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How to stop These UAV's From Attacking???

Sovereignty isn't an issue. If it were, more Pakistanis would have vehemently objected to the wholesale takeover of it's FATA soil by a defeated afghan taliban army in 2002. As that isn't the case, Americans understand that the GoP's public complaints about PREDATOR are dissemblous posturing.

Casualties aren't an issue. PREDATOR casualties are positively miniscule when stripping out combatant targets KIA/WIA from the attacks-particularly in comparison to the carnage reaped daily upon afghanis by these same men from inside Pakistan- or your own army in places like Bajaur or SWAT. That Pakistanis care so little about this afghani slaughter planned and directed from within your ostensible borders makes the cries of "collateral damage" macabre humor at best and deceitful at worst.

It's really about the fact that you don't mind turning your lands over to an afghan taliban army if it'll help gain some GoP leverage over Afghanistan's eventual disposition. The great game continues...

Hopefully so too PREDATOR.
Boeing Zaps UAV with Laser

by Jonathan Skillings, January 26, 2009 , CNET News

Boeing Laser Avenger:

The defense industry giant on Monday said tests of its Laser Avenger system in December marked "the first time a combat vehicle has used a laser to shoot down a UAV," or unmanned aerial vehicle. In the testing, the Humvee-mounted Laser Avenger located and tracked three small UAVs in flight over the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico and knocked one of the drone aircraft out of the sky.

Boeing didn't go into much detail about the shoot-down. In response to a query by CNET News, it did say this much about the strike by the the kilowatt-class laser: "A hole was burned in a critical flight control element of the UAV, rendering the aircraft unflyable."

While decades of Hollywood imagery may conjure up a vision of a target disintegrating in a sparkle of light, the actual workings of the laser beam are probably more prosaic. For instance, the beam from Boeing's much, much larger Airborne Laser, which is intended to disable long-range missiles in flight, uses heat to create a weak spot on the skin of the missile, causing it to rupture in flight. Boeing hopes to conduct the first aerial shoot-down test with the much-delayed 747-based Airborne Laser later this year.

In tests in 2007, the Laser Avenger "neutralized" improvised explosive devices (IEDs) like those that have been a deadly threat in Iraq, along with other unexploded munitions.

Those types of targets don't move, so the ability to track and zap a small aircraft in flight is clearly a step forward for directed-energy weapons. But testing on a missile range is still a far cry from effective use on the battlefield, where military units may have to fire on the move against multiple targets approaching through cluttered airspace.

It's not clear how long the laser beam has to be locked on a target such as a UAV before it can cause sufficient damage, or how well the beam can be corrected to deal with dust and other atmospheric disturbances.

Boeing is pitching the Laser Avenger--and these are Boeing's own words--as a defense against UAVs "like those that increasingly threaten U.S. troops deployed in war zones." In the near term, of course, it's exactly the opposite--UAVs such as the Predator from General Atomics and Boeing's ScanEagle are a boon to U.S. troops and represent a distinct tactical advantage for U.S. forces against al-Qaeda and other foes. The MQ-1 Predator, in particular, has been very successful as both a reconnaissance tool and a weapons platform.

The Boeing-funded Laser Avenger is based on the existing Avenger platform, which carries more traditional "kinetic" weapons, including Stinger antiaircraft missiles and a .50-caliber machine gun.


How about this? Does the PA have a Laser Avenger?
Sovereignty isn't an issue. If it were, more Pakistanis would have vehemently objected to the wholesale takeover of it's FATA soil by a defeated afghan taliban army in 2002. As that isn't the case, Americans understand that the GoP's public complaints about PREDATOR are dissemblous posturing.

It indeed is an issue. Why Pakistani public did not object vehemently because a majority of them sympathize with the Taliban. Not because they like Taliban per se, but because they see Taliban as resistance force fighting with an aggressor (US/NATO) and collaborator (Pakistan Army). Americans have traditionally been very dumb when it comes to understand people from other places. Americans understand what they want themselves to understand. That is the reason, all the NATO allies are gradually stepping back from their commitments in Afghanistan.

Casualties aren't an issue. PREDATOR casualties are positively miniscule when stripping out combatant targets KIA/WIA from the attacks-particularly in comparison to the carnage reaped daily upon Afghanis by these same men from inside Pakistan- or your own army in places like Bajaur or SWAT. That Pakistanis care so little about this Afghani slaughter planned and directed from within your ostensible borders makes the cries of "collateral damage" macabre humor at best and deceitful at worst.

