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How to stop These UAV's From Attacking???

To my thinking the hammer & Anvil is an operation with each inside their own borders and small contingent liason - Kunar-kapisa corridor is a tactical enterprise - I think pounding them from the air in the FATA from NWFP to Balouchistan, with reception committees doing the needful on the otherside.

The Quetta Shura, it's my reading, is being prepared - which is why Mr. Khalizad's curious comment. Why should he care? Perhaps he's just the caring type, though ambitious, perhaps he has more to contribute.

Now, I understand that I may read the tea leaves wrong, but I do seriously think that events may follow the outline above.

there are forty-one other nations that see Afghanistan's stabilization as important. From the smallest to largest contributors, there views have been given very short shrift by Pakistanis. YOU'VE decided it's all about us.

That's rather unfair, the Latvian contibution does not have the same importance as that of the US, neither does the English nor the Canadian. It is about the US, and the fig leaf of the "coalition" is just that, a fig leaf.

That's why, although opium hectares in RC-EAST have fallen to nil but rages nonetheless in Kandahar and (especially) Helmand, it's STILL our fault. Were we so unilateral, I suspect that matters might be different

Again, that's unfair, this is a problem between US and it's NATO allies, the whole approach to drugs is a or at least has been a battle between US and NATO commanders.

There is a theme here, the US is in charge in Afg, no point suggesting that it is not.

As to your suggestion that America might stay in Afghanistan indefinitely as a "...power hostile to Afghanistan's immediate neighbors... [read Pakistan]", I'd suggest that harboring Hekmatyar, Haqqani, and the Quetta shura makes hostility a rather two-way street at this point. How long that requires the stay of America and others seems as much up to Pakistan as ourselves

The above makes the point that the US is in charge in Afg -- let me see if I can make that point in a better way - see, Hikmatyar, Haqqani and the Taliban shura are directed effecting the policies and behaviour of the Afghan government - the Afghan government! - You will have noted Karzai once again has called for reconcilliation with the Talib - he has done this either under direction or he sees the writing on the wall about the consewuences of greater provincial engagment by the US.

Ok, the US will need to declare success/victory within the next four years and relations between Pakistan, and Afghanistan will see a marked improvement, Indian consulates on the Pakistani border will become an expensive and pointless burden.

There is a ofcourse a great deal of worry in the English capital - and it's all about the kind of deal the US and Pakistan are working to make and therefore they too have appointed a special reprresentative --- you will note that the English had not appointed any special representative between the Israeli and the Arabs, what gives?? Why do they want their two cents included? Why do they want to be a part of any deal or derail one? What sudden interest in Afghanistan have they discovered other than playing Tonto? What shift are they percieving that may tolerate a more enlarged role for them?

There are other players as well and we need not underestimate them or their resources. I will be very suprised indeed and it will be a strong signal to rubbish the ideas above, if the kinds of NYT articles that have proliferated of late about Pakistan and the ISI, were to continue into the next six months.

I read earlier your comment about doubling down on deuces - it may be that they are not the gamblers you imagine them to be, but are shiftier than the croupier. They may also have some help.

Soon it will come down to a choice for the US and if my reading of this is even half way decent, Iranian "assistance" will come after lengthy and difficult negotiations and will be more meaningful for a after US Afghanistan, Iraq setting a model.
This must be done diplomatically. US must be forced to leave divide and leave Afghanistan and Pakistan should control the pushtun dominated areas. IMO we need to bring Russia and China into this while ensuring the avoidance of direct conflict with USA. The problem is not only the drone attacks, Northern alliance as we all know are allies of Indians so we must ensure that we control the Pushtun areas and after the US exit Indians will not be there too.
"they could shoot them out of the sky tommorow if we wanted."

Thank you, my lil' chickenhawk irhabist:D. You make my point yet again.

You DON'T want, do you?:agree:.

I love my arab muslim brothers and take pride in that......the only chickensh*ts is the US army that without air support would be finished in a matter of months by the taliban.

[The rest of your spew doesn't merit a considered reply.

You are a expert in posting utter drivel that means nothing....just words for the sake of word.......rehash of a couple news articles and thats it.
Its always "spew" to you when theres facts involved!
This must be done diplomatically. US must be forced to leave divide and leave Afghanistan and Pakistan should control the pushtun dominated areas. IMO we need to bring Russia and China into this while ensuring the avoidance of direct conflict with USA. The problem is not only the drone attacks, Northern alliance as we all know are allies of Indians so we must ensure that we control the Pushtun areas and after the US exit Indians will not be there too.

