai Viet domain (which is now North West Vietnam). Dai Viet marched to Dali kingdom capital, the Dali king sought help from the Song thus repulse Dai Viet army.

Ultimately, the Yuan mongol conquered both Dali and Song. Dai Viet was still dependent. That is how age of conquest was. The Thai in Thailand is mixed alot with Siamese, native.

Kim is also a Vietnamese surname?

Lang Chang or Laos are another Tai group migrated to SEA after NanZhao kingdom were destroyed by Chinese, pushing them southward. NanZhao Kingdom at their peak of time cover Yunnan and Sichuan. They did invaded An Nam a few times. At that time An Nam was a part of Tang empire. When NanZhao collapsed, Dali kingdom replaced NanZhao. Dali (Dai Ly in Vietnamese) clashes a few time with Dai Viet during Ly Dynasty (at this time Dai Viet was independent, the Tang collapse created the Song Dynasty). Dai Viet win over Dali, thus it absorbed part of Dali kingdom into Dai Viet domain (which is now North West Vietnam). Dai Viet marched to Dali kingdom capital, the Dali king sought help from the Song thus repulse Dai Viet army.

Thank you for your explanation of the genesis and decline of the Nanzhao Kingdom, yes , i know about this situation. Indeed it is very interesting to read about the warring states period of Southeast Asia. Yes, Dai Viet was able to repulse the Yuan army time and time again, something that the Song were unable to do.

The Yuan, too, tried to invade Japan several times. Tho always unsuccessful. They paid with it, however, in many many lives. They received just rewards for their bravery to cross the great Yellow Sea. :)

That time the Burmese forced to retreat not because they lost for the Thai, but they were busying fighting with the Qing army in the north. They withdraw most of their forces and small detach remain and soon out number by the Thai rebellions. Taskin therefore have easier time to deal with Burmese soldiers.

Hmmm, bro, remember 2 hundred hears before ? Even when the Burmese invaded Siam in the 16th century? The Siamese revolted again under their King Naresuan the Great? I think history shows that Burma cannot fully control Siam. Siamese are survivalists; remember their ancestors survived against Dali threat before.
Historicaly Indo-China pennisule is native land of Autroasian people . Vietnamese belong to them. TaiKatay people is new comers.

Ming mang is descent of Warloard Nguyen Kim from year 1600 moved to South Vietnam. Home village of Nguyen Kim is in Thanh Hoa province in North Vietnam. There is also native land of Muong/Trai people.

Chinese has habit to fabricate such stupied things.
Not true, Vietnamese natives are not Austronesian. Stop spreading false information. Vietnamese natives were Southern Mongoloid. Even the government website says it. I do not know where you get the information Vietnamese is Austronesian? You mean speakers?

his culture attained a degree of development higher than that of others at that time in the region and had its own characteristics but still bore the features of Southeast Asian culture because of the common South Asian racial root (Southern Mongoloid) and the water rice culture.
Evolution | Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the United States

The Tai, Viet, Muong...etc. were among natives of Southern China.
Not true, Vietnamese natives are not Austronesian. Stop spreading false information. Vietnamese natives were Southern Mongoloid. Even the government website says it. I do not know where you get the information Vietnamese is Austronesian? You mean speakers?

his culture attained a degree of development higher than that of others at that time in the region and had its own characteristics but still bore the features of Southeast Asian culture because of the common South Asian racial root (Southern Mongoloid) and the water rice culture.
Evolution | Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the United States

The Tai, Viet, Muong...etc. were among natives of Southern China.

The Viet was the native people from the Red River Delta.

Hmmm, bro, remember 2 hundred hears before ? Even when the Burmese invaded Siam in the 16th century? The Siamese revolted again under their King Naresuan the Great? I think history shows that Burma cannot fully control Siam. Siamese are survivalists; remember their ancestors survived against Dali threat before.

I don't think you have enough information of SEA, what you have is form Thai side, there's some propaganda in it.
Siamese again is not the same as Tai. Tai is from Southern China. Siamese is natives of South East Asia, they are the same stocks as Khmers. Khmers and Siamese war with each other before the Tai migration. Have you wondered why the Thai many have dark skin and the look of natives, while the Tai in Laos and Vietnam have lighter skin of mongoloid race? You need to read Khmer Angkor history too.

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