This is typical of an aggressor’s mentality. Because aggressors lack any moral ground, they invent their own. This is nothing but the right-wing propaganda (to tame American public) that common Afghanis are suffering because of the militants on the Pakistani side. The Afghans hate Americans as much as they used to hate the Russians. Both of them invaded their country. If you pickup news papers of the 60s and early 70s, US government was telling the similar stories to the American public about the North Vietnamese. And if you don’t believe that how much Afghans hate the Americans, just go for a walk on any Afghan street (even in US controlled Kabul), if you come back in one piece, I'll quit from this forum. Even American super poodle, Karazai is now making complaints on heavy civilian casualties by the American forces.

It's really about the fact that you don't mind turning your lands over to an afghan taliban army if it'll help gain some GoP leverage over Afghanistan's eventual disposition. The great game continues...

Hopefully so too PREDATOR.

Yeh, just like US has been supportive to the drug lords and Mafia chiefs in the Latin American countries just because the mafia chiefs were helping America gain some leverage over their countries’ eventual disposition.

You can certainly nuke your enemies, but you can never win them. We will see dude, how long you manage to stay in Afghanistan. One day, you will leave with great humiliation just like you left the Vietnam.
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How about this? Does the PA have a Laser Avenger?
Pakistan is not stupid to shoot a sparrow with a canon. This is American quality. If it was decided that drones are needed to be brought down, it will be done.
"This is nothing but the right-wing propaganda (to tame American public) that common Afghanis are suffering because of the militants on the Pakistani side."

No it's a fact. Read and know of the calculated murder of these innocents by your RESISTANCE-

The Human Cost: The Consequences of Insurgent Attacks- Human Rights Watch

Right wing propaganda, indeed. There's no comparison by intent nor numbers of those savaged. Of course, you'll avoid reading this at all cost lest your precariously-balanced sensibilities become unhinged by the realities of this "resistance"-inspired:angry: carnage.
"This is nothing but the right-wing propaganda (to tame American public) that common Afghanis are suffering because of the militants on the Pakistani side."

No it's a fact. Read and know of the calculated murder of these innocents by your RESISTANCE-

The Human Cost: The Consequences of Insurgent Attacks- Human Rights Watch

Right wing propaganda, indeed. There's no comparison by intent nor numbers of those savaged. Of course, you'll avoid reading this at all cost lest your precariously-balanced sensibilities become unhinged by the realities of this "resistance"-inspired:angry: carnage.
I dont give a damn to what you are vomiting here. Dont quote Human Right Watch. Because if I started quoting them, you wont find a place to hide your face. Not one country is responsible for so much blood shed all over the world more than the USA.
"Because if I started quoting them, you wont find a place to hide your face. Not one country is responsible for so much blood shed all over the world more than the USA."

I've got an idea. You do your thingy there and I'll restrict myself to Pakistan. We'll compare relative human rights records. Now America being a global entity with such notable and HORRIFIC incidents like Guantanamo, Bagram and Abu Ghraib will pale against Pakistan's notable record of restraint and matured civil behavior.

What do you think? Do you like your jails? Think I'll read anything about torture of your own citizens? How about murder and "disappeared"? Should we bring Baluchistan and E. Pakistan into the picture? Care to count the tens of thousands there? Wasn't Pakistan a preferred locale for "renditions"? Do you wonder what your laws allowed that ours don't? I do.

I think that you need to read the above HRW report-more than ever.
"Because if I started quoting them, you wont find a place to hide your face. Not one country is responsible for so much blood shed all over the world more than the USA."

I've got an idea. You do your thingy there and I'll restrict myself to Pakistan. We'll compare relative human rights records. Now America being a global entity with such notable and HORRIFIC incidents like Guantanamo, Bagram and Abu Ghraib will pale against Pakistan's notable record of restraint and matured civil behavior.

What do you think? Do you like your jails? Think I'll read anything about torture of your own citizens? How about murder and "disappeared"? Should we bring Baluchistan and E. Pakistan into the picture? Care to count the tens of thousands there? Wasn't Pakistan a preferred locale for "renditions"? Do you wonder what your laws allowed that ours don't? I do.

I think that you need to read the above HRW report-more than ever.
Allright, I have to show you your face now. Which by the way is more uglier than mine.

After what has been done in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Combodia, Cuba, Iran, Dominican Republic, Salvador, Nicaragua, Grenada, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Labenon, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, in the name of "Peace Keeping", will you shut your mouth? And if you wont, I'll start posting individual episodes with dates and details. And by the way, "Peace keepers" accept their naked involvement in all mentioned cases. There is a reason why one country is so much hated by the rest of the world. Boy there should be a limit of shamelessness. Saddam did'nt kill as many people during entire 40 years of his dictatorship (1963-2003) as many were got massacared (~1,033,000) directly or indirectly since 2003 in the name of "Op Iraqi Freedom". Freedom? from whom? Saddam or from their own lives? Even former USSR could'nt kill as many Afghanis during 10 years of Afghan campaign. If there is only a tiny bit of honor and self respect you (or people alike) have, you would stop blaming other countries for harboring or supporting terrorism.

