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Humans of New York travels to Iran

Hmmm, he seems to be overly interested in taking pictures of Iranian girls :astagh:

i know her :undecided: Himmm ... my classmate !? :what:


Iranian naughty girls ! :rolleyes:


The "West" does not prefer a dehumanizing "image" of Iran. The "West" only prefers that Iran not set off a nuclear weapons race that results in the actual "dehumanization" of millions of humans. Iran could make a gigantic contribution to world peace and human harmony by stopping its nuclear weapons program and accepting the existence of the Jewish State of Israel.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
The "West" does not prefer a dehumanizing "image" of Iran. The "West" only prefers that Iran not set off a nuclear weapons race that results in the actual "dehumanization" of millions of humans. Iran could make a gigantic contribution to world peace and human harmony by stopping its nuclear weapons program and accepting the existence of the Jewish State of Israel.

I agree that what you said is in the west's best interest but I don't see how that refutes the point I made?
@Era_923 thank you so much for such a amazing post.

The "West" does not prefer a dehumanizing "image" of Iran. The "West" only prefers that Iran not set off a nuclear weapons race that results in the actual "dehumanization" of millions of humans. Iran could make a gigantic contribution to world peace and human harmony by stopping its nuclear weapons program and accepting the existence of the Jewish State of Israel.

The point is West is not an innocent angel in white and it sure is responsible for too many lives that have been taken out in wars started with it ( can't be abdicated) .... there're too many nukes in western countries ,as mater of fact the nuclear weapon was invented by western countries and also merely used by them in a real war .... don't play Gods over here , remember we don't have even one single nuclear weapon ... It's a made-up story which is believed by its storytellers later on ,only kids buy it.

Besides the so-called gigantic contribution to world peace would take place if and just if western countries recognized and respected other countries sovereignty and rights ....
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Why he photograph with an expensive DSLR? he might as well take these pictures with a smartphone, nothing special in his work, just blunt point and shoot.
Why he photograph with an expensive DSLR? he might as well take these pictures with a smartphone, nothing special in his work, just blunt point and shoot.
If that's everybody's opinion about this in Israel, I'm going to have some bad news for Israeli media and photographers.
One of those guys who only sees 'Megapixels' as the most important factor in any camera. :P
If that's everybody's opinion about this in Israel, I'm going to have some bad news for Israeli media and photographers.
One of those guys who only sees 'Megapixels' as the most important factor in any camera. :P

Ah no, where do i say that number of Pixels is the most important factor? not at all, DSLR have superior sensors not in quantity of pixels but in quality of pixels, i have DSLR for over 6 years with 6MP, the quality is superb to any point&shoot cameras with much higher pixels amount. Travel to Iran from USA only to take snapshots? where is the composition? story?
Humans of New York travels to Iran, again.

So, I created this thread nearly 2.5 years ago. Since then, Humans of New York has grown exponentially, and now has 15 million likes on Facebook. It's the most popular page in its kind: Taking photographs of random people with a quote from them about their life. It's amazing.

Now, again, Brandon Staton, the creator of HoNY has arrived to Iran,coming from Pakistan, on a regional tour.

According to Brandon, Iran holds a special place in his heart and he was heavily impressed by his last visit. If you visit the website, it only has 4 sections and it speaks for itself:

Humans of New York
Brandon Stanton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Now, I'll present some of his photos in his new Iran trip. You can see all the pics in Facebook page or website.

Most of small quotes coming with the pics are just beautiful. You have no idea what's going on in lives of hundreds or thousands of people passing besides you every single day.
About Brandon's new trip to Iran:

"My last stop this summer is Iran. Iran holds a special place in my heart because it was the first international trip that I ever made with HONY. But that was three years ago, and I’ve always looked back at the collection with a tinge of regret, because HONY was still quite new and the work was pretty uncooked. I was only just beginning to include quotes alongside the photographs. I always wished that I could return and do a better job telling the stories of ordinary Iranians, and I’m excited to have that opportunity."
@New @haman10 @Arminkh @kollang @Daneshmand @The Last of us @Atanz @raptor22 @JEskandari @rmi5 @2800


“It took us ten years, countless doctor appointments, and three miscarriages to have her. So we never feel bothered by her cries.”


