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Humiliating treatment by pakistani soldiers

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It makes army unpopular. It brings them to the same level as police. Does police has any respect?
A popular view that i hear in people is that they compare pak army with indian army in kashmir. E.g even indian army never used jets on kashmiris. Or even indian army must be not that strict on checking...dont you people think that these are dangerous thoughts?. Army do not know about public dealings, policing is not their job....either they should go back to their barraks or improve their public dealings
Unlike your TTP brethren, Kashmiris do not threaten the very exist of india nor blow their people into bits and nor do they wish to change the constitution.
It makes army unpopular. It brings them to the same level as police. Does police has any respect?
A popular view that i hear in people is that they compare pak army with indian army in kashmir. E.g even indian army never used jets on kashmiris. Or even indian army must be not that strict on checking...dont you people think that these are dangerous thoughts?. Army do not know about public dealings, policing is not their job....either they should go back to their barraks or improve their public dealings

Indian army is not getting attacked by suicide bombers every other day. But yes army is trained to kill not for public dealing and they should kick out terrorists from the area and go back to barracks - and govt. should build capacity of police and FC to keep the area secure.
You should thank his stars he did not get shot . In Past couple of years there have been way too many attacks on "faujis" in Pakistan . In such high pressure situation someone doing something this reckless could be VERY DANGEROUS .

That "Fauji" did good under a high pressure situation . Regarding other things i have no comments.
They open fire without hesitation on those vehicles who do not stop at the designated point before check post, in the begining many civilians were killed like this in the confusion. But now people have learnt things and take caution. When army vehicles passes on the road, our people stop their vehicles at the side of road untill army passes.
They open fire without hesitation on those vehicles who do not stop at the designated point before check post, in the begining many civilians were killed like this in the confusion. But now people have learnt things and take caution. When army vehicles passes on the road, our people stop their vehicles at the side of road untill army passes.

Do you live in KPK ?
IF they are not willing to do their job in a correct way, GOP should stop paying them its about time.
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Come on guys , It does not happen with Pashtuns only

I know a person who was not just beaten up but "abducted" by agency guys for not stopping his car , and this happened in Islamabad !!

In our area (rural Punjab) , There have been incidences of Army men kicking police / Wapda guys/ civilians with their "boots" over trivial "offences"

This is surely not a good behaviour , but it is not restricted to Pukhtoon areas as our racist Pukhtoon bro (The OP) is trying to claim here
I kept quiet on this topic but enough is enough. I just recieved news that my 15 year old cousin, who runs a rikshah in lakki city...was kicked around by faujis when he failed to notice the signal by faujis to stop. He is slow and dumb but did he deserve kicks? I am also informed that two nephews of an influential malak ,aslam khan are detained by army for unknown reasons. Local politicians and khans are contacting army regarding this. This malak has anti-taliban stance and is member of marwat qaumi jirga.
In khyber pakhtunkhwa and tribal areas, soldiers ask men to become "murgha" , to stand on one leg and are some times kicked around with fauji boots....whats up with this humiliationt and harsh treatment of pashtuns?
@Spring Onion is a journalist, you can can confirm this behaviour of fauji jawans from her.

Like this?


Oh shit.. thts Punjab..:D

As for detaining sons of some malik... lol.. reminds me of a similiar story... a bunch of kids (yeah in the 20s) from influential families started firing at their "picnic" spot... which was near to a FC checkpost.... A soldier warned them not to do so... intead they arrogantly aimed their AKs at him... well they got a similiar treatment like your "malaks" nephews... and were later released after a day or two...

Also i love the fact that all such things happen to you or your family... and you assumption from stuff...

Good luck.
I have seen plenty of fake torture videos of PA on innocent pashtuns uploaded by afghans to spread the hate for PA in minds of Pakistani pashtuns and Pak.one is doing same job. I agree there might be few such instances but People like Pak-one exaggerate things to paint fauj and all their resistance as evil
A 15 year old kid pulling rickshaw? That's sad.
Monkey da Luffy :pop:

But anyway - high command should take notice, if it's true.
Yaara you are a sensible member. It is war against taliban but it should also be war of winning hearts and minds. I pointed out that two nephews of an anti-taliban malak are disappeared by faujis at check post for unknown reason.....atleast the officers stationed there should know who is who there.
I know several cases from early 2000's where Army abducted people from Lahore.... kicked the shit out of others.... much much more..... this is Pakistan, everyone needs to acknowledge the facts and not live in denial.

The problem here is the mentality of Army Officers (yes specially Army Officers), plus general lack of training (not how to fire gun, but how to control crowds and behave)...... couple that with high risk situations...... they loose their marbles.....

VC is correct in his analysis, if it isn't handled properly, then God save Pakistan..... there is no force on earth that can keep Northern Provinces with rest of Pakistan, specially with Punjab, as the resentment levels against Punjab are on the rise, and that's a fact.

Come on guys , It does not happen with Pashtuns only

I know a person who was not just beaten up but "abducted" by agency guys for not stopping his car , and this happened in Islamabad !!

In our area (rural Punjab) , There have been incidences of Army men kicking police / Wapda guys/ civilians with "boots" over trivial "offences"

This is surely not a good behaviour , but it is not restricted to Pukhtoons as our racist Pukhtoon bro (The OP) is trying to claim here
Yaara you are a sensible member. It is war against taliban but it should also be war of winning hearts and minds. I pointed out that two nephews of an anti-taliban malak are disappeared by faujis at check post for unknown reason.....atleast the officers stationed there should know who is who there.

As i said - If it's true than high command should take notice of this, of-course army must win local population if they want to win this wars - and if these incidents are true than TTP can easily turn this war from Pak vs Taliban to Pak vs Pashtuns.
Come on guys , It does not happen with Pashtuns only

I know a person who was not just beaten up but "abducted" by agency guys for not stopping his car , and this happened in Islamabad !!

In our area (rural Punjab) , There have been incidences of Army men kicking police / Wapda guys/ civilians with their "boots" over trivial "offences"

This is surely not a good behaviour , but it is not restricted to Pukhtoon areas as our racist Pukhtoon bro (The OP) is trying to claim here
Faujis might be doing it in punjab but such behaviour become dangerous in insurgency hit areas like pashtun belt and Balochistan. You need local support in your war against taliban, with this attitude of army, people become indifferent.
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