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Hun Sen praise China and blames USA

Yes, i also know that the Vietnamese brought not just political change, but also social changes. Prior to Vietnamese integrative processes, Cambodians also practiced a form of slavery , something that the Siamese also practiced. In fact Siam would outlaw this form of social disgrace almost a century later during the rule of King Chulalongkorn the Great (Rama V), at the encouragement of the British.

The practice of slavery was very much outlawed in Confucian societies of China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam.

Ming Mang also introduced the Civil Examination and Civil Administration system to Cambodia. It was a form of Confucian influence in this historically Thervadda Dharmic society.

@Viet ,

If i am not correct, i think the practice of women having their breasts exposed was common in Siamese, Khmer and Burmese societies prior to Western colonial contact. I remember reading a historical text when the Japanese traveler and cartographer named 山田 長政 [Yamada Nagamasa] noted in his journals that when he visited the city of Ayudhaya in present day Thailand, the women in that civilization were naked, only wearing a short sarong. The only 'clothing' they would wear would be gold necklaces or gold bracelets. This was very much foreign so much that Yamada described the Siamese practice of exposure as "barbarious, uncivilized", since in Japanese society , a Confucian society, espoused the importance of civic decency and social grace of covering oneself , conservative clothing was practiced.

Right now USA women are as good as spreading their legs like a whore.
Right now USA women are as good as spreading their legs like a whore.

Well yes, this is a form of social liberalism. I think what is happening here in the United States is a war of social conservative values due to the liberal politicians control government in the United States.

One thing that i don't agree with is state sponsored and state-supported abortion or they define as "women's health".

On that aspect , as a social conservative, i don't agree with US-based family planning goals.

In fact I am against any form of "family planning". It is human nature to populate, to propagate. We deny our own nature when we try to limit ourselves. No animal in this planet self-limits itself. Heck even single celled prokaryotic bacteria and archae will go through binary fission.

Right now USA women are as good as spreading their legs like a whore.

In fact, my friend, before this cancer of "social family planning" ever arrived to East Asia (Japan, China, Korea), East Asians had one of the highest and voracious birthing rates in the world. In fact my father is one of 7 children (my grandfather was 'active' when he came back from the war, LOL). And my grandfather was one of 12 children. How is it that from having 7 children average in my grandfather's generation --- now the average Japanese family have 1.2 children? Western-introduced social family planning.

It is a form of control.

East Asians (Japanese, Chinese, Koreans), by nature are very fertile and with voracious appetite for sex and have the capacity to reproduce in high rates. We need this now since the populations of Japan and China are decreasing. Reproduction is necessary for our racial continuation. IMHO.
Yes, i also know that the Vietnamese brought not just political change, but also social changes. Prior to Vietnamese integrative processes, Cambodians also practiced a form of slavery , something that the Siamese also practiced. In fact Siam would outlaw this form of social disgrace almost a century later during the rule of King Chulalongkorn the Great (Rama V), at the encouragement of the British.

The practice of slavery was very much outlawed in Confucian societies of China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam.

Ming Mang also introduced the Civil Examination and Civil Administration system to Cambodia. It was a form of Confucian influence in this historically Thervadda Dharmic society.

@Viet ,

If i am not correct, i think the practice of women having their breasts exposed was common in Siamese, Khmer and Burmese societies prior to Western colonial contact. I remember reading a historical text when the Japanese traveler and cartographer named 山田 長政 [Yamada Nagamasa] noted in his journals that when he visited the city of Ayudhaya in present day Thailand, the women in that civilization were naked, only wearing a short sarong. The only 'clothing' they would wear would be gold necklaces or gold bracelets. This was very much foreign so much that Yamada described the Siamese practice of exposure as "barbarious, uncivilized", since in Japanese society , a Confucian society, espoused the importance of civic decency and social grace of covering oneself , conservative clothing was practiced.
he he he...not sure whether tai women ran naked...lol

but in fact nearly all of our neighbors champa, khmer, siam and burma were influenced by India, adopting hinduism, practicising cultures and custom, that were alien to Vietnamese. slavery was widespread among those societies...no need to mention no clear laws and order, missing a central government unlike as seen in Vietnam. Ming Mang enforced a conservative clothing, even deciding the colors for every class, for instance, gold or yellow is resevered for emperor and families, gray or black for farmers, white for death ceremony, etc...
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Vietnamese communist movement, has created Indo-China Communist Party (ICP) in 1930 from communists in Vietnam, Cambodia and in Laos. in 1951, when the party (ICP) was divided into separate Cambodian, Laos and Vietnamese communist parties. In Cambodia the KPRP was actively supported by the Vietnamese party during its initial phase of existence. Due to the reliance on Vietnamese support in the joint struggle against French colonial rule,

Cambodia has won on civil war against Lon Nol regime with help of Vietnam. But the Pol Pot, the new figure of KPRP has changed his policy with backing from Peking PRC China. After Vietnam war, Pol Pot is puppet of China.

Pol Pot and Deng Xiaoping in Peking.

