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Humanity died too, Indian teen Tries To Give Water To Covid Positive Father In Andhra, Stopped By Mother

I have seen a wife, sitting right beside her husband, just wearing a mask, sometimes even without a mask, without taking any other preventive measures, in the COVID ICU, seeing her husband's health deteriorate slowly and slowly in front of her eyes, until finally he died.

Whenever, I visited them, she used to say that he was a gold medalist in his class. He was is his late 40s or early 50s I think.

Once he was sleeping and snoring loud in the COVID ICU and she told me this is how my husband sleeps normally. She was soo happy to see her husband snoring while sleeping. For a moment I thought he was getting better.
Refused to help their own father, at the end they still were covid positive. This isnt surprising there are many many cases of family members refusing to attend funerals of their loved ones. Many cases of family members refusing to even let covid positive patients into their homes.

One of the many reasons India is amongst the most unhappy countries in the world. Lack of a family support system.
There was a case where Muslims took the body of a dead Hindu man as his family wouldn't go near. The self is most important to the Hindus it seems.
Don't generalize this this to all Hindus.. I have seen many sacrificing themselves for others.. Just today heard news of a closed family where in the wife did served covid positive husband. The husband survived till date (however still in hospital), she contracted the Covid virus and died today..

So please stop demonizing my religion..
Sure many people there are thinking people dying of Covid-19 has a more fatal and contagious virus...than people who gets well after the initial infection.

Heart wrenching though.
You don't even know your own religion:-
Atman, (Sanskrit: “self,” “breath”) one of the most basic concepts in Hinduism, the universal self, identical with the eternal core of the personality that after death either transmigrates to a new life or attains release (moksha) from the bonds of existence. ...
I know my religion well.. As it is said, One gets moksh after good deeds, otherwise gets entangled in to cycle of birth and death...
However can there be a bigger religion than Humanity???
This is all Modi's doing.
The government is doing well beyond comprehension of any forum member..
158 million doses of vaccine already given and government has paid for it. The drive has slowed down due to holding of key raw material and single reactive polybag by USA. But now India will be back on track by end of next month..
India is producing 9200 Temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) units of Oxygen which is 3 times its capacity about one month back.
Every next day India is setting up several covid hospitals.
India's current capacity of manufacturing remdesivir is 3.88 million doses per year..

The problem is overwhelming new patients. At the moment about 3.5 million active cases are there in India as per the data. But believe me actual number is way more because of asymptomatic cases and these asymptomatic peoples are spreading the disease. No doubt that one of the biggest blunders were Kumbh Mela and so many wedding ceremonies..
Modi hai to mumkin he.....

why not a sir g kal strike?
Because this is not concentrated at any single place.. This is scattered throughout India..
Some of the footage coming out of India are too hard to watch, Totally heart breaking
India is a very rich country for the very rich, For the rest of them it's a living hell

Having said that if anyone feels they are some how validated and gloat about what's India is going through atm needs their heads checked
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