What a good neighbour:

1823 The Munroe Doctrine declares that Latin America is within the United States' "sphere of influence."

1846 The U.S. goes to war with Mexico and the latter is forced to cede half of its national territory to its northern "neighbor," including present-day Texas and California.

1854 The U.S. Navy bombards and destroys the Nicaraguan port town of San Juan fel Norte. The attack occurred after U.S. millionaire Cornelius Vanderbilt sailed his yacht into the port and an official attempted to levy charges on his boat. The Navy attack was to pay the way for William Walker.

1855 William Walker, operating on the half of bankers Morgan & Garrison, invades Nicaragua and proclaims himself President. During his two-year rule, Locher also invaded neighboring El Salvador and Honduras, proclaiming himself head of state in each of these countries also. Locker restored slavery in areas under his occupation.

1889 The U.S. declares war on Spain and annexes Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Hawaii. U.S. forces also occupied Cuba, another former Spanish colony, after the war.

1901 U.S. forces leave Cuba and the country gains its "independence" only after passage of the infamous Platt Amendment, under which the U.S. abrogated to itself the "right" to to intervene in Cuba's internal affairs at anytime. Kubo was also forced to cede Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. in perpetuity.

1903 The U.S. "encourages" the creation of the separate state of Panama, then a part of Colombia and acquires rights to Panama Canal. In later years, former President Theodore Roosevelt—effective creator of Panama—was to remark: "I took the Canal zone and let Congress debate." Columbia was later paid $25 million in compensation.

1905 U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt declares the United States to be "the policeman" of the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic—and part of Hispaniola—then found to have committed an offense and is placed under a "customs receivership."

1912 U.S. Marines invades Nicaragua, beginning and occupation that was the last almost continuously until 1933. In the same year, President Taft declares, "The day is not far distant when three Stars & Stripes at three equidistant points will mark or territory: one at the North Pole, another at the Panama Canal and the third half the South Pole. The whole hemisphere will be ours in fact as, by virtue of our superiority of race, it already is ours morally."

1914 The U.S. Navy shells the port city of Veracruz, the attack apparently caused by the refusal of some Mexicans to salute the Stars & Stripes. During World War I, the U.S. also invaded Mexico and Hispaniola—present-day Dominican Republic and Haiti. They stayed for 20 years.

1933 U.S. forces leave Nicaragua leading dictator Anastasio Somoza and his National Guard and control.

1954 The CIA orchestrates the overthrow of the democratically-elected government of Jacabo Arbenz, in Guatemala. The Guatemalan poet described the Arbenz government has "years of spring in the country of paternal tyranny." Almost 40 years of violence and repression followed, culminating in the "scorched earth" government terror of the 1980's. Over 150,000 people lost their lives.

1961 U.S.-backed forces conveyed Cuba but suffered defeat at the Bay of Pigs.

1965 23,000 troops sent to the Dominican Republic to "restore order," following a popular uprising against the country's military regime.

1973 A U.S.-backed coup overthrows the elected government of Salvador Allende, ushering in the regime of Gen. Augusto Pinochet.

1981 The Reagan Administration initiates the "contra war" against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.
1983 US invasion of Grenada.

1989 US invasion of Panama to arrest one-time protégé, Manual Noriega. The operation leaves thousands of civilian casualties.

1990 Massive US intervention in the Nicaraguan election process through covert and overt means. Washington openly funded the opposition coalition, yet such foreign funding of US parties would be illegal under US law.

2000 As part of the "War on Drugs", the US launches Plan Colombia, a massive civil and military aid programme for a country with perhaps the worst human rights record in the hemisphere. Total US funding is $1.3 bn, with 83 percent of that going to the military. Plan Colombia later becomes subsumed into the War on Terror.

2002 The US supports and funds elements that organised the unsuccessful April 11 coup in Venezuela.

Lets compare the human right record now.
"Saddam did'nt kill as many people during entire 40 years of his dictatorship (1963-2003) as many were got massacared (~1,033,000) directly or indirectly since 2003 in the name of "Op Iraqi Freedom". Freedom? from whom? Saddam or from their own lives? Even former USSR could'nt kill as many Afghanis during 10 years of Afghan campaign."

You're very wrong about Iraq. Not even LANCET made claims like this about Iraq. You're equally wrong about the Afghan-Soviet war. There's not an estimate of dead less than 900,000 and as high as 3,000,000. The afghan civil war was at least 200,000. We've not come remotely close and, frankly, the taliban have killed far more.

