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Huge Projects of Türkiye

What you dont want to understand is

"This way ships can move faster trough the canal & instead of losing money while waiting, most ships will chose to pay money to travel trough the faster route (the canal), and save money by doing so.
We cant force someone to use the canal, but we can give them enough incentives to pay the fee and use the canal. We can also have bigger ships passing trough the canal.
Turkiye will gain money doing so "
And like I said, the Montreaux convention will still be in effect, but it will be easy to bypass it making it de facto no more valid.
yeah, and that money will be pennies compared to what suez or panama canals make. It'll be essentially zero. Going around Africa or south America isn't the same with going through bosphorus traffic can you understand that?

Going through suez saves you days even weeks... going through istanbul canal will save you an hour maybe?
how much is a ship owner going to be willing to pay for that?
why you see some logical fallacy? please expose it

I can write page after page about it but I'll only emphasize the thing which made me think like that and summarize all other things that I dont agree with you about project.

And if that happens, if people can't heat their homes and lose electricity AKP goes away.

Seriously? Please, don't use this "kahvehane muhabbeti" in serious international discussion boards if you don't want to look ridiculous. You can state these kind of things in youtube/facebook comments though!

Don't you think if it was "thaaaaat easy" to get rid of Erdoğan, Putin would have done it weeks ago? Do you really think these kind of sanctions work magically as expected?

Let me tell you, even if it was possible for Putin to do it and even it worked like a charm, only thing will be happened Turkey is growing support for Erdoğan! Even the most anti-Tayyip ones will support him, because no sovereign nation (or person) would like to be disciplined by economic threats! That's what we saw/see in Iran/Mullah Regime and Russia/Putin examples.

And let's talk why he can't do it!

Yes, we are dependent on Russia when it comes to energy, but it's not dramatic as you try to depict! We won't shut down the country if Ruskies stop gas flow!

Secondly, we are their 2nd biggest gas customer and they are more dependent on us in this price declining (both gas and oil) times.

Thirdly, thanks to wind turbines and hpps, we are getting less and less dependent on Russia every new day. I even don't mention about Tanap or Kurdish region gas. Or, international laws which forbids arbitrary treatments! So, let's stop talking about these empty threats!

And let's turn back to project;
-First of all, we don't know anything about financing model of project. (Proje için kamu kaynaklarının kullanılacağını varsayıyorsun ama şu an için bu spekülasyondan öteye gitmez. Bir sürü dev inşaat şirketimiz varken bu projenin kamu kaynaklarıyla yapılacağını düşünmüyorum şahsen.)

-You behave like you're the only one who is aware of energy stalemate of Turkey. No! Everyone is aware and acting accordingly! I don't know where you live but I was in İzmir last month and İzmir port was like a giant wind turbine material warehouse! There were enormous wind turbines everywhere. Here is a picture I took:


Compare its size to containers near of it! And this is only wind energy, there are many others! As I said above we are getting less and less dependent every new day. Here it's a stat:


Surprise, surprise! Can you see the significant drop (just in 1 year) on using natural gas+lng to produce electricity? Probably it will be more than %15 by the end of year! Despite the decline on prices of gas! (Actually this is also why prices are falling!) I even dont mention about nuclear plants which are longtime postponed due to stupid environmentalists and politicians!

Put it in a nutshell, we are getting more and more independent every new day!

-You give importance to solar energy much more than it deserves! Yes, it's promising but not feasible at the moment. As a normal, reasonable man, I also would like to live in a world of renewable energy, but at this point, it's just a dream! Future is in nuclear, as some forumers stated! Dont buy the craps of stupid environmentalists funded secretly by big boys which are really polluting planet earth!

