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Sağlık turizmi için Türkiye'ye gelenler hastaneleri doldurdu

Yabancı hastalara verdiği hizmetle dünya çapında göz dolduran ve gelen taleplere yetişmekte zorlanan Türkiye, bu yıl sağlık turizminde 800 bini aşkın turistten 8 milyar dolar gelir bekliyor.


Türkiye Sağlık Turizmini Geliştirme Konseyi Kurucu Başkanı Emin Çakmak, Turizm Haftası vesilesiyle sağlık turizmindeki gelişmelere ilişkin AA muhabirine değerlendirmede bulundu.

Son 10 yılda en hızlı gelişen turizm segmentlerinden birinin sağlık turizmi olduğunu belirten Çakmak, sağlık turizminin ülke ekonomisine getirisinin de yüksek olduğunu kaydetti.

Çakmak, deniz, kum, güneş için gelen turist sayısı 20 milyona ulaşsa da kişi başı harcamanın 650 dolar olduğuna dikkati çekerek, "2016 yılında 751 bin, 2017'de ise 765 bin sağlık turisti gelmişti. Bu turistlerin kişi başı ortalama harcaması 9 bin dolardan fazla oldu. Turizm pastasında sağlık turizminin 7,2 milyar dolarlık payı var." diye konuştu.

Sağlık turizminin tıp turizminden ibaret olmadığını ifade eden Çakmak, şunları söyledi:

"SPA&Wellness, termal turizmi, 3. yaş emekli turizmi, engelsiz turizm, sağlıklı beslenme ve ileri aktif yaşam sağlık turizminin segmentlerindendir. Kitlesel turizm her türlü olaydan hızla etkilenirken, sağlık turizmi Türkiye'nin zor dönemlerinde 2015, 2016 ve 2017'de büyümüştür. Sağlık turizminin önü açık. Yapılan yatırımlarla devlet, özel, üniversite hastaneleri yabancı hasta kabul edebilecek altyapıya sahip. Türkiye edindiği birikim, yatırımlarla birlikte her yıl gelişecek ve 2023'lerde de inşallah 2 milyon sağlık turistine ulaşacağız ve 20 milyar dolar hedefimize de 2023'lerden önce ulaşmayı hedefliyoruz. Çünkü açılacak olan şehir hastaneleri hayata geçtiğinde, kapasitemiz şu anki kapasitemizin 2-3 katı daha da büyümüş olacak. Şu anda yabancı hasta kabul etmekte sıkıntı yaşıyoruz. Özel hastanelerimizin kapasiteleri şu anda dolu. İstanbul, Ankara, Antalya ve İzmir'de yeterli kapasitemiz artık yok. Gelen talebe hitap edecek yeterli kapasite artık yok. Ameliyathanelerimiz ve yabancı hasta katlarımız dolu. Bunun için yeni şehir hastanelerinin açılışıyla kapasitemiz 2-3 kat artacak. Ekonomik anlamda da fiyat rekabeti konusunda şehir hastanelerimizin devreye girmesiyle şu anki gücümüz daha da artacak."

"Bu yıl kişi başı 9-10 bin dolar gelir öngörüyoruz"
Çakmak, sağlık turizmi olarak bu yıl için yaklaşık 810 bin turist gelmesini beklediklerini aktararak, "Bu rakamlarla 8 milyar dolar gibi bir gelir hedefliyoruz. Kişi başı 9-10 bin dolar gelir öngörüyoruz." dedi.

Türkiye olarak her geçen gün de daha fazla ağır vaka ve hastaları aldıklarını belirten Çakmak, "Sağlık turizmine 10 sene önce başladığımızda karaciğer nakli lisansı olan 1 hastanemiz vardı, bugün 15 hastanemizde karaciğer nakli yapabiliyoruz. Teknoloji ve yatırımlarla birlikte Sağlık Bakanlığı'nın akredite etmiş olduğu nakil, karaciğer nakli, kök hücre nakli, kemik iliği nakli merkezleri artış gösteriyor. Yabancı hasta kapasitemiz arttıkça o ağır vakaları aldığımız zaman ortalama gelirlerimiz de yükseliyor. Bugün bir kemik iliği nakli bir akrabadan yapılıyorsa 50-60 bin dolar civarında, eğer bir arkadaştan yapılıyorsa bir hastadan 100 bin dolar civarında gelir elde edilebiliyor. Bizim hedefimiz ağır vakaları almak, kanser, cerrahi, nakil vakalarını almaktır." şeklinde konuştu.

"Yılda 100 bin turist saç ektirmek için geliyor"
Çakmak, yılda 100 bin turistin saç ektirmek için Türkiye'ye geldiğini belirterek, "Bu da kontrol edilebilen rakam, bu daha da yüksek olabilir. Türkiye en iyi saç ekimi yapan ülkelerden birisi. Hindistan sağlık destinasyonu ama Hindistanlılar saç ekimi için Türkiye'ye geliyor, çünkü onlar kaliteli yapamıyorlar." dedi.


other health investments:

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Star Rafinery is started to operate. It's the biggest single investment (in a single point) of private sector (6.3 billion $) in Turkey and it is estimated that rafinery will reduce our foreign trade deficit 1.5 billion dollars annually. (By importing crude/unprocessed oil and other goods instead of processed goods.)

