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'Huge Afghan blast kills 27 US soldiers'

I am an expert on the economy I worked in city of london for several years so i speak out of exp am not speculating
This does not proves that you properly understand US economic problems. Because you clearly don't.
Certainly better then you. I pointed out to you that what started the recent economic recession in US. It was completely opposite of what you considered as reasons; not allowing companies to go bust. EPIC FAIL on your part.
Bulgarian media always report Taliban casualties. But when Taliban kill Coallition soldiers they don't even say a word about it... I wonder why?
May be some Angry US solider just pulled the pin form grenade self suicide, since someone else did not do it by the way why are they dieing again , if they won the war already ?

Congress has some explaining to do ... oh wait just came in breaking news

Obama is out on vacation , while american troops are dieing so much for the leader who was going to bring "CHANGE"
Bulgarian media always report Taliban casualties. But when Taliban kill Coallition soldiers they don't even say a word about it... I wonder why?

Because they want to maybe just wish Taliban to snuff it rather than the soldiers. After all, new channels are always vulnerable to human bias always to some extent. :)
May be some Angry US solider just pulled the pin form grenade self suicide, since someone else did not do it by the way why are they dieing again , if they won the war already ?

Congress has some explaining to do ... oh wait just came in breaking news

Obama is out on vacation , while american troops are dieing so much for the leader who was going to bring "CHANGE"
When WWII ended, soldiers were still dying and some in very silly incidents. This is a not a primary indicator of victory of defeat. Everyday, people die around the world.

Regarding OEF; Obama is no longer serious about it. Or maybe we have no idea of American commitment in the region and results may become clear with passage of time.

Lots of Pakistani citizens are in to premature assumptions and conclusions of events occurring around them. The best time to judge Afghanistan situation would be 2014.
Who cares us media is busy with Lindsey Lohan and who will be next president they don't have time for some soliders stuck in Afghanistan
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