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How we all must gather to stop the menace of TLP

Intolerance is now a part of the culture of Pakistan. it doesn't matter if you are religious or not, what your political leaning is, economic status, social status - intolerance and extremism is embedded in Pakistan. Look at this thread, people who probably don't know how to lead janaza prayers are declaring others kafir. It doesn't matter if you are educated or not, in Pakistan only what you know and feel is right - everyone else is wrong and will be forever.

This is why the level of debate has dropped so low. Rarely do we get intellectual discourse on this forum. Our media is an ugly reflection of the mentality of most of our people. TLP is a symptom, one of many. There will be so many more.
Intolerance is now a part of the culture of Pakistan. it doesn't matter if you are religious or not, what your political leaning is, economic status, social status - intolerance and extremism is embedded in Pakistan. Look at this thread, people who probably don't know how to lead janaza prayers are declaring others kafir. It doesn't matter if you are educated or not, in Pakistan only what you know and feel is right - everyone else is wrong and will be forever.

This is why the level of debate has dropped so low. Rarely do we get intellectual discourse on this forum. Our media is an ugly reflection of the mentality of most of our people. TLP is a symptom, one of many. There will be so many more.
you tell me
what should we do?
let it be?
- Media boycott
- control SM as much as you can
- Close of their money supply- but this potentially dangerous
as they can get involved in illegal activities or foreign agencies for money
- basically need to slowly destroy the organizational capabilities
you tell me
what should we do?
let it be?
- Media boycott
- control SM as much as you can
- Close of their money supply- but this potentially dangerous
as they can get involved in illegal activities or foreign agencies for money
- basically need to slowly destroy the organizational capabilities

What do you want to control? TLP or intolerance and extremism? Two very different approaches.
What do you want to control? TLP or intolerance and extremism? Two very different approaches.
both at the same time
root cause is more important but we also need to cut off the snakes head
lol make up your mind

all you have done so far is cheer violence. if not the majority than the fringe minority.

clueless collateral
2/3rd majority for PMLN is on the cards if led by SS
and yes Psuedo-Salafist parties did damage

I don't know what's the issue here
Dear members as we all know the menace of TLP extremists is growing in pakistan year after year and we must do something to stop it for our future.
We have defeated terrorism in our country successfully and succeeded where others failed. TTP ,BLA ,PTM etc all failed. But the problem with TLP is that it has the street power like no other banned outfit we fought so far. And secondly it represents our masses in millions are just uneducated and brainwashed. Those above two traits makes it far more dangerous than TTP etc. And no sane mind will come forward to stop them or say anything against them because they take a wrong advantage of the very sensitive issue of prophet ,no one wants to lose his life by bunch of extremists for nothing. Over the years we have all seen how they can held the whole country hostage ,even the most powerful institution of the country army try to avoid them . Not just that now they want their every non sense demand to be fulfilled. What if tomorrow they dare to mess up with the constitution of this country??
In order to defeat this menace we first need to snatch their street power from them . To do so we first need to isolate them by doing a positive propaganda against them.Whether it's on news channels,social media or state sponsored. In simple words by simply exposing them. Telling the whole world that they are nothing but bunch of illiterate animals who are taking wrong advantage in the name of prophet (PBUH) or even if they love the prophet (PBUH) like we all do their acts are far away from the teachings of prophet and in the name of prophet they are actually the image of Muslims and Pakistan or they can be a perfect weapon to be used by our external enemies.
The sane ullema with huge influence like Tariq Jamil etc need to come forward and declare these people as khawaraji.
Make the majority of this country hate this group. Once this is achieved next time whenever they kill any police man or burn some property simply open fire . Kill them in thousands of it's needed. Iqbal perfectly defined such people in his poetry.
View attachment 789665

"should" --- "need to" --- these things don't apply in this rotten system.

Private citizens are too decentralized and adhere to wildly differing ideologies. Forget them.

The Government and the Army prefer selling out for extremely short-term stability VS. doing what's good for the country.

They have no strategy, no plan, no intention for improving the country (not just in the face of TLP --- in the face of a million other looming disasters too)!

It's all a circus. It's all power. The people can F off. And the people, brainwashed as they are, worship political parties or faujis --- false gods that should be held strictly accountable.

F---g Supreme Court is sleeping too. It's all over for this country. The few of us here who actually care may one day consider some kind of revolution, but I don't see that happening either.

Take it as a matter of life or death
Freedom and tolerant societies are not given for free
You have to fight for them
Or else they'll take it from you
It's as simple

The martyred policemen took it as a matter of life and death till Bajwa and IK spat on their sacrifice with this horrendous deal.

