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How would a modern day Pakistan v/s Israel conflict play out?

Depends on the locale of conflict, if we are looking at an expeditionary Pakistani force trying something idiotic in the middle east, then we are most likely to see the Israeli air force taking out most of the force before it even has a chance to do much damage. If any engagement on the ground is done, it will be a tough match but the Israeli combined arms will critically disable the Pakistani battlegroup before via the domination of the electronic spectrum from day 1.
Obviously nukes aside as there are Palestinians and fallout to deal with.
Are you joking? Israel has nukes as well..if you target them, they will target your country.
Good luck committing suicide for the Arabs.
Conventional option is possible. China would neutralize any allied aggression by India on Eastern border.
No it wont. It never has, it never will. It will support Pakistan diplomatically and give intel support, not fight with India using its own forces.
Saudi and Lebanon would act as transit points.
Looking at sending 300k troops.
Israeli tech is a worry, nothing our long range NON nuclear missiles can't deal with. Iron dome barely works against pencils which these Palestinians are throwing at them.
Again, Israel has better missiles and more missiles at its disposal than you have.
If Pakistan successfully threatens Israeli existance, Israel reserves the Samson option just for such cases.

Nukes guarantee Israeli existence just as much as nukes guarantee Pakistani existance.

My god, your posts are completely blind to what Israel can do. You just keep assuming 'my country best' like a 16 year old boy.
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Are you joking? Israel has nukes as well..if you target them, they will target your country.
Good luck committing suicide for Palestinians and Hamas.

No it wont. It never has, it never will. It will support Pakistan diplomatically and give intel support, not fight with India using its own forces.

Again, Israel has better missiles and more missiles at its disposal than you have.
If Pakistan successfully threatens Israeli existance, Israel reserves the Samson option just for such cases.

Nukes guarantee Israeli existence just as much as nukes guarantee Pakistani existance.

My god, your posts are completely blind to what Israel can do. You just keep assuming 'my country best' like a 16 year old boy.

Nukes guarantee Pakistan existance?Really?

Good idea. But Jihadis only kill Muslims in Pakistan and Arab countries.
Says who?
We have been facing jihadis for 20 years now. Islamic terrorism is something we know well about.

Nukes guarantee Pakistan existance?Really?

Yes. It ensures survival of Pakistan from any external attack.
It does not give safety against internal shocks/secessionism, but it does provide protection against external shocks.

Nuclear warheads ensure you will never be harmed enough to threaten the existance of Pakistani nation state.
An example: Its not your Army or AF that keeps India from attacking you time and again after terrorist strikes in India.
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israel is already hosting and funding banned jamat e ahmediiyya outfit and using it for spying in various countries such as Pakistan,england,norway,germany,jordan,egypt,turkey and iran.

founder jamat e ahmediyya

mirza ghulam qadiani
he made false claims to be mahdi,massiah and a prophet.
look at the mushrik curse on his face


kaisi lanat(curse) or phitkaar(staleness/negativity/repulsiveness) tapak rahi hai yaar is ki shakal sai

........................................................................................................................sir kia ahle haq ki aisi shaklain hoti hain?

do people on straight path have such horrid.stale negative and satanic faces?

What does Allah the most Merciful say in the Holy Quran? Let there be no compulsion ... Dont curse at others it is as if you have cursed yourself?

Says who?
We have been facing jihadis for 20 years now. Islamic terrorism is something we know well about.

Yes. It ensures survival of Pakistan from any external attack.
If Pakistan implodes from within, that is another issue.

Nuclear warheads ensure you will never be harmed enough to threaten the existance of Pakistani nation state.
An example: Its not your Army or AF that keeps India from attacking you time and again after terrorist strikes in India.

You sound similiar to this fella:

Taliban , Al Qaeda , ISIS , FSA etc ...

Devil wahabism has Nothing Nothing Nothing with Islam.
My friend, you can say it has nothing to do with Islam. I dont claim to be an expert on theology, but the fact on the ground is they are always yell 'allahu akbar' before
1. They start shooting innocent people in the markets
2. They explode in a market or road or public places

So for practical purposes, we classify it as Islamic terrorism. We have suffered long because of it, with thousands of Indians dead because of them. The point was that we are very familiar with jihadis.

You sound similiar to this fella:
Modified my statement to better convey what I wanted to. You were just a little insecure. You could have replaced Pakistan with India in that and it would still have been 100% accurate.
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My friend, you can say it has nothing to do with Islam. I dont claim to be an expert, but the fact on the ground is they are always yell 'allahu akbar' before
1. They start shooting innocent people in the markets
2. They explode in a market or road or public places

So for practical purposes, we classify it as Islamic terrorism. We have suffered long because of it, with thousands of Indians dead because of them. The point was that we are very familiar with jihadis.

Modified my statement to better convey what I wanted to. You were just a little insecure. You could have replaced Pakistan with India in that and it would still have been 100% accurate.

Yeah... your pearls of BS are Pretty #$%ING Epic...
Says who?
We have been facing jihadis for 20 years now. Islamic terrorism is something we know well about.

Yes. It ensures survival of Pakistan from any external attack.
It does not give safety against internal shocks/secessionism, but it does provide protection against external shocks.

Nuclear warheads ensure you will never be harmed enough to threaten the existance of Pakistani nation state.
An example: Its not your Army or AF that keeps India from attacking you time and again after terrorist strikes in India.

Kr deena bacho wali baat.
If you think else wise, maybe you should talk with some senior Pakistani members like oscar. I think it would be more acceptable coming from them.

Well sir i won't disappoint you but i can confirm you that anything that has indian origin is not feared in Pakistan,which certainly include your soldiers aswell
Well sir i won't disappoint you but i can confirm you that anything that has indian origin is not feared in Pakistan,which certainly include your soldiers aswell
This was not about soldiers...but anyway..Good for you.
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