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How Turkey Arms and Sends Wahhabi Jihadists into Syria

Why does Turkey want to become some sort of a arab style dictatorship. It is doing good in economy etc why is Erdogan destroying Turkey by interfering in internal matters of other countries?

erDOGan is trying to please his masters, and hoping he will get something out of the EU.... he is just a puppet, who is going to destroy Turkey...
The US is setting a very bad precedent by planning to strike Syria.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia are the real criminals here fomenting civil war in Syria and using every wicked deceitful tactic to make Syria a pawn of the Saudi-Turk nexus like they successfully did with powerful Arab countries like Libya and Iraq who never accepted Saudi or Turkish hegemony. Now their plans in Egypt are floundering with the Army resolutely backing a liberal regime.

Saudi Arabia is a destabilizing force in the Middle East and Turkey in Central Asia.

Why is the US so interested in eliminating Bashar who allows everybody including women to wear what they like and live freely unlike the House of Sauds who enslave women and continue to spread the inhuman Wahabi brand of Islam which gave rise to Al Qaeda???
Mr Zarvan please enlighten us by explaining the strategy of destroying Arab countries and making them weak will help to destroy Israhell e.g Libya,egypt & syria are they more powerful or weak before revolution.

I think who ever is help the terrorist to attack fellow muslim and destroying their country is playing in to the hand of Zionist and making arab countries weak to fight israhell and it will be very easy for Israhell to destroy them and occupy their country like they did with palestine .

I think turkey will enter in syria and inshallah it will be its last mistake :coffee:

Erodgan is doing great we need to get rid of both the brutal leader Bashar and Israel to have permanent peace in middle east
Erdogan is loosing and the turks will choose to get rid of it it might not happen too soon but any way he is following his partner Mursy.
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