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Huge Turkish Flag Raised Across From Ayn Al-Arab (Kobani)

turks are the palenstinians in this case.
you can't be serious o_O

meanwhile ISIL fighters cross back and forth through Turkey like it's their homeland or a vacation spot :lol:
Turkey treated 523 PYD members from Kobane, paid 1 bln Turkish Liras for people fleeing the city
While 523 Democratic Union Party (PYD) members fighting in Kobane against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) were treated in Turkey, the total cost of the clashes in Kobane for Turkey was around 1 billion Turkish Liras.

The treated members of the PYD include senior level managers and 65 members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Kurdish forces recaptured Kobane, which is located on the Syrian side of the Turkey-Syria border, from ISIL militants on Jan. 26 after fighting for more than four months since the initial attack in September 2014. The air support of the U.S.-led coalition forces and peshmerga crossing to Kobane through Turkey were also effective in this victory.

About 3,000 Turkish citizens passed the border to fight in Kobane with the PYD, while seven Turkish citizens lost their lives in the clashes.

Around 200,000 people from Kobane fled and came to Turkey during the 134 days of clashes, while Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) opened its biggest refugee camp on Jan. 25, in the southeastern border town of Suruç to house 35,000 of these people. Turkey has spent around 1 billion liras for maintaining the needs of the people fleeing Kobane.

Some 500,000 entrances and exit were made in the Mürşitpınar boarder gate, which is the closest gate to reach Kobane, in the past five months.

While 523 PYD members were treated in hospitals in the Şanlıurfa province and Suruç district, a number of these people included high-level PYD members.

Some 65 PKK members, whose activities are outlawed in Turkey, went to fight on the PYD front against ISIL, were also brought and treated in Turkey. The PKK members who had criminal records were treated under the surveillance of Turkish security forces and were detained in accordance with the charges against them.

Among those PKK members who were treated in Turkey were “Sofi” codenamed Selahattin Dilek, the alleged PKK member responsible for the Diyarbakır province after being wounded in Kobane. He was later arrested.

Meanwhile, some 52 mortar bombs, rocket launchers and missiles landed on Turkish soil during the clashes, Doğan News Agency reported. Hundreds of bullets also hit private houses and workplaces located on the border with Syria.

Some 31 mortar bombs exploded after hitting the ground, especially in the Mürşitpınar and Yumurtalık districts of Şanlıurfa, while 21 of them were detonated by bomb squads.

Turkey treated 523 PYD members from Kobane, paid 1 bln Turkish Liras for people fleeing the city, 4 February 2015
Who gives a shit about a potential country that will always be landlocked and be the bitch of someone else, reminds me of Serbia and Russia. Kurds and USA
People all over the world are showing support to Kurds meanwhile turks come saying "don't support them, they're baby killer terrorists". People all around the world are joining the Kurds to fight against IS and other extremists. Kurds have done good in the media world. lol if it goes bad for the opposition(xode naka), that would only mean more support for Kurds. and this was yesterday btw.


But currently we don't know the future of Syria therefore I cant really say much.

Since YPG is just another extension of the internationally recognized terrorist organization PKK, you can't blame Turks for stating the truth. The fact that they fought and lost terribly until Western intervention (biji serok Obama :haha:) against IS doesn't make them less of an extremists and the world deserve to know that.

But it doesn't even matter. You see Heval, you cannot survive without Turkey. You cannot exist despite Turkey. Those wet dreams you are having are all up to Turkey. The sooner you make your peace with these facts the better it will be for your butthurt.
They want to cut Turkey off from other arab countries by establishing a "kurdistan" that extends all the way to the mediterranean, this would mean that Turkey's trade with iraq, syria, jordan, saudi arabia, and other gulf countries would all have to pass through "kurdistan", they will be given land next to the mediterranean so that they don't depend on regional countries for importing goods as they can get them from europe and export without any issue. Also "kurdistan" is a perfect location for military airbases for some countries. It borders Turkey, sham, Iraq, and Iran.

You guys will see a kurdish state in the near future, I can guarantee that. The question is what is the best way to prevent that from happening.

Look what some people are claiming as theirs:

View attachment 192180

View attachment 192181

Lets say they get this:

View attachment 192182

The area around hatay will be under assad control and Turkey loses access to friendly middle eastern countries.

I dont think they can become an Armenia, they are too important to certain countries.

The ones preventing this from happening are Kurds. Kurds biggest enemy are themselves, so til the day that gets solved(if) there is nothing to feel concerned about. Kurds may be fighting togheter from all parts but it's still split on a political level over certain subjects.

Kurds do have a historical presence to the mediterranean

Sherefname(1543 - 1599) asserts that the authority of Kurdish beys of the region was extended to localities in Antakya. In areas in the plains such as Islahiye, Kırıkhan, Reyhanlı, and Kilis, there are vestiges of Kurdish concentration in Kurd-Dagh. While other regions populated by Kurds in Syria faced an influx of Arab immigrants and the campaign of Arabization beginning in 1960s, Kurd-Dagh was spared from Arabization, mainly due to Syria's different policy based upon good relations with pro-Damascus landowners.

