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Huge decrease in terrorism in Pakistan over the past year.

MashaAllah! Amazing recovery due to the sacrifices of our brave Rangers, Army, police and Civilians. However, we are still facing a lot of challenges and there are a lot of traitors among us, who cannot see peace and prosperity in Pakistan and keep trying to sabotage this recovery and working on our enemy's agenda.
More security personnel died than civilians this year which in a sense is a good thing that the war is been taken to battle ground but one terrorist is costing us one life of security personnel, which is very high.
Keep in mind that we’re only a few months into 2018.

Good work by security force, I’d love to see Pakistan being something around the 2000 figure.
Wazaristan was key factor.... General kiyani's reluctance caused the bloodshed of 2011 and 2012
Gen's Raheel bold decision on North Wazaristan has resulted in the peace we have right now
Wazaristan was key factor.... General kiyani's reluctance caused the bloodshed of 2011 and 2012
Gen's Raheel bold decision on North Wazaristan has resulted in the peace we have right now
lol Gen Kayani cleared 6 agencies and did most difficult operation
while raheel only did photo ops he was more famous in Civil than in army bcoz of his twitter ops
Alhamdulillah & Thanks to our Security forces.

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