It's also good example of Turkey-Azerbaijan friendship.

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For a quick glimpse, google images of the most recent/latest Olympic Parks from Brazil, Beijing and Athens, you will find derelict buildings and areas eventually falling weak in the natures presence.


Olympic venues from 2008 Games are now Beijing icons

By Shen Weiduo Source:Global Times Published: 2018/8/7

Water Cube to become venue for 2022 Winter Games

A decade has passed since the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the city's unique attempts at refashioning its Olympic venues have won praise from experts who say the experience could help future host cities.

Making good use of host cities' costly Olympic venues has long been problematic, Yang Tianqiao, an industry analyst at Zhaoyang Sports Culture and Marketing Co, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

Just six months after the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympic Games, the city's main venue had all but been abandoned, while the 35,000-seat stadium that hosted the opening ceremony for the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games has already been demolished, according to a report from the observer.com.

"Beijing is among several Olympic host cities that considered reusing its venues even before construction began and it continues to utilize them and generate revenue," Yang noted.

Beijing's Olympic Stadium, which is known as the Bird's Nest, offers numerous public events throughout the year. Some 35 million visitors have taken a tour of the vast, 100,000-seat stadium. In winter it hosts the annual Bird's Nest Ice and Snow Festival. There's even been talk of hosting an NFL football game at the stadium.

Beijing's National Aquatics Center, which was built for the Beijing Games, became a public water park, but also hosts various entertainment events.

According to data provided by the National Aquatics Center, which is also known as the Water Cube, the facility has received more than 20 million visitors as of the end of 2017, and has hosted more than 1,200 events. Some 2 million swimmers have taken a dip at the Water Cube over the past decade.

"Beijing has been exploring and creating the Chinese experience through the reuse of the Olympic venues in the city," the National Aquatics Center said in a statement sent to the Global Times on Tuesday.

The Beijing Wukesong Culture and Sports Center, an 18,000-seat indoor arena which hosted the 2008 Olympic Games basketball tournament, is now a prime venue for large concerts.

"The utilization rate of our center has reached 70 percent, ranking among the highest in the world." Yuan Yinghui, media director of Huaxi International Culture and Sports Development Co, the operator of the Wukesong Center, told the Global Times.

With Beijing becoming the only city to ever host the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, the city's Summer Games' venues are being repurposed to host events for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

The Bird's Nest will host the opening and closing ceremony of the Winter Games.

"To hold the Winter Olympic Games is a classic case of repeated and long-term use of a venue," said the statement from the Water Cube, which will be transformed into the curling venue for the 2022 Games.



China plans to use the venues built for 2008 Olympics for 2022 Winter Olympics, as well.

Olympic venues from 2008 Games are now Beijing icons

By Shen Weiduo Source:Global Times Published: 2018/8/7

Water Cube to become venue for 2022 Winter Games

A decade has passed since the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the city's unique attempts at refashioning its Olympic venues have won praise from experts who say the experience could help future host cities.

Making good use of host cities' costly Olympic venues has long been problematic, Yang Tianqiao, an industry analyst at Zhaoyang Sports Culture and Marketing Co, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

Just six months after the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympic Games, the city's main venue had all but been abandoned, while the 35,000-seat stadium that hosted the opening ceremony for the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games has already been demolished, according to a report from the observer.com.

"Beijing is among several Olympic host cities that considered reusing its venues even before construction began and it continues to utilize them and generate revenue," Yang noted.

Beijing's Olympic Stadium, which is known as the Bird's Nest, offers numerous public events throughout the year. Some 35 million visitors have taken a tour of the vast, 100,000-seat stadium. In winter it hosts the annual Bird's Nest Ice and Snow Festival. There's even been talk of hosting an NFL football game at the stadium.

Beijing's National Aquatics Center, which was built for the Beijing Games, became a public water park, but also hosts various entertainment events.

According to data provided by the National Aquatics Center, which is also known as the Water Cube, the facility has received more than 20 million visitors as of the end of 2017, and has hosted more than 1,200 events. Some 2 million swimmers have taken a dip at the Water Cube over the past decade.

"Beijing has been exploring and creating the Chinese experience through the reuse of the Olympic venues in the city," the National Aquatics Center said in a statement sent to the Global Times on Tuesday.

The Beijing Wukesong Culture and Sports Center, an 18,000-seat indoor arena which hosted the 2008 Olympic Games basketball tournament, is now a prime venue for large concerts.

"The utilization rate of our center has reached 70 percent, ranking among the highest in the world." Yuan Yinghui, media director of Huaxi International Culture and Sports Development Co, the operator of the Wukesong Center, told the Global Times.

With Beijing becoming the only city to ever host the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, the city's Summer Games' venues are being repurposed to host events for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

The Bird's Nest will host the opening and closing ceremony of the Winter Games.

"To hold the Winter Olympic Games is a classic case of repeated and long-term use of a venue," said the statement from the Water Cube, which will be transformed into the curling venue for the 2022 Games.



China plans to use the venues built for 2008 Olympics for 2022 Winter Olympics, as well.

We also need to open re-education centers, put TIP members in Idlib into that re-education centers to turn them into mondern decent citizens who obeys the Laws of our constitution, then give them citizenship and settle them wherever needed.

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