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Huge funding in Bangladesh from Arab countries : India is worried

Islam in Bangladesh:

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I think it's high time the Arabs turned a new leaf and stopped funding radicalism with their oil money. It seems they have too much of it. But then it can be put to far better use like helping eradicating poverty in the world instead of funding religious extremism which results in unnecessary bloodshed and mayhem.
Probably your country should talk to them instead of talking to us! 
Who cares about their random funding
Apparently you guys do!
we dont give a damn unless they start supplying you nukes, Bangladesh is ignored by India mostly
Sure that's why your media and government gets worked up when your 'intelligence' agencies come up with horse-sh*t news like Americans are making a Naval base and Arabs are making Al-Qaueda bases here.Probably you should ask your democratically elected governments to ignore us...That would actually be good for the both of us!
Its fun though when we shoot some bangladeshi who try to sneak for employment here haha.. thus you try to catch our attention

Tell your bangladeshi mates it is not good to roam near Indian borders
None of my concern...they are individual choices they make and they can do whatever the f**k they want.And trust me the last think we want is attention from people who are incapable of logical thoughts...like Arabs funding pro-Iran groups and Americans supporting terrorists or border-crossing is trying to catch attention.You should work for your media and write articles about how people are crossing borders to catch your attention...Delhi would love you!
providing huge funding to pro-Jamat radical Islamic organizations to spread religious extremism
If an outsider is investing in Bangladesh and its an Islamic country then how can it be like this?? 
We have already suffered a lot just because of religious extremism. It needs to be stopped and every one who is spreading extremism should be killed by army.
So Both KSA and USA want the same people in power but they have completely conflicting interests.Did you know the specialized anti-terror unit in BD known as RAB was trained by the Brits under BNP to fight terrorism.How does that make sense??How can the same people be assumed to be both pro-terrorism and anti-terrorism at the same time.Do you think the Americans and the Brits are dumb?And did you know that Jamaatis are NOT WAHABIS....they are MOUDUDIS(rooted in INDIA)....they are and always have been PRO-IRAN...Their leader was a friend of the Ayatollah.....Why on earth would the Saudis support a group that is antithetical to their cause?On another thread another of your compatriots was saying BNP would let an American base(reported by another Indian media) in Chittagong...the Naval base will have to be stationed in a deep sea port...which will ultimately be built by the Chinese....Sorry bro but Indian news reports do not seem to make much sense!

Moududi comes from Maulana Abul Ala Moududi - He was a Pakistani ! :unsure:

But yes they - his Organization - the Jammat-e-Islami - aren't Salafi Muslims. They aren't Deobandi or Barelvi either - In fact I thinl that they're Sunnis without a particular Sectarian Leaning !
So Both KSA and USA want the same people in power but they have completely conflicting interests.Did you know the specialized anti-terror unit in BD known as RAB was trained by the Brits under BNP to fight terrorism.How does that make sense??How can the same people be assumed to be both pro-terrorism and anti-terrorism at the same time.Do you think the Americans and the Brits are dumb?

The world is a messed up place, there are many strange relations, like; KSA is an ally of USA, yet, at the same time KSA is believed to be funding Islamic extremism in many countries including funding Taliban and Al-qaeda, USA is also ally to Israel, and not so long ago they had good relations with Iran simultaneously. And both USA and Pakistan are confused whether they are ally or enemies!!

Another messy news for you:
Saudi Arabia allegedly warns it will intercept Israeli jets en route to Iran

Someday we might even see Bangladesh issuing threats to China for incursions into the territory of her greatest friend and ally India!! :D

And did you know that Jamaatis are NOT WAHABIS....they are MOUDUDIS(rooted in INDIA)....they are and always have been PRO-IRAN...Their leader was a friend of the Ayatollah.....Why on earth would the Saudis support a group that is antithetical to their cause?On another thread another of your compatriots was saying BNP would let an American base(reported by another Indian media) in Chittagong...the Naval base will have to be stationed in a deep sea port...which will ultimately be built by the Chinese....Sorry bro but Indian news reports do not seem to make much sense!