Since YPG is just another extension of the internationally recognized terrorist organization PKK, you can't blame Turks for stating the truth. The fact that they fought and lost terribly until Western intervention (biji serok Obama :haha:) against IS doesn't make them less of an extremists and the world deserve to know that.

But it doesn't even matter. You see Heval, you cannot survive without Turkey. You cannot exist despite Turkey. Those wet dreams you are having are all up to Turkey. The sooner you make your peace with these facts the better it will be for your butthurt.

I wish they would be as you described them heval be honest, but they are not. No it's more turks pulling off their hair seeing others showing support to them.

Reality is PKK has never been stronger than it is today, PKK just had a meeting with Hollande. Ministers, MPs from around the world have visited Rojava and seen their Apo project about equality and stuff like that. People know the reality and the facts and none of what you said belongs to the reality or facts. Meanwhile the world looks at Turkey as the bad guy. When PKK was established their goal was to establish a Kurdish state in N.Kurdistan, which did not happen, instead it's happening in W.Kurdistan.Turkey's goal was to completely annihilate the Kurdish identity and kill anyone speaking Kurdish or saying that he/she is a Kurd. Turkey failed with that objective and there has never been so many Kurdish schools opening today. The Kurdish language,culture is on a rise meanwhile you kemalists are having a wannabe neo-Ottoman guy ruling your country reversing what the dude on your avatar worked so hard for to build. :pissed:

Who gives a shit about a potential country that will always be landlocked and be the bitch of someone else, reminds me of Serbia and Russia. Kurds and USA

For what reason do you think turkiye placed that big flag for? :raise::raise:
I wish they would be as you described them heval be honest, but they are not. No it's more turks pulling off their hair seeing others showing support to them.

Reality is PKK has never been stronger than it is today, PKK just had a meeting with Hollande. Ministers, MPs from around the world have visited Rojava and seen their Apo project about equality and stuff like that. People know the reality and the facts and none of what you said belongs to the reality or facts. Meanwhile the world looks at Turkey as the bad guy. When PKK was established their goal was to establish a Kurdish state in N.Kurdistan, which did not happen, instead it's happening in W.Kurdistan.Turkey's goal was to completely annihilate the Kurdish identity and kill anyone speaking Kurdish or saying that he/she is a Kurd. Turkey failed with that objective and there has never been so many Kurdish schools opening today. The Kurdish language,culture is on a rise meanwhile you kemalists are having a wannabe neo-Ottoman guy ruling your country reversing what the dude on your avatar worked so hard for to build. :pissed:

Yeah, everybody saw its strength when they were being slaughtered on their drug farms by IS few months ago. Then people just like you begged Turkey to do something. I mean to Turkey, how pathetic is that.

Come to your senses heval you are comparing a state to a terrorist organization of 5000.

Apo project on equality? Wow :D

Playing the victim all the time won't contribute to your so called culture and language. Stick to promoting your unique feudal way of life instead.
Who gives a shit about a potential country that will always be landlocked and be the bitch of someone else, reminds me of Serbia and Russia. Kurds and USA
Who wouldn't want the new dubai next door.:enjoy:
There are allready reports of German weapons ending up in PKK hands delivered by other Kurd organisations.When they'll blow up a Turkish convoy people will be wondering why Erdogan will use it as an excuse to blast the West and NATO again.

For the naive Americans in here i'd like to see one day ISIS surrounding an Al Qaeda town and your forces rushing in to save Al Qaeda.
US and Israel and supports the imperialist western countries Kurds.
Israel and the US The purpose of the 'GREAT STATE OF ISRAEL' create.
Others support for political interests.
And these countries are our 'so-called' allies.
They are all trying to dig our wells.

America is ruled by Zionist Jewish lobby.
America, just a base for Israel.

Kurds are doing is wrong and wrong. '' Kurdistan '' It's not gonna happen.
They are using them as a subcontractor for Greater Israel.
They want to create boundaries in the Torah by Jews and eastern Turkey wants the Jews 'Greater Israel' covers land.

There are too many factors.

1) There is too much oil in eastern Turkey. (American petroleum love. And steal from others. Like Iraq,Afghanistan. Or can never be rich and unable to defend Israel. To do so, must steal the resources of other countries.)

2) links with Turkey in the east of other Turk country is to be discontinued.

3) Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran intentionally destroyed, Israel is to become one of the most powerful countries.

4)And two of the powerful Muslim state will be destroyed.
Iran and Turkey.
Then all of Islam will be in danger of extinction.

We will do everything to prevent this.

The whole purpose of Greater Israel and ensure the security of Israel.
PKK and ISIS just puppets

Kurds were doing had any Western country. The same day, I'm sure that all western countries now supporting the Kurds would destroy them all

Western countries also extremely two-faced.
We are not hostile to the Kurds. But if the rebels to destroy our country if we do everything to protect our homeland.
Unfamiliar with the remote talk about the issues.

In the hands of the Zionists and the world media are misleading everyone.
Claiming is one thing and actually getting it is another. Good luck to all Hevals out there :crazy::rofl:

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