“I’ve fallen in love with literature. I try to read for one or two hours every day. I only have one life to live. But in books I can live one thousand lives.” Rasht, Iran


“I work on a ship so I’m gone for six months at a time. By the middle of the journey, I’ve adjusted to being away from home. The first few days and the last few days are the hardest to get through.”
(Namakabroud, Iran)


Since he was very young, I’ve tried to show him that we can’t always afford the things that we want. When my wallet is full, I show him. When my wallet is empty, I show him. Things have been especially hard lately because my husband has missed a few PAYCHECKS. We couldn’t get new supplies for school this year. But he told me: ‘Don’t worry Mom, we’ll get them when the wallet is full.’ And then the other day he saw that I was upset because we couldn’t get all the groceries we needed. So he went into his room and brought me his own savings.”
(Anzali, Iran)

I loved this one:

“We’re fighting her lung cancer right now. She’s lost so much weight. We just moved to the sea so the air would be better. We had a close call the other night. I sleep in a different room because I don’t want to wake her with my snoring. But I woke up in the middle of the night and I could feel that something was wrong. I saw her shadow on the wall. I ran out to meet her in the hall, and she was gasping for her last breath. I had to give her an injection in the chest. If I hadn’t seen her shadow, we’d have lost her. Three years ago, THE DOCTORS told us that she only had six months. But God has given us three years. We take walks. We play backgammon. We look at photos of the grandchildren. I’m trying to cherish every moment.”
(Namakabroud, Iran)
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And also loved this one:


“My mother died when I was two years old, so it’s just me and my FATHER. He’s been really angry with me lately. He’s always wanted me to be an engineer like him, but I switched my major to photography. He didn’t’ show any emotion when I told him. He always has a poker face. But I know that he’s angry from the little things. He never asks me to go shopping with him anymore. We used to go to the market together. He’d pick up a watermelon, inspect it, then would hand it to me for my opinion. It doesn’t sound like much but I really valued that time together. But once I changed my major, he stopped asking me to come along. But I think things are getting better. Recently I scored in the top 5th percentile on the University Entrance Exam for photography. When I told my father, he didn’t show any emotion. But the next day he asked me if I wanted to go shopping. And that made me so happy. Because it’s just the two of us. And I really, really, really, really love him.”
(Tehran, Iran)


“When she was first born, I hugged her, but she didn’t cry. I thought: ‘Oh God, something’s wrong.’ But the NURSES told me to hold on a second. And they cleared something from her throat. Then she started crying. Then I started crying. And for the first time I knew how it felt to be a mother.”
(Tehran, Iran)


“She’s from a very conservative family and she’s the only daughter. So I’m trying to WIN her parents’ trust. We’re up to four hours a week together. As long as we tell her parents exactly where we’re going. And send photos once we get there. And get home before 9 pm. Always before 9 pm.”
(Tehran, Iran)


“My doctor told me to stop climbing mountains so now I just climb the small ones.”
(Tehran, Iran)


“I want to be a cancer doctor. Because my mom has cancer.”
(Tehran, Iran)


“There’s a big contrast between my fantasies and my life. I use art to bridge the gap. I’m starting a new project where I’m covering nude bodies with paint and laying them on canvas. The naked body is very natural to me. It’s a matter of truth.”
(Tehran, Iran)


“We first met in the bazaar. He owns a shop selling men’s suits. We saw each other, but my parents were with me at the time, so he couldn’t talk to me. But he managed to slip me his phone number. We began to talk, and eight months later I had to tell my parents that a guy who slipped me his phone number wanted to propose marriage. My father was upset. But my mother told him: ‘Calm down. It’s a new generation.’”
(Rasht, Iran)
I follow HONY on facebook. The 2nd trip to Iran, he is more into how people live rather than how people look and their ideas and problems and the way they think. I like the 2nd trip more. The comments by non-Iranians on HONY is even more beautiful and gives another perspective of the beautiful human nature where politics are aside and people connect with each other despite their cultural differences. I love his work. Thank you for bringing it here. it was very much needed here.
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