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Humiliating treatment by pakistani soldiers

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I have dealt with Iraqi soldiers during war, as well as Yanks, they were much better trained at handling such scenarios.... specially the ones stationed at check points or leading convoys....... but this was way back.

Even though I am hated for saying it, what I say is the correct thing, and somebody has to say it openly. Accept it or not, I am just as much of a patriot as anybody else here.

Back on topic, the officers in the field commanding units with such duties should be given specific training on how to keep things smooth with the public-at-large.
Beta.... I'm the guy with all the info.... which is too sensitive for this forum, or your ears....... when I am saying it, it is so.... it's up to you to believe or not..... no more comments.

:rofl::rofl: Good one Mr . Emperor :big_boss:
What of the story of the civvies in a car who were shot dead by the forces..the one you told me after your last trip to Pakistan.

LICs lead to extreme stress and siege mentality, which leads to itchy trigger fingers..but if its not curbed then well the folks of the region are known to only take as much shit..were they to be given the whole story from how they got robbed of a fair deal from the days of the great Zia inviting the hordes into their land to the machinations of more recent years..you might have the mother of all uprisings on your hands..the type which would make Tind go bald all over his bloated carcass.

The so called civvies.. didnt stop at the checkpost... were chased ... and than shot at...

And the poor Ranger was sentenced to death..
The lesson here is, if someone oversteps authority..... keep calm..... use your brain...... and time things properly have powerful connections

You might have failed to see it, but the kid wasn't the only one abusing his authority here.
One thing that will never happen is a "Fauji" learn something..... they are bred for one and one thing alone.... to fight wars..... nazaqat isn't in their DNA....... they are brainwashed as kids, there is no recovery from that......

laga rehny deen hazoor baki wardi waaly ibraat pakry gay is se :lol:
The so called civvies.. didnt stop at the checkpost... were chased ... and than shot at...

And the poor Ranger was sentenced to death..

No no...not the one in Karachi..or was it Islu..where the ranger incident happened? I am referring to Hype's report from KPK.o_O

Damn it! Now you've got me hopelessly confused! :angry::angry:
One thing that will never happen is a "Fauji" learn something..... they are bred for one and one thing alone.... to fight wars..... nazaqat isn't in their DNA....... they are brainwashed as kids, there is no recovery from that......

That is a correct assessment, but it also highlights the reason why using military forces for public law and order duties is a self-defeating game in the long run.
No no...not the one in Karachi..or was it Islu..where the ranger incident happened? I am referring to Hype's report from KPK.o_O

Damn it! Now you've got me hopelessly confused! :angry::angry:

Those 2 accidents happened in Karachi..
Power and it's projection is a universal truth, not limited to the Sub Continent......... there is thing called optimum use of grey matter..... he could have contacted a higher malik...... and followed the case from there........ takes time and patience......

You might have failed to see it, but the kid wasn't the only one abusing his authority here.
Those 2 accidents happened in Karachi..

Then no, Hype reported it as an incident from KPK.

Although in terms of getting shot at by rangers, SOPs are there for a reason..in any zone where a soldier feels threatened it is highly advisable to swallow your ego and follow the rules, he'll put the country before himself but he sure as hell will not risk his life for every gook who decides to break a barricade with a SUV..it could be laden with explosives for all that poor bugger knows..his family would be hoping that someone scraped enough of him from the pavement to at least provide some solace during the burial.
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