I agree...we need to annex the pushtoon part of afghanistan and merge it with the NWFP and call it pukhtoonistan which can be a province of pakistan.:pakistan:
I THink all is Lack of Budget i guess 70% of Pakistans Budget is given to Milittary but the way they use we dnt know! Otherwise we have best engineers and everything ... infact I Guess its ma own thinking .. Pak Millitary is capable of Destroying those bloody **** American Drones but there is something behind camera which we dont know ....! Otherwise Pak Millitary is quiet capable even to Face American Millitary!
UAV's are low flying objects capable of avoiding ground radar but visible to Awacs.

PAF should look into enhancing its ECM and EMP capabilities with good jammers. UAV is remote controlled by satellitles, jam the signal and it will crash. :coffee:

There is one local taliban tactice for getting UAVs down>

Join two Dumper truck Batteries together and whenever a UAV is found flying over head get the Plus<Minus wires kiss each other - a big spark shall close the computer feedback and drone UAV shall come on the ground:
Try it and report the results.
well my simple Question is How to stop These (US)UAV's From Attacking???

In case Pakistan army has permission from GOV to Destroy These UAV's
But we still dont have any good Air defence missile systems!!! which can destroy These Birds....!!!
Moreover we cannot rely on Expensive PAF flights and as far as paf air defence is concern we only have crotale missile systems which are only used to protect airbases in Pakistan!!!

we cannot destroy these Uav's From Anti Aircraft Guns as they are not capable!!!

I may be wrong in this regard plz do correct me!!!

We need to get hold of modern Missile Defence systems....such as

Tor missile system
Wiesel 2
Or we can Make Stinger Sites on top of the Mountains

Well in my point of View best Option Is to Procure TOR-M1 Or ADATS
How to stop These (US)UAV's From Attacking???
How? Stop authorizing them.
I think the PAF they have ability to stop any UAVs,the goverment just need an perfect excuse to do that. U.S. troops have been deployed in Afghanistan, it means the north of the border of Pakistan"yard" has been opened for. The Pakistani government chose a secure time to develop their own strength. If the India's UAVs flied into Pakistan's airspace, they would be finished their lives in pak .Stability is more important than anything else, no matter what the country is.

we know that's a truth that is:USA> INDIA>PAK
salam brother yar my english is not very strong so not mind i am from waziristan wana u say this drones r only seen by radar but i see it clearly in wana these planes but in nearly evening time.i thing antiaircraft gun is enough for it because taleban set a anti aircraft gun on pickup for this plane than this pickup was hit by these drone y thay hit this because this pickup create problem for them so about my knowledge antiaircraft gun is enough for it...
salam brother yar my english is not very strong so not mind i am from waziristan wana u say this drones r only seen by radar but i see it clearly in wana these planes but in nearly evening time.i thing antiaircraft gun is enough for it because taleban set a anti aircraft gun on pickup for this plane than this pickup was hit by these drone y thay hit this because this pickup create problem for them so about my knowledge antiaircraft gun is enough for it...
W.salam..yaar drones se door raha karo.Tumhari himat hay bari..agar may tumhari jaga hota to door ja kay chup jata.you never know kab woh bomb fire kar dain.Agay American air force killed 40+ innocent people in Afghanistan.
with my knowledge there is special chip need this plane where u place this chip than this plane take action may be satellite also but for correct target it is necessary to provide chip people openien in wana n also mine...
I m surprised to hear that Pakistan does not have the ability to take down UAV's.
very sttrange. if we dont have the ability, then why we are spending on our defence??????

PPL who dont know about Pakistan defence specially air defence system post these type of comments.

FYI, if pakistan hit indian airplanes in Kargil war, then why not UAVs which are much slower then jet planes!!!!!!!!

Very strange!!!!
Are you kidding? This question has been discussed numerous times in the past year hear at the PDF. The PAF could easily, effortlessly, take down any UAV they wanted to. Get real. They don't want to. WHY? Now, THAT's the question you should be discussing, not HOW!!! WHY??
Are you kidding? This question has been discussed numerous times in the past year hear at the PDF. The PAF could easily, effortlessly, take down any UAV they wanted to. Get real. They don't want to. WHY? Now, THAT's the question you should be discussing, not HOW!!! WHY??

Why PAF dont want to shot down UAVs is very simple.

If we hit the UAVs with F-16 granted by US, then next time our F-16 will not fly in the skies!!!!!!!!!!

As they have pre-programmed that any of their granted planes use against them, they will definitely be got down.

As i have very strong examples of that.
If we hit the UAVs with F-16 granted by US, then next time our F-16 will not fly in the skies!

Then take them down with one of your other fighters, one not purchased from the USA. That's a pretty lame excuse. There MUST be some OTHER reason the PAF does not take down the USA drones .....What is it? (Hint: the GoP might want the drone strikes to continue ...)

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