You rant now and do so incoherantly. It diminishes your credibility, especially when you ignore excellent sources like Human Rights Watch but spew numbers without quality (OR ANY) reference/link of your own.

I'm sorry for that.

qsaark, you're dismissive.

Oh well...
Put one of these babies in the vicinity of the flying Reapers in Wana!

Camcopter S-100 VTOL UCAV armed with air-air Light Multi Purpose Missile!
Pakistan Responsible for Afghans death?America supported every single person in Afghanistan who wanted money for arms so he can spread violence against Soviets.Look at this video of Former CIA Agent who admits that it was wrong decision and we will be responsible for civil war in Afghanistan and for possibly thousands of death.
(You can find other parts of the interview in youtube..Interview of Former CIA Agent)
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"Saddam did'nt kill as many people during entire 40 years of his dictatorship (1963-2003) as many were got massacared (~1,033,000) directly or indirectly since 2003 in the name of "Op Iraqi Freedom". Freedom? from whom? Saddam or from their own lives? Even former USSR could'nt kill as many Afghanis during 10 years of Afghan campaign."

You're very wrong about Iraq. Not even LANCET made claims like this about Iraq. You're equally wrong about the Afghan-Soviet war. There's not an estimate of dead less than 900,000 and as high as 3,000,000. The afghan civil war was at least 200,000. We've not come remotely close and, frankly, the taliban have killed far more.

You rant now and do so incoherantly. It diminishes your credibility, especially when you ignore excellent sources like Human Rights Watch but spew numbers without quality (OR ANY) reference/link of your own.

I'm sorry for that.

qsaark, you're dismissive.

Oh well...
It doesn't matter whether you accept or not. I am not among those Pakistanis who seek American support to establish thier credibility. We have seen how credible you are in all the events I have posted above. It is undeniable that various American regimes have been actively involved in waging wars all over the world and are responsible for the lives of countless innocents. your credibility has reached to a point where even UK and Australia have started distancing themselves from you.
"It is undeniable that various American regimes have been actively involved in waging wars all over the world and are responsible for the lives of countless innocents."

So? When has war not been an instrument of state? When has human suffering not been a part of war? When has those facts ever prevented war?

Your litany of our interventionism only tells a portion of America's story. Nor is it the worst. Nor is it in context to the performance of other notable nations during similar historical periods and of similar size, ilk, and ambition. Nor does it include any of the outcomes arising by American diplomacy.

To date, I've been guilt-tripped about W.W.II, Korea, Vietnam, Hiroshima/Nagasaki, and many more "crimes" for which I take DEEP and personal pride and now celebrate our involvement many years after the fact-to include Vietnam.

Take a look yourself what it appears more like- an inexorible march of the stalinist proletariat to the "progressive vision" of international socialism or a chaotic madhouse of entreprenurial spirit...for which you can be assured I claim a HUGE legacy and influence by America.

The ultimate endorsement of my nation, of course, is all those scientists who choose to do their airplane modeling, reading, and gardening in America when there are so many places in this world from which one has the luxury to make a residence.

THAT'S hard to beat.:agree:
The ultimate endorsement of my nation, of course, is all those scientists who choose to do their airplane modeling, reading, and gardening in America when there are so many places in this world from which one has the luxury to make a residence.THAT'S hard to beat.:agree:
Agree, that is hard to beat. In the rest of your post, you have only exposed yourself. Something not very intelligent.
"Something not very intelligent."

Yup. Sure was dumb ending W.W.II with a resounding victory instead of accepting 1,000,000 estimated allied casualties and God only knows how many dead Japanese.

Generally, you'll fall into the bottom 1% on this perspective- at least in America. We're glad we won. We're glad the war ended. We're sorry for the suffering at Hiroshima and Nagasaki- but not THAT sorry. The loss of lives didn't approach Tokyo nor the anticipated invasion. Meanwhile, these two bombs demonstrated to the Japanese gov't incontrovertibly the futility of their continuence.

End of war. End of story.

Emergence of Pax Americana was the inevitable by-product of the war.

We never seeked world dominion. We just did all the right things when it most mattered to a nation blessed with physical gifts and human talent. All part of our history.

Maybe someday it'll be Pakistan's turn. More than likely, though, it won't with advocates like you who bear no cost for your unusual positions taken from afar IN AMERICA.:lol:

I think you need to move home and get closer to the action. You're losing perspective with your judgement being clouded by the American media. It's unavoidably insidious regardless of the protections you seek. I'm sure mullah Omar or OBL could use a scientist? of your talents- and they pay well too, I understand.

Can't say much for the health-plan though. PREDATOR figures prominently in their provider's coverage terms.:agree:
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