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Hudson Institute : Pakistan - the pivot of the world once again...

This is so inaccurate and biased ..

The Indian woman claimed that the Baloch do t want investment in Balochistan .. The Taiwanese than claims that a province stood up with banners demanding exactly that?

From the Baloch prespective all we want is a larger share in resources and DEVELOPMENT...

The people of Gwadar and Balochistan in general aren't all for development.

Pak army units not firing at BLA terrorists in Balochistan ?

Is that woman snorting cocaine ? When did that happen ?

In 2008 Pak soldiers mutinied against Taliban ? And were kidnapped ? What horse shyt is she smoking ? In 2008 Pak army went into Swat and Bajaur clearing those areas!

KKH remains closed for 6 months? Yeah and you think from your behind...

So many nonsense and these allegedly educated "think tank" people don't know jack about Pakistan..

The only fair point raised here is perhaps about that 650 million which later turned into 950 million ... But than again without facts or a Pakistani side to present a counter arguement ..

These talks are more like circus acts than the real deal.
This is so inaccurate and biased ..

The Indian woman claimed that the Baloch do t want investment in Balochistan .. The Taiwanese than claims that a province stood up with banners demanding exactly that?

From the Baloch prespective all we want is a larger share in resources and DEVELOPMENT...

The people of Gwadar and Balochistan in general aren't all for development.

Pak army units not firing at BLA terrorists in Balochistan ?

Is that woman snorting cocaine ? When did that happen ?

In 2008 Pak soldiers mutinied against Taliban ? And were kidnapped ? What horse shyt is she smoking ? In 2008 Pak army went into Swat and Bajaur clearing those areas!

KKH remains closed for 6 months? Yeah and you think from your behind...

So many nonsense and these allegedly educated "think tank" people don't know jack about Pakistan..

The only fair point raised here is perhaps about that 650 million which later turned into 950 million ... But than again without facts or a Pakistani side to present a counter arguement ..

These talks are more like circus acts than the real deal.

PhD are called "Phira hoa demagh" and that is not without a reason..most of the highly educated people are actually overly stupid in common sense and logic..and hence the reason you see many of these masters and PhD spending their life working like donkeys for corporations which were probably started by a street smart entrepreneur..

Education is over rated...
Not a single person in this think tank has ever been to Pakistan.
None if them have any idea abt kkh.
Neither they have realization of situation in ground in Baluchistan and Sindh.

I feel satisfied when I see think tank like these giving policy guidelines, whose speakers can't look beyond their nose.
Not a single person in this think tank has ever been to Pakistan.
None if them have any idea abt kkh.
Neither they have realization of situation in ground in Baluchistan and Sindh.

I feel satisfied when I see think tank like these giving policy guidelines, whose speakers can't look beyond their nose.

Many of these think tank exist for the same of making money and the guest dont come for free..so the more controversial is their talk more marketability of their services..only a sane and rational person is able see past their bull-sh!t...
These are elaborate exercises of intellectual dishonesty

Like a Indians doing a talk on Pakistan having invited Christine Fair, Tarek Fatah and Amrullah Saleh
PhD are called "Phira hoa demagh" and that is not without a reason..most of the highly educated people are actually overly stupid in common sense and logic..and hence the reason you see many of these masters and PhD spending their life working like donkeys for corporations which were probably started by a street smart entrepreneur..

Education is over rated...
PhD = piled higher and deeper..
This discussion make much more sense. People are talking real stuff on ground. not just having orgasms with negativity.

Very well balance and calculated assessments. After CPEC US now realize some how that they play dirty games with Pakistan but that is not a state policy till yet and i think it will not change till CPEC completion and India will try its level best with the help of US and our politicians that we will not complete the CPEC projects successfully and recent example is Zardari visit to US. Believe me if Zardari or PPP Govt come again to power then Pakistan will be finish. We need this Govt no matter how till 2018 and if NS minus then next 5 years more. This is very important for Pakistan that this Govt. will complete its time and if Ch. Nisar will come as a next PM i will give my vote first time to him and i never vote to anyone before.
Oh so this is the famous Hudson institute and those are the renowned tink tanks
The panel itself is showing their seriousness about CPEC where a significant percentage of world trade is about to pass.
here are the following points after listening their so called neutral and intellectual views.

1) KKH was closed for 5 years ?? its non operational for half a year every year. Seriously ???

2) Indian lady was only concerned about the defence and nuclear help which according to her Pakistan has already beein getting since decades so whats the point of CPEC in thi ?

3)Chinese are dumb enough that they are going to make rail network, gas pipeline and extending the highway while knowing the worst weather of the border region.

4) Talking about balochistan and Sindh, now its very clear that the way they are mentioning the separatists groups and insurgencies, they completely ignore that major insurgency leaders have surrendered and situation is much better than previous dont forget the Kalboshan yadev issue.

5) talking about the political situation and leg pulling, there was no discussion of the establishment who is actually runing the show and because of it all the parties are supporting the CPEC and at the end establishment will complete it because NS government will eventually go and som other government will come. National level projects are not prone to political disagreements. nuclear program is open example.

Conclusion: Hudson has seriously damaged its own image by engaging a completely biased panel who are actually trying to spit venom which they were fed in by their relative governments. No Pakistani presence(Hussain haqqani is no more Pakistani and he is totally anti Pakistan now) was there. No Chinese presenter was there and these so called analysts tried to nullify the one of the greatest project in last 5 decades. USA certainly missed a chance to make any such project because of its geographical location.

Maintaining a highway open with maximum altitude of 15000 feet is hard

America has the best technology. They maintain all weather roads at 9000-10000 feet. They do not bother to keep anything open beyond that height


I'm sure you can get this in Pakistan.

Pakistan has it think thank variants. I always get a chuckle or two out of one Shireen Mazari
hudson institute is the propaganda box of usa elite, purpose of it is to bring in so called educated guest but they are shills who break and soften the target country up by lies and people believe them cos they are so call intellectuals.
people like marvi sermon or asma big bund jahangir work for hudson if they are succefful they get to become the prime minister of that country as reward and in return they will allow looting to take place, if it pak say good bye to your military budget and man power. this what asma said if she becomes leader. look next door to get idea, hasina of bangladesh.
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