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Huge funding in Bangladesh from Arab countries : India is worried

Islam in Bangladesh:

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Bangladesh should learn from Pakistan's mistakes.. Once a hugely potential nation now wracked by sectarian and religious violence, Because the Zia Ul Haq regime turned the plural culturally rich nation in to a radicalized fundamentalist Islamic one,Through Saudi tribal black money

Organized religion mixed with national politics makes the worst possible form of fascism

Bangladesh is developing well, there seems to be so much potential.. Pls dont let those Wahabbi desert rat's or their dirty oil money drag the country back to the dark ages

Thanks for the post. The question is, if Bangladesh is recognizing it as a threat or not. At worst, are they recognizing it as a good thing. :undecided:
Sure that's why your media and government gets worked up when your 'intelligence' agencies come up with horse-sh*t news like Americans are making a Naval base and Arabs are making Al-Qaueda bases here.Probably you should ask your democratically elected governments to ignore us...That would actually be good for the both of us!

In that case we either are concern of US base or Taliban, BD is still ignored.
In that case we either are concern of US base or Taliban, BD is still ignored.

There never was any Taliban in Bangladesh. They belong in Afghanistan and Pakistan, like another world away. Nor would a US base on Bangladeshi soil.

A naval base in Chittagong is not only politically inappropriate, but technically not feasible, unless of-course a deep-sea port is developed. Nonetheless, both US and Bangladeshi officials rejected the notion of a base originally claimed by Times of India.

And besides, the Americans wouldn't base themselves in a politically volatile and unstable climate like Bangladesh. Unless of-course, the Sheikhs and Zias are kicked out.

Cox's Bazar has a lot of fundies in case anyone didn't know. Not a good combo. Heck, it's a silly notion. And last but not the least, Bangladeshi leaders would never have the kind of courage to digest the thought of hosting an American base in this kind of climate.
There never was any Taliban in Bangladesh. They belong in Afghanistan and Pakistan, like another world away. Nor would a US base on Bangladeshi soil.

A naval base in Chittagong is not only politically inappropriate, but technically not feasible, unless of-course a deep-sea port is developed. Nonetheless, both US and Bangladeshi officials rejected the notion of a base originally claimed by Times of India.

And besides, the Americans wouldn't base themselves in a politically volatile and unstable climate like Bangladesh. Unless of-course, the Sheikhs and Zias are kicked out.

Cox's Bazar has a lot of fundies in case anyone didn't know. Not a good combo. Heck, it's a silly notion. And last but not the least, Bangladeshi leaders would never have the kind of courage to digest the thought of hosting an American base in this kind of climate.

I do agree with almost all of your post, I was merely responding to a poster who was trying to show bangladesh importance in context of setting up of Taliban or US army base. I wish Taliban dont find a single buyer in BD and US base here is neither feasible nor much desired.
Eh? Is there an Afghanistan going on next to Bangladesh? In fact, their mess up over there is what caused Pakistan to suffer.

You have Myanmar. :D
3 big wars and 2 small wars in 66 years, arms race with a bigger neighbor, ignoring everything else for military and secret services, Pakistan would have messed up even without Afghanistan. before 1965 Pakistan's economy was way better than India's, they messed it up after the war, they suffered a long slowdown and never reached that economic momentum again. And are you sure Pakistan's bigger neighbor has no role in Afghanistan? :) And don't forget that Taliban was created by Pakistan to contain India's influence there, and to provide supply of Mujahidins in Kashmir, and TTP is Taliban only, no matter whoever claims otherwise. And Also, Pakistan would have faced Taliban problem even without US, because Taliban want to spread into Pakistan, more problems are in store for them after 2014. One can't play with fire without getting burnt.
Islamic banks follow basically follow Shariah. That is, they don't use interest rates. But instead, use customized business models where they share the profit with parties (including the customer).

Islamic banks are highly profitable in Bangladesh. Islami Bank alone made more than twice the profit of private commercial banks that use interest rate.
Is Islamic banking only for muslims or for everybody irrespective of religious affiliation.
You have Myanmar. :D

Myanmar? lolz....they are hardly an issue.