Oh well that because Vietnam is so greedy want to invade the whole indo China (Lao, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar). So pol pot run to China for help, and that why the 1979 lesson for Vietnam been taught.

exactly, in 19 century when VN conquered Cambodia, we brought civilization to them, a country viewed as populated babarians. Emperor Ming Mang introduced VN laws and order, even forbad khmer women wearing skirts. the women had to wear trouser. a chinese custom.

vietnam emperor Ming Mang is running Chinese bloods form the Dai Viet country. Does that mean Vietnam was part of China? So SCS really belong to China.
Oh well that because Vietnam is so greedy want to invade the whole indo China (Lao, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar). So pol pot run to China for help, and that why the 1979 lesson for Vietnam been taught.
bullshit. Vietnam just came out of the war, why should we have wished to start another one?
vietnam emperor Ming Mang is running Chinese bloods form the Dai Viet country. Does that mean Vietnam was part of China? So SCS really belong to China.
wrong. true is he was more chinese than the ruling manchu at that time.
Very true. Very true.

In Southeast Asia during this age before gun and steel there were 2 great rivalries:

1. Land-based Imperial Rivalry : Between Ayuthaya Emire /Siamese and Vietnamese Empire / Dai Viet

2. Maritime-based Imperial Rivalry: Sri Vijaya Empire and Majapahit Empire
Not correct, Siamese was not Tai, they were depict on Angkor temple as having brown skin, they are native of SEA. In fact Siamese was same stock as Khmer. The Tai from Southern China migrate to South East Asia after Tai kingdom Nanzhao ( Nam Chieu) was conquered by Chinese and Viet. Yunna and North West of Vietnam were Tai kingdom. The Tai came to SEA found kingdom of Van Tuong (thousands elephen) is now Laos, other assimilated into Siamese thus became Authaya.

The Tai although poses some threat to Viet but they are not consider as great rivalries in SEA mainland. They were put into tributary states during the Tran Dynasty and Le Dynasty. The Thai do meddle for influnce in Laos, Cambodia with Viet but they are not consider great SEA land power. It is the burmese that capable of become Boss of SEA. Similar to Vietnam, Burmese also have to deal with China, so most of the time both Dai Viet and Burma are busy with dealing with China. The Thai is free so they can launch invasion to weaker neighbors but can never touch Burma and Dai Viet. Burma used to propose to Ming Mang collaboration to supress the Thai, but Ming Mang rejected.

The burma for most of their history fighting among themselves to this day. Only sort perioed they are unified and when they do unified they become strongest in SEA, the largest SEA empire is burmese, 3 times they defeated the Qing, and raided Qing border. The burmese was submitted to Dai Viet during Le Dynasty.

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Not correct, Siamese was not Tai, they were depict on Angkor temple as having brown skin, they are native of SEA. In fact Siamese was same stock as Khmer. The Tai from Southern China migrate to South East Asia after Tai kingdom Nanzhao ( Nam Chieu) was conquered by Chinese and Viet. Yunna and North West of Vietnam were Tai kingdom. The Tai came to SEA found kingdom of Van Tuong (thousands elephen) is now Laos, other assimilated into Siamese thus became Authaya.

Well remember that there were two civilizations that were Tai-speaking that rose from the ashes of Khmer rule:
1) Sukkothai
2) Ayuthaya

The first civilization was Sukkothai and was created and founded by the first Tai king , King Rhamkamhaeng the Great. He would influence the creation of the smaller states of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and also the mountainous Tai state of Lan Chang. In fact these smaller northern states maintained their Tai ethnic identity tho adopted Khmer court culture and style of governing, evening religious practice --- Thervada Buddhism instead of Mahayana Buddhism.

I will say this tho, while the nothern Tai states of Sukkothai , Lan Chang, Pitsanulok, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Ayuthaya spoke in their Tai dialect, the state of Ayuthaya was the largest of these. Ayuthaya also had a larger number of Mon and Khmer people who lived and mixed with the Tai invaders. They all spoke in Ayuthaya dialect of Tai. In fact in its height of power, Ayuthaya had conquored the smaller states of Lan Chang, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Putsanulok, the Malay states of the south, Cambodia and part of the burmese shan lands.


The burma for most of their history fighting among themselves to this day. Only sort perioed they are unified and when they do unified they become strongest in SEA, the largest SEA empire is burmese, 3 times they defeated the Qing, and raided Qing border. The burmese was submitted to Dai Viet during Le Dynasty.

Yes you are indeed right that in the latter half of the 16th century the Tongoo dynasty of Burma had threatened the Empire of Ayuthaya. In fact the Burmese king Bauyinog was even considered by Burmese, Thais and even Manipurese Indians as "The Conqueror of Ten Directions" because of his ability to subjugate various ethnic territories. The Burmese defeated the Ayuthayans in the 18th century and burned their great capital of Ayuthaya, but their control was limited to no more than a decade or so. The Burmese governor of Ayuthaya was killed when the Siamese patriot named Taksin rose to power and rallied the people to wage a war of resistance. The Burmese were ejected by the end of the 18th century and Taksin 's heir had founded the current Chakri dynasty that now rules Thailand. While Burma would be destroyed and subsumed by the British in the 3 ango-burmese wars, the Siamese were able to expand their power the longest. This is why, my friend, I say that the greatest land based powers in the region were the Siamese / Ayuthayans and the Vietnamese / Dai Viets.