(Bu konu hakkındaki son mesajım, hem konudan sapıyoruz hem de böyle bir tartışma için bundan fazla ayıracak zamanım yok maalesef)
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me too, you can buy all gas energy plants for bargain in Turkey. Gas will be used only for heating asap

And actually for heating, Turkey uses only %6 of its gas importation from Russia (if I am not mistaken)

(bu gerçekten son mesajım :) bunu da yazacaktım üstteki mesajda ama unutmuşum, yeri geldi ekledim :P )
-You give importance to solar energy much more than it deserves! Yes, it's promising but not feasible at the moment. As a normal, reasonable man, I also would like to live in a world of renewable energy, but at this point, it's just a dream! Future is in nuclear, as some forumers stated! Dont buy the craps of stupid environmentalists funded secretly by big boys which are really polluting planet earth!

(Bu konu hakkındaki son mesajım, hem konudan sapıyoruz hem de böyle bir tartışma için bundan fazla ayıracak zamanım yok maalesef)
You didn't read my post, I'm aware that environmental impact of both nuclear and solar powers are essentially zero.

I'm pushing for solar power because it's easy to acquire the technology for our own. It'll be cheap, It'll be national and it'll be flexible. You can make every roof generate electricity and add to the power grid. Or you can build incredibly large photovoltaic fields, you can go about it however you want.

I'm not against nuclear energy, I simply don't want that while we're getting independent from Russia we get dependant on Japan for our nuclear plants.

Do we have an understanding here?

Seriously? Please, don't use this "kahvehane muhabbeti" in serious international discussion boards if you don't want to look ridiculous. You can state these kind of things in youtube/facebook comments though!

Don't you think if it was "thaaaaat easy" to get rid of Erdoğan, Putin would have done it weeks ago? Do you really think these kind of sanctions work magically as expected?

Let me tell you, even if it was possible for Putin to do it and even it worked like a charm, only thing will be happened Turkey is growing support for Erdoğan! Even the most anti-Tayyip ones will support him, because no sovereign nation (or person) would like to be disciplined by economic threats! That's what we saw/see in Iran/Mullah Regime and Russia/Putin examples.
Yes, seriously

Guy votes for AKP and puts the cars of his keys next to the ballet and shares that picture on facebook.
Economy is the biggest issue of the Turkish voter. Whoever makes them just a bit richer, stays in power. Everything else is secondary. That's what I observe.

If economy goes down, people lose a bit of their comfort erdogan can't survive for long.
But if the opposition fails to take the advantage of the situation of course nothing changes.
Opposition has been extremely dumb lately. With such an opposition;
Erdogan could bring sharia, put his face on the money, not a fucking thing would happen as I see it.

I don't know I'm two sided on that one... there are too many variables to take into account

as for the rest of your post, I'm not trying to marginalize the efforts that are going into severing our energy dependencies.

The point is that 10 billion dollars can be better spent elsewhere... I can think of 10 better things that money can go into other than İstanbul Kanal. Solar power is just one of them. We could invest that money on more railways throughout the country. We could invest that money on commercial airplane R&D, we could invest that money on heavy lift helicopter R&D for the military.... I can go on

For 10 billion dollars you could send a fucking space telescope into orbit... that's about the price of the James Webb telescope! You can spend that money digging the dirt doing pointless things or invest on science for the advancement of all of mankind.
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I'd like you to explain why high property prices are a good thing. It's already very difficult to buy property in Istanbul, prices are high enough. Average rent is above minimum wage. Higher those prices get more difficult it is for us to get by.

You are only seeing it from consumer point of view. In national economy, supply-side economies is equally important (if not more). As prices rise and land becomes more valuable--the national wealth of a nation also goes up. So the canal will have a positive impact on Turkey's growth, economy, total wealth, and so on. Moreover, it will help the expansion of Istanbul as well. So over-all, it would be a good thing for the Republic of Turkey if even Turkish consumers get the heat of rising prices. That's how it is in every economy. Over here in U.S, average price of a house in San Francisco is $1 million now! And remember, average income of average US citizen is 50,000 lol...

Any growth and development--expansion--leads to economic growth on national level, and in the long run--its always a good thing.

as for the airport... no I don't think so.. residential property prices would go down near an airport not the other way around. Nobody would want to live in that noisy environment. as for the revenue of the canal... it might be in the negative... I'm not sure what the maintenance costs will be.

