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How's your perception of other nations changed on the PDF

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and some people try to divert the thread to an particular topic when run out of words;)

Who would that be? Hmmmm. Someone I'm talking to maybe? Hmmmm. As I remember, diverting & derailing the thread, such as speaking on 'apostasy in Islam, Shariah, Blasphemy Law' on a "Violence against Christians in Karnataka" thread was a specialty of people of a certain country.
I learned the art of "forum warfare"
i have learned that this forum is more of a stress reliever than an actual forum..
My knowledge-base regarding Geo-Politics, Defense, Economics is certainly strengthened because of pdf.:tup: However my perceptions of other nations is not at all affected by pdf; since I don't believe in building/changing my perception based on opinions expressed on pdf, which need not be an authentic sources of reality. :P
I got an interesting and very valuable perception in PDF.....as i have said earlier...In the long run we indian may be able to be friendly with a hostile enemy with a face like pakistan but in the long run its difficult to be dealing with a neighour with passive and faceless enemey like BD....I have seen lot of people who are intellectual and talks pretty sensibly from pakistan...and from them my impression changed that Pakistan is not all about what is been communicated to us in media...there are elements in pakistan who really feel the importance of friendship with india .......Of course i am not saying that i am not a troll either...but putting human emotion aside...every nationality wants some space,respect and security from others and internet foroum is a virtual world where a weak can express and experience everything....and again who else can be better than IDF and then of course PDF?
After joining Defence.Pk I came to know that lots of people mostly from China care for our toilets, though I myself staying in cow belt was unaware of this.

Also, i found many Pakistan members sensible more then Indian members.

@ Bilal,

I like the way you present youself as a saint, but you knew you are not the one.
All perception of each members are virtual and absolute....It's just a matter of who is from which side...PDF has been loved by me because its a place where max interaction happens between all the neighours of india...We fight but again we also think about others concern...May be as a indian or pakistani we may not accept our fault...but as a human being i am sure every one knows what is right or wrong ...that creates impact in ones's mind....-ve impact aside...it creates +impact in some individual too.....who knows ...if couple of +ve minded individual can rise up in their career or they can be a any one who influence public opinion in some capacity...then the histroy of animosity in south asia can be changed too....We all can wish for the good and +ve side....
I'm afraid my perception has changed for the worse.

your kinds are naturally racist- so its expected- even if some one bought you fish and chips- you perception will still go down to negative :D-
Well not much changed..I know Indians in real life and on the internet..No offense (seriously no offense) but Indians on the internet are real warriors while in the real life....they can't even argue with Pakistanis :oops: I myself tried to "troll" with Indians in real life just to see their PDF reaction...never got one..never ;) One should not form his perceptions of others from internet.Internet is free and people usually go to the LIMIT ! In real life,we all are half-good and half-evil :)
Well not much changed..I know Indians in real life and on the internet..No offense (seriously no offense) but Indians on the internet are real warriors while in the real life....they can't even argue with Pakistanis :oops: I myself tried to "troll" with Indians in real life just to see their PDF reaction...never got one..never ;) One should not form his perceptions of others from internet.Internet is free and people usually go to the LIMIT ! In real life,we all are half-good and half-evil :)

I think this explains them.

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