How should we control TLP? By giving them army sponsored NRO of course:View attachment 789671View attachment 789672View attachment 789673


Clowns. Who has the power, audacity and sincerity to try all traitors, regardless of whether they are in uniform or not?

And, I swear to God, if one more person tries to tell me: "they know better than you, they have the intel picture, etc." --- really? That's why we're in the SHIT state of affairs that we find ourselves in today? I can't stand these hollow arguments anymore. Our Pakistan has been hijacked by a bunch of small-minded men.
both at the same time
root cause is more important but we also need to cut off the snakes head

You can't control intolerance and extremism in Pakistan. It will take generational change, decades for it to be rooted out. How can you stop Pakistan from uttering two phrases "teri auqat..." and "tu janta nai me kon hu?!" This mentality is the crux of the problem and it cannot be resolved quickly. TLP might be one snake, but Pakistan is in a snake pit.

Lets focus on just TLP for now.

1. We need to identify why they have support on the street. What political appeal do they have which you can appeal too as well. From the videos i've seen Rizvi talked about swift justice and poverty. That was his political angle. If PTI can be seen to be addressing that, they'd steal some of their votes away.

Their other angle you can't take - the religious card. It's a joke that govt ministers are caught staring into cameras during prayings, kneeling when they should be bowing - that imagery amongst the uneducated masses takes away any chance of religious legitimacy. Also when Fawad Ch and Sheikh Rashid are the face of the govt during these "negociations" it doesn't help either.

2. We need some consistency. If PTI can block roads why can't TLP? If PAT can block roads and PPP and PMLN and JUI do long marches - why not TLP? You can't have one rule for one and one for another. This needs to change in Pakistan. Similarly with the arrest of Saad Rizvi, complete hypocrisy. Imran Khan arrested a political opponent under draconian and terror laws, the same draconian laws that he himself was arrested under by the dictator Pervez Musharraf. What happened to insaf here? Today they aren't terrorists anymore, or militant either apparently. What changed?

3. Follow up with consequences for actions. Who in Pakistan has ever faced consequences? It seems to me that nobody does. TLP kills and attacks police officers, who's been sentenced? Who is in jail? Why is senior TTP leader Ehsanullah Ehsan free? Who released him from prison?

4. Stop lying. TLP has told media they didn't demand the expulsion of the French or cutting of ties with the EU. They've demanded to see evidence of Indian funding. Will GoP provide any evidence? Or will they U-turn like they did on labelling them terrorists and militants. What credibility does the govt have left? Why? What possible consequences could there be that they'd embarass themselves like this?

5. No more secrets.

6. Give TLP enough rope. Give them a clear political platform, invite them on all the TV channels, ask them for their opinions, challenge them to debates. You'll soon see them make fools of themselves and prove themselves as empty vessels.
Desensitization for political violence
you know what they do to random people right?
burn cars and beat up people - not to forget the beating to death of a police officer

So they are ones starting this voilance
why should we face this oppression from thugs?
cause if state cant do that we can also become Karachi
security guards for the rich with guns to scare them off while poor people suffer the terror
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PDF is exploding with violence and terrorism. Cannot believe people are talking about exploding themselves. Calm down guys.
Pti government and Tlp have signed agreement, the junior Rizvi will be released soon. It would be hilarious if Pti makes an alliance with Tlp for the next general elections lol. PML N, JI, JUI, ANP v PPP v Pti,Tlp, Pmlq. Good combo.
its a given

they will form a coalition government
the answer to press briefing will be

بہن دی سری۔
How long are we going to suffer because of this?
I agree with other parts but like if you don't consider atleast 20-30% of your pop Muslim than you just have to live with this fact

You can't change beliefs of 20-30% of your populations beliefs
Through force

I m not suggesting to change or force anyone. Let them face their fate on day of judgment. What i am saying is we should discourage them, like we did TTP and their extremist beliefs.

I am giving u another chance to use some more abusive language 🤣.
Take the chance and اپنے کلیجے کو ٹھنڈ پہنچا گالیاں بک کر😂
These burger class ppl dont have any ideology like their mentor, fawad dabbu . They are lotas which change daily their toilet(i mean party) and these ppl talk about being intellectuels, philosphers and want to take pakistan forward while they lack the simple honorable trait , which is to be loyal as a person to their party .
These burger class ppl dont have any ideology like their mentor, fawad dabbu . They are lotas which change daily their toilet(i mean party) and these ppl talk about being intellectuels, philosphers and want to take pakistan forward while they lack the simple honorable trait , which is being loyal as a person .
how are you going to fix Pakistan with TLP?
what your plan for the country? its economy?, increasing exports?

beating up civilians, burning cars, beating people to death is the easy part
but what are you going to do practically?

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