The land surrounding the airport will see its value increase by leaps and bounds. Again, that leads to increase in wealth.

right now it's not a big deal... we get power outages like once a week or less. But if Russia cuts the natural gas we'll lose about %20 of the power grid. That's a big weakness that leaves us dependant on outside. And if that happens, if people can't heat their homes and lose electricity AKP goes away.

Wouldn't you love that? :D

And something drastically radical would have to happen in order for Russians to take such a radical step. Its very unlikely that Russians will cut gas supply to Turkey.

Why I'm pushing for the solar power is that it has literally no maintenance costs, no waste management problem and the technology is much cheaper to acquire.

Solar power is expensive. On mass level, its unaffordable even by nations like U.S.

In order to produce 20,000 Megawatts from Solar---you'll need so much money and resources that it just becomes unfeasible. However, with nuclear plants...you have produce 20,000 Megawatts and keep it within your financial limits.
Ar-Ge desteği nasıl verilmeli? - ŞEREF OĞUZ - Sabah

Onca hibelere ragmen Ozel sektor ARGE de pek kayda deger bir ilerleme kathedmedi..

Ayni hezimet 3 donem Tarim bakanligi yapan Mehdi Eker doneminde tarim ve haycanciliktada yasandi. 10 yil boyunca 80 milyar lira hibe verildi. Ama hic bir program hedefine ulasamadi..
Sebepler belli....uzmanlik ve liyakat eksikligi, durustluk ve ahlak eksikligi, torpil, rusvet ve partizanlik...
Ar-Ge desteği nasıl verilmeli? - ŞEREF OĞUZ - Sabah

Onca hibelere ragmen Ozel sektor ARGE de pek kayda deger bir ilerleme kathedmedi..

Ayni hezimet 3 donem Tarim bakanligi yapan Mehdi Eker doneminde tarim ve haycanciliktada yasandi. 10 yil boyunca 80 milyar lira hibe verildi. Ama hic bir program hedefine ulasamadi..
Sebepler belli....uzmanlik ve liyakat eksikligi, durustluk ve ahlak eksikligi, torpil, rusvet ve partizanlik...
ailesi ciftci olarak konusuyorum en buyuk sorunumuz cahillik ve sahtekarlik baska birsey degil.. millet inek ciftligi aciyor devlet destekli tek amaclari devleti dolandirmak ,ciftligi aciyorlar hibeyi alip ciftligi kapatiyorlar.devlet ucretsiz damlama sistemi kurdu bizim tarlaya bizim peder mesala eski usul ve yenilige acik olmadigi icin sokup atti..birde bu hal olayi var kavun ekiyorsun para etmiyor sunu ekiyorsun para etmiyor para etmez derken satanla mali alan yani halcilar para kazaniyor ciftciler hepsi iflas.ciftcilerler halkin direk bulusturuldugu ortamlar olusturulmali bu halcilik sistemide bildigin mafya zaten kimin elinde oldugumu soylememe gerek yok.
I want a highway between Ankara and Diyarbakir.

Ankara - Kayseri - Malatya - Diyarbakir


ailesi ciftci olarak konusuyorum en buyuk sorunumuz cahillik ve sahtekarlik baska birsey degil.. millet inek ciftligi aciyor devlet destekli tek amaclari devleti dolandirmak ,ciftligi aciyorlar hibeyi alip ciftligi kapatiyorlar.devlet ucretsiz damlama sistemi kurdu bizim tarlaya bizim peder mesala eski usul ve yenilige acik olmadigi icin sokup atti..birde bu hal olayi var kavun ekiyorsun para etmiyor sunu ekiyorsun para etmiyor para etmez derken satanla mali alan yani halcilar para kazaniyor ciftciler hepsi iflas.ciftcilerler halkin direk bulusturuldugu ortamlar olusturulmali bu halcilik sistemide bildigin mafya zaten kimin elinde oldugumu soylememe gerek yok.