We cannot verify the facts, that's why I said in my first post "If this is true". But if we assume for a moment that the news is true, then what is your take on that?
Moududi comes from Maulana Abul Ala Moududi - He was a Pakistani ! :unsure:

But yes they - his Organization - the Jammat-e-Islami - aren't Salafi Muslims. They aren't Deobandi or Barelvi either - In fact I thinl that they're Sunnis without a particular Sectarian Leaning !
Well technically he was born in India...anyway you are correct he was a muhajir!
1. This is propaganda by The Crusaders100.The opposite is true. RAW and Indian business cartels are infusing huge funds into BAL for its survival now, and continuation in govt subsequently.SHW's agenda is simple - eventual annexation by Bharat Mata.She has been guaranteed a grand treatment for the BD Sheikh Paribar as that being received by the Sheiks of Kashmir.

2. In actual fact, people are scared of dealing with Shariah banks. All Muslim NGOs have been shut down, but Christian, Hindu or Bahai based NGOs are doing fine. One of the largest NGOs in the world, Rabetat has been shut down. No other NGO has helped BD so much in setting up hospitals,schools/colleges, and helped at individual level as Rabetat. Its local Secretary Mir Qasim Ali, also a JeI leader, is undertrial for war crimes but that is not a good enough reason to shut down ops.Rabetat's global Chirman is the Speaker of Saudi Parliament.

Damn them RAW goons. :mad: 8-)
Moududi comes from Maulana Abul Ala Moududi - He was a Pakistani ! :unsure:

But yes they - his Organization - the Jammat-e-Islami - aren't Salafi Muslims. They aren't Deobandi or Barelvi either - In fact I thinl that they're Sunnis without a particular Sectarian Leaning !

And @Anubis was saying Moududi has roots in India!!! I knew it, @Anubis would try to confuse "innocent" us here!! :pissed:

But we have friends in Pakistan also. :D 
Well technically he was born in India...anyway you are correct he was a muhajir!

What technical, birth is a biological matter! :D
The world is a messed up place, there are many strange relations, like; KSA is an ally of USA, yet, at the same time KSA is believed to be funding Islamic extremism in many countries including funding Taliban and Al-qaeda, USA is also ally to Israel, and not so long ago they had good relations with Iran simultaneously. And both USA and Pakistan are confused whether they are ally or enemies!!

Another messy news for you:
Saudi Arabia allegedly warns it will intercept Israeli jets en route to Iran

Someday we might even see Bangladesh issuing threats to China for incursions into the territory of her greatest friend and ally India!! :D

We cannot verify the facts, that's why I said in my first post "If this is true". But if we assume for a moment that the news is true, then what is your take on that?

If the news is true than having BAL in power won't be much use...money talks....and if the Arabs really want to send mujahideens to India they are going to do it irrespective of who is in power.If BNP-Jamaat has more money they will buy BAL leaders and they will create havoc here and that will be exactly what mujahideens want.If the Americans can't stop the Arabs(and in this case supports them) there's nothing either of us can do.See you can use the best of military strength in Kahsmir and still there are Mujahideens there.The same will be the case with BD.So the best thing you can do is to talk to Arabs! 
And @Anubis was saying Moududi has roots in India!!! I knew it, @Anubis would try to confuse "innocent" us here!! :pissed:

But we have friends in Pakistan also. :D 

What technical, birth is a biological matter! :D

Well he was an Indian before Pakistan was created.He was an Indian by birth as he was born in modern Indian territory!No wonder you hate him...just like you hate Indians...you attention-seeking illegal Bangladeshi!You are lucky BSF didn't kill you!:D
If the news is true than having BAL in power won't be much use...money talks....and if the Arabs really want to send mujahideens to India they are going to do it irrespective of who is in power.If BNP-Jamaat has more money they will buy BAL leaders and they will create havoc here and that will be exactly what mujahideens want.If the Americans can't stop the Arabs(and in this case supports them) there's nothing either of us can do.See you can use the best of military strength in Kahsmir and still there are Mujahideens there.The same will be the case with BD.So the best thing you can do is to talk to Arabs!

But would you prefer Bangladesh to go in that direction?
But would you prefer Bangladesh to go in that direction?
No...but I am not too worried about it as Jamaat does not have such records.BNP uprooted the largest terrorist organization in BD...JMB while they were in power and were allied with Jamaat.
Well he was an Indian before Pakistan was created.He was an Indian by birth as he was born in modern Indian territory!No wonder you hate him...just like you hate Indians...you attention-seeking illegal Bangladeshi!You are lucky BSF didn't kill you!:D

Neverrrrrrrrr!!!!!! :hang3: My forefathers were born in India, lived in India, and died in India, for India. They shifted to Indian part of India when the news of partition came, along with the news of independence that they so bravely fought for with their blood.

And here is my blood sample. :D
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