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Huawei has lost; UK to reduce Huawei 5G network involvement to zero by 2023

In these tech issues, I debated more than you can understand. Your friend who have semicon experience knows that I speak the truth and you are basically a moron.
Yes we all know uncle Google has taught you well. Just like you saying Huawei tech patents and innovation is Nothing. Shows you know jackshi.t about anything, you have PhD in semicon, stealth and the secrets of the universe. We knw that and yet you still love your klorox injecting president.
I request all members to be sensible in their contributions.

@Han Patriot

Those statements are in poor taste from you. You are better than that.

Man, that is calming statement. If you gave your "advice" by saying something like "you are better than that", I would perhaps not object to your "advice" mod.
It is hard to fight with Americans, Most western countries will take side with US, in US vs China. Hwei will eventually come winner, need to built self sustainable model and opportunity will come at right time if not sooner.
Before China collapses what do you think they will do to Vietnam? Lol
Whoever making trouble for VN will not able to pass our sea mines in SCS ( east VN sea)...haha

Thats why everyone wanna control SCS ( east VN sea) , but they r just losers there :cool:

Spratly islands map
Whoever making trouble for VN will not able to pass our sea mines in SCS ( east VN sea)...haha

Thats why everyone wanna control SCS ( east VN sea) , but they r just losers there :cool:

Spratly islands map
Lol... You are defending against us with sea mines!? Lololololololol
Lol... You are defending against us with sea mines!? Lololololololol
PLA alone suck, PLA soldiers can not fight in real war, not worth to be considered as opponent, 2014 conflicts proved that. Pls dont bring PLA here again

Im talking abt how to counter against US after CN collapse like Hwei.
Boris Johnson has been forced to cave into to Conservative backbench rebels opposed to the presence of Huawei in 5G networks and has drawn up plans to reduce the Chinese company’s involvement to zero by 2023.

The prime minister’s retreat is designed to stave off what could have been an embarrassing defeat when his existing proposal to reduce Huawei to a 35% market share was to be voted on in the Commons.

Although Johnson boasts an 80 strong majority, the number of Conservative MPs willing to rebel on the issue is now estimated to be 50 – enough in theory to defeat the government – as anti-Chinese sentiment hardens in the light of the coronavirus crisis.

The mooted retreat will delight the White House which has been relentlessly campaigning against Huawei, but is likely to provoke a hostile reaction from Beijing, which has believed the UK was open to inward investment until now.

The original plan was signed off as recently as January with the support of Britain’s intelligence agencies. They argued that any risks that Huawei equipment could be exploited for mass surveillance could be contained.

But political concerns about the Chinese company lingered. The rebels forced a vote on an unrelated telecoms bill in early March, and 38 Conservative MPs voted with the opposition after Johnson refused to slash Huawei’s market share to zero.

At the time, that was not enough to defeat No 10 but sources close to the rebels said a growing number of the 2019 intake of MPs were ready to vote against the government, in a sign of escalating geo-political tension with China.

As the coronavirus crisis worsened, China has been accused of not being transparent about the early phases of the disease – while tension has also risen further as Beijing has recently threatened to impose a new national security law on Hong Kong.

Senior ministers also want to reduce the UK’s economic dependance on China for essential goods in the light of the crisis and have begun to draw up “Project Defend” aimed at boosting British self sufficiency in strategic medical and technological sectors – following warnings from intelligence agencies that the UK needed to reassess its relationship with China.

Downing Street declined to comment although sources said the reports of the Johnson plan were accurate. But last night one of the rebel leaders, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, welcome the change of heart. “This is very good news and I hope and believe it will be the start of a complete and thorough review of our dangerous dependency on China.”


Whereas ME countries are signing up Huawei 5G contracts rapidly! US allies are deserting one by one!
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