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Huge decrease in terrorism in Pakistan over the past year.

That's why US asking to do more because there is no attack within Pakistan. They want to see blood of civilian.
Yeah I remeber that time.

That Is Why This Pashteen Character Has Been Put On The Market

lol Gen Kayani cleared 6 agencies and did most difficult operation
while raheel only did photo ops he was more famous in Civil than in army bcoz of his twitter ops

Oh Puhleez If General Kiyani Was So Competent Then Why Did We Endure Such High Bouts of Terrorism This Started To Go Down Only When Under General Raheel The Overall Attitude of The Army Changed.

Terror Attack After Terror Attack Kiyani Didn't Do Anything Except Help His Brother Get DHA Contracts.It Was A Pure Bred Soldier Like RS Who Actually Did Something About It.
Check out the kill ratio in NWA in the early stages of OP Zarb-e-Azb
19:1, bloody amazing.
I would give more credit to Raheel ,last yr start we saw a sudden surge in terror attacks and back to back ones which was very hard phase then Alhamdulillah over some months it went extremely down. At that time everyone mocked bajwa. But nonetheless i think he did good work.All praise to Allah.
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That Is Why This Pashteen Character Has Been Put On The Market

Oh Puhleez If General Kiyani Was So Competent Then Why Did We Endure Such High Bouts of Terrorism This Started To Go Down Only When Under General Raheel The Overall Attitude of The Army Changed.

Terror Attack After Terror Attack Kiyani Didn't Do Anything Except Help His Brother Get DHA Contracts.It Was A Pure Bred Soldier Like RS Who Actually Did Something About It.
talk to any serving Soldier/officer about it
Next target should be 2000 level.

For this to happen Quetta needs an operation and border with Afghanistan in FATA to be totally sealed and monitored.

Peshawar needs an operation too.

In fact entire KPK needs to be combed for Afghan terrorists. This is reason why PTM has started to give breathing space for proxies and sleeper cells to embed in KPK.

Go straight for the jugular and destroy PTM and start the operation. Victory is near. Can see the finish line. Then Pakistan can start rapidly developing 7% + growth year on year.
Most of the terror activities happening now in Pakistan is around Quetta and Baluchistan only. It is not hard to figure out who is backing them. FC needs to be equipped properly and get this remaining mess out of the picture completely.

This is reason why PTM has started to give breathing space for proxies and sleeper cells to embed in KPK.

Go straight for the jugular and destroy PTM and start the operation. Victory is near. Can see the finish line. Then Pakistan can start rapidly developing 7% + growth year on year.

If you merge FATA with KP, officially, PTM will die on its own after upcoming elections.
lol Gen Kayani cleared 6 agencies and did most difficult operation
while raheel only did photo ops he was more famous in Civil than in army bcoz of his twitter ops
Yea right ... remember Zarb-e-Azb, Khuber1,2,3?? these where the strong holds.... the last heavens of terrorists in Pakistan... and do u know about Border Security Mechanism devised by Gen Raheel... Gen Kiyani always found shy of taking bold decision.
Most Of Them Have A Far Better Opinion of RS Than They Have Of Kiyani.Even If They Don't Talk Negatively of Kiyani They Praise RS Much More.
What i know is that RS was more involved in image building while QB is focusing on Welfare of own troops.
Middle finger for the operation zarb e azab & Rad ul fasad haters. . salute to our brave jawans who sacrifice their life for us :pakistan:

Keep in mind 2018 is not over and only half way. Usually terror incidences increase during the summer when things warm up a bit.

I agree with the post above... Most of the terror activities are in Quetta and Balochistan. The Indians are their useful idiots need to taken out by building that fence along the Afghan border and kicking out all the illegal immigrants.

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