Sanki bana dedemi tarif ettin. O da damlama sistemini yerden koparip atti. Kendisine söylemiyorum tabii ki ama davranisi ve tutumu cahilligin ve egitimsizligin inkar edilemeyecek bir kaniti. Baska da bir sey degil.
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ailesi ciftci olarak konusuyorum en buyuk sorunumuz cahillik ve sahtekarlik baska birsey degil.. millet inek ciftligi aciyor devlet destekli tek amaclari devleti dolandirmak ,ciftligi aciyorlar hibeyi alip ciftligi kapatiyorlar.devlet ucretsiz damlama sistemi kurdu bizim tarlaya bizim peder mesala eski usul ve yenilige acik olmadigi icin sokup atti..birde bu hal olayi var kavun ekiyorsun para etmiyor sunu ekiyorsun para etmiyor para etmez derken satanla mali alan yani halcilar para kazaniyor ciftciler hepsi iflas.ciftcilerler halkin direk bulusturuldugu ortamlar olusturulmali bu halcilik sistemide bildigin mafya zaten kimin elinde oldugumu soylememe gerek yok.
Birde üstüne Türkiyedeki ilkel tarim sektörünü katmak lazim, Avrupada Amerikada makinalarla 1-2 adam yarim günde koca tarlayi topluyor bizde ise kamyon kasasina yükle 30-40 isciyi günlük yegmiyeyle calistir sonra bütün kazancini yok isci parasi yok mazot diye israf et.


Simdi su resme bir bak, bu büyüklükte tarlayi cok az isciyle birkac günde toplamak mümkün birde düsünsene Türkeyede oldugunu yedi sülalen yardim etse 6 ayda is anca biter ve buna ragmen batida tarim sektöründeki isci ve GSYH orani diger sektörlere göre oldukca az bizde ise ilkel tarimcilik gayet yüksek bir pay aliyor.
E tabi gene is cahillige baglaniyor bizim ciftci biraz kar yapinca tarim makinasi alacagina hemen krediyle son model araba aliyor, bu kafayla batiyi zor yakalariz.
Bizde çiftçi yok, küçüklü-büyüklü tarım işi yapan köylüler var. Köylülükten çiftçiliğe yükselemedik maalesef! İç Anadolu'da adam hasadı yapar, parayı cebine koyar ve Ankara'ya aptal-saptal gazinolarda eğlenmeye gelir, tabii paranın büyük kısmını yer. Ondan sonra da ağlar!

Bizde şirketleşme mantığı da yok. Babanla bile ortak olma diye sözlerin olduğu bir kültürde elbet herkes küçük olsun benim olsun der. Böyle olunca da ölçek ekonomilerinden yoksun, verimsiz işler yapılır! İhtiyacımız olan dev çiftçiler, küçükler ortaklığa yanaşmadıklarından onların bu hale gelmesi zor. Birileri gelip bu işe girse bu sefer de avm-esnaf olayında olduğu gibi büyük balık bizleri yiyor diye ağlarlar! Hak ettikleri de tam anlamıyla bu aslında!
Turkiye'de halen cok buyuk cahil nesil var. Eminimki 20 sene sonra yeni, bu nesil bitecek ve bundan sonra yenilige ve teknolojiye daha acik olacaklardir.
SSCb Solhoz, Kolhoz ve Israil Tarim Kibbuzlari ornek alinmali. Kibbutzlarda herkes calisyor, kibbutzun cocuk kresinde cocuklar bakiliyor, yemekhanede yemek yapiliyor, universite cagina gelen genclerin amerikada ogrenim masraflarini bile kibbutz karsiliyor. Tarimda verimlilik esas aliniyor.
Turkiyede Kooperatif kanunlari var ama bizim insan dogasina aykiri ortak is yapip, paylasmak:) Devlet eliyle yapmaktan baska care yok. Turkiyede mulkiyet kanununa artik bu saatten sonra dokunulamaz. Tarim arazileri birlestirilip, ortak uretim yapilmaliymis zamaninda.
Butun vatandaslarin kaydini tutmali devlet, isciyse isci oldugunu bilmeli, esnafsa esnaf.tarim yapiyorsa tarim yapani kayit altina alip desteklemeli.
AB butcesinin en buyuk destekleri tarim kesimine yapiliyor.
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