3 big wars and 2 small wars in 66 years, arms race with a bigger neighbor, ignoring everything else for military and secret services, Pakistan would have messed up even without Afghanistan. before 1965 Pakistan's economy was way better than India's, they messed it up after the war, they suffered a long slowdown and never reached that economic momentum again. And are you sure Pakistan's bigger neighbor has no role in Afghanistan? :) And don't forget that Taliban was created by Pakistan to contain India's influence there, and to provide supply of Mujahidins in Kashmir, and TTP is Taliban only, no matter whoever claims otherwise. And Also, Pakistan would have faced Taliban problem even without US, because Taliban want to spread into Pakistan, more problems are in store for them after 2014. One can't play with fire without getting burnt.

Actually, Pakistan's economy did pretty well in the 80's. Surprising considering the crushing defeat of 71'. Nonetheless, Pakistan did really well in the 50's and 60's.

The Taliban are mostly a bunch of tribals, predominantly Pashtuns. They didn't like their Communist regime for starters, so they tried to take it down by force. So the Commies asked the Soviets to help them. They came, they saw, and got humiliated. America sending its regards for Vietnam.

After their victory, it emboldened them and pretty much took over the entire country. Mohammad Najibullah was brutally executed along with his brother by Taliban soldiers. They, the undisputed king. Before the post 9/11 events, they controlled 95% of Afghanistan, with the opposition Northern Alliance only controlling 5%.

A fairly similar pattern can be seen from the Pakistani tribes of the north west. They share a lot of ideals there. Their elders are ferociously independent, and would go as far as killing to keep it that way.

Many may blame religious misinterpretation, but I think it is also a matter of demographic and psychographic profiles as well. Particularly in regards to warrior-like tribes.

India and Pakistan have been at proxy war since the beginning. If America hadn't intervened, maybe it would have been just another cat and mouse game. The reason why I say this is because Pakistan would have never been able to manage all those logistical activities without America's help. It'd be close to impossible for them due to lack of resources on their part. We are talking about a bunch of guys that took down an extremely powerful force - The Soviets. Not some rag-tag third party groups. So that took skills and resources.

Bangladesh? Well, apart from Buddhist Chakmas and Garos, they isn't any tribalism here. Not to mention that they aren't warrior-like. I mean, since when were Bengalis tribals in the modern age? The answer is never. 
Is Islamic banking only for muslims or for everybody irrespective of religious affiliation.

Anyone can use it. Heck, even London School of Business offer a masters course.

Try not to see this as a "religious" issue. But rather a scientific one.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (IBBL) operates in Bangladesh for last 30 some years, It has share holders from US JP Morgan Chase to individuals in Bangladesh. IBBL is largest publicly listed bank and provides largest loans for industrilization in Bangladesh. BSRM largest steel mill in Bangladesh and one of the largest in south asia financed by IBBL. Ananda Shipyard pioneer in ship export also heavily financed by IBBL. It is not hard to see why india is after IBBL and Islamic finance, Indian target is Bangladesh investment, industrial growth and export capability.

India making itself laughing stock of the world by labeling IBBL and Islamic banks in Bangladesh when even London is competing to be center of Islamic banking.

Cameron: London can be a world capital for Islamic finance
British PM announces Islamic index on LSE and first ever Islamic bond from a non-Muslim country

By labeling Islamic banks in Bangladesh, India further exposed its orchestration of anti Islami shahbagh atheists. It was shahbagh atheists who incited destruction of Islami bank in Bangladesh and attacked the bank.

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@Anubis Now they are not even Moududis but Hanafis, how many wrong information you have posted to confuse "innocent" us?? :fie: :pissed::butcher:

God bless the good Bangladeshis like Loki. :D
We are all Hanafis....most Sunnis are Hanafis...Wahabis,Salafis,Normalis are all Hanafis...Moudidism is a different thing!
Probably Arab countries and specifically KSA wants rise of more radical version of Islam in BD, like they want in every Muslim country, they are also funding some organizations in India and trying to promote Wahabism among Indian Muslims. There are already many foreign funded grand mosques in poor villages in India that are under radar.
The consequent security threat that may pose to India is secondary to them. 

They don't need to win any election to promote their agenda. In any case Jamat votes will go to BNP. :) 
@asad71 We are not interested to annex BD, we don't want to annex BD, in fact, people of India will oppose any such attempt, I can assure you. :)

Then you haven't heard of project Akhand Bharat!!!!
Then you haven't heard of project Akhand Bharat!!!!

Sir, you are too old to believe in such conspiracy theories. :)

Today, Akhand Bharat doesn't include Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Ha ha ha.Nice news.what a country.can't provide food for their own ppl.and if I am not wrong, central bank is about to loose billon something dollars within next term.good for us though, some of our ppl will get rich pretty soon.I'll gotten or not.
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