The burma for most of their history fighting among themselves to this day. Only sort perioed they are unified and when they do unified they become strongest in SEA, the largest SEA empire is burmese, 3 times they defeated the Qing, and raided Qing border. The burmese was submitted to Dai Viet during Le Dynasty.

I would even argue the opposite. I will not deny that the Burmese Tongoo Dynasty was indeed effective at being overlords and to an extent had wielded clouts on their satellite states and had them field men to do their external affair fightings. The Burmese armies that fought and conquered Ayuthaya were not all Burmese you know; but actually composed of soldiers coming from Arakan, Manipur, Assam (South Asia), from Lan Chang, Pitsanulok, Malay sultanates of Johor and Songkla Pattani. You see the Burmans used politics and encouraged the tributary states of Ayuthaya to abandon Ayuthaya and join Tongoo Burmans to drive a force into the center of Ayuthaya in a pincer-like attack: a force from the north, a force from the south and a force by sea.

As quickly as these confederation of states and ethnic lords were composed together, so too were they divided--- quickly. This is why any and every single Burman invasion into Thailand / Siam always failed because the Burmans never really tried to integrate their newly conquered territories. That or Siam was just too large to control.
Well,I posted the pics that I took by myself,instead of searching desperately for pics.:agree:
I hope u see the pics I posted before were taken by Vietnamese in ur capital city.
And plz tell me where and when the pics were taken,although I still thought they were better than that viets posted(she posted a lot of pics8-),of course they were updated pics)

I posted photo from China, in city. Its enough.:enjoy::enjoy:

400,000 Hua Chinese are living in Ho Chi Minh city now, they are lazy, dont take a works on rice plant and on fields. you can tell them go back to China, there is their home land.
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Yunna and North West of Vietnam were Tai kingdom. The Tai came to SEA found kingdom of Van Tuong (thousands elephen) is now Laos, other assimilated into Siamese thus became Authaya.

In fact this issue of assimilation between Tai ethnics and Mon / Khmer natives is nothing new. Why even if we apply the Cham context, when the Cham people arrived to southern Vietnam during the 7th century CE from Borneo, the Cham people had conquered the local Mon/ Khmer people and mingled with them. Fast forward to say during the 17th century CE, when Dai Viet expanded south , the Vietic Kinh also mingled and mixed with local Cham and Mon Khmers. This is why there are southern Vietnamese that have some facial phenotype that are similar to Mon Khmer and other proto-Austroasiatics. As the northern Tais and norther Kinh expanded south , they eventually intermingled and mixed with the local population.

You know this.

he he he...not sure whether tai women ran naked...lol

@Viet , i am very sure this was the fact, actually. In fact during the reign of King Chulalongkorn and onwards, the Thai government and monarchy had been encouraging the population to adopt a cultural mandate that focused on dressing more conservative and covering the breast.

In fact i will share with you a Thai poster that stresses this cultural dynamic that encouraged more conservative dressing:

That is not true, the first picture is Vietnam minority ethnic known as montagnard. The second picture is Viet-mixed Chinese known as Elly Tran.

Regard to native Viet. According to recent researches and evidences suggest Vietnam DNA has oldest structure, and oldest of smart human found in Southern China. What this means is Human first appeared in Southern China + Vietnam before northward expansion. Look for Dongsonian, the very first mongoloid race in Asia.

Here is pure Vietnam beauties, softer face structure, bigger eyes.


smaller jaws.

Pure Chinese beauties. Strong face features, smaller eyes

and wider jaws

All East Asians can have the eyes ranging from small to big, it is not relevant to the ethnicity.

The big eyed Viet still looks Viet, while the big eyed Chinese still looks Chinese.

Vietnamese and Chinese have completely different vibe.


What are characters of Vietnamese girl (2).jpg
All East Asians can have the eyes ranging from small to big, it is not relevant to the ethnicity.

The big eyed Viet still looks Viet, while the big eyed Chinese still looks Chinese.

Vietnamese and Chinese have completely different vibe.

View attachment 267215

View attachment 267216

Very ethereal, no doubt!

But look at the exotic style and dress of the Thai woman (tho this one looks like she is probably Thai-Chinese, lol):


All East Asians can have the eyes ranging from small to big, it is not relevant to the ethnicity.

The big eyed Viet still looks Viet, while the big eyed Chinese still looks Chinese.

Vietnamese and Chinese have completely different vibe.

View attachment 267215

View attachment 267216

Wow, check her out! The gold and the light creamy skin tone....mixes well. :)

Yes, many Thai people look very similar to the ethnic minorities in Yunnan, since their ancestor originated from there.
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