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How to stop Christian Evangelist support to Israel

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Sep 15, 2009
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There is a religious background to the problem of Israel related to prophecies and it is present in all the three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The extremist Christian Evangelists are supporting Israel to make it more powerful and bigger as according to Christian predictions a powerful and bigger Israel will hasten the second arrival of Jesus Christ PBUH. 80% of American Christian Evangelists voted for Trump in the presidential election.

The second part of this tradition is that the Jews would be annihilated after the coming of Christ PBUH which is present in both Christianity and Islam.

These Evangelists are not supporting Israel because they like the Jews or they are concerned about the Holocaust. There only concern is with the coming of Christ and how to make it at the earliest.

There are these two groups of people Jews and Christians supporting each other but with aims which become different and opposite at some time in the future.

So, this is the weak spot in the chain.

The treatment and persecution of Christians and Jesus Christ by the Jews and his torture on the Crucifix as reported by them is an important point against their unity.

Additionally, it is common knowledge that most Israeli jews are not legally jews because the religion is based on the Semite race while the Russian Jews are Ashk e Nazim or Caucasians.

Now coming to the Jews, they believe that they have to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount so that they can make their Temple of Solomon on the spot which was destroyed twice in history before the Muslims. They believe that when the Temple is rebuilt then Israel will become great. That is why they are weakening the foundations of the building by digging tunnels.

They are already training young boys to become priests in that future temple. Secondly they believe that when a cow of a particular colour (probably red or yellow) is born in Israel then the whole process would start. They have got some cows of that colour from an American Evangelist Farmer and are breeding them for offsprings in Israel.

The point is that the unity of Jews and American Christians must be broken. The Eurpoean Catholics are already not with the Jews.

The strategy for breaking the unity is to hold discussion groups in American universities and cities about the life of Christ and his treatment at the hands of the jews. How he called upon the Jews to turn back towards God and not sell His religion for minor profit. How the Jews were bending Divine Laws to their own benefit. How the Jews used the Roman Governor against Christ and got him crucified. Then they persecuted the Christians for many decades until such time that the Roman Emperor embraced Christianity.

At the same time the high level given to Christ and Mary by the Muslims and the parts of Bible which predict the coming of Prophet Mohammad PBUH should be emphasized to create a soft corner for the Muslims.

Similarly, the Jews religious concept of thinking of other people as less than human and treating them like animals or misdirecting them such as with their sex and pornography industry or enslaving individuals and countries through their bank loans based on interest are other points that can be used against this filthy race.

How the Shia Majalis for Imam Hussain Shahdat are conducted can give ideas to follow.
Now coming to the Jews, they believe that they have to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount so that they can make their Temple of Solomon on the spot which was destroyed twice in history before the Muslims. They believe that when the Temple is rebuilt then Israel will become great.
they may get diametrically opposite results.
There is a religious background to the problem of Israel related to prophecies and it is present in all the three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The extremist Christian Evangelists are supporting Israel to make it more powerful and bigger as according to Christian predictions a powerful and bigger Israel will hasten the second arrival of Jesus Christ PBUH. 80% of American Christian Evangelists voted for Trump in the presidential election.

The second part of this tradition is that the Jews would be annihilated after the coming of Christ PBUH which is present in both Christianity and Islam.

These Evangelists are not supporting Israel because they like the Jews or they are concerned about the Holocaust. There only concern is with the coming of Christ and how to make it at the earliest.

There are these two groups of people Jews and Christians supporting each other but with aims which become different and opposite at some time in the future.

So, this is the weak spot in the chain.

The treatment and persecution of Christians and Jesus Christ by the Jews and his torture on the Crucifix as reported by them is an important point against their unity.

Additionally, it is common knowledge that most Israeli jews are not legally jews because the religion is based on the Semite race while the Russian Jews are Ashk e Nazim or Caucasians.

Now coming to the Jews, they believe that they have to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount so that they can make their Temple of Solomon on the spot which was destroyed twice in history before the Muslims. They believe that when the Temple is rebuilt then Israel will become great. That is why they are weakening the foundations of the building by digging tunnels.

They are already training young boys to become priests in that future temple. Secondly they believe that when a cow of a particular colour (probably red or yellow) is born in Israel then the whole process would start. They have got some cows of that colour from an American Evangelist Farmer and are breeding them for offsprings in Israel.

The point is that the unity of Jews and American Christians must be broken. The Eurpoean Catholics are already not with the Jews.

The strategy for breaking the unity is to hold discussion groups in American universities and cities about the life of Christ and his treatment at the hands of the jews. How he called upon the Jews to turn back towards God and not sell His religion for minor profit. How the Jews were bending Divine Laws to their own benefit. How the Jews used the Roman Governor against Christ and got him crucified. Then they persecuted the Christians for many decades until such time that the Roman Emperor embraced Christianity.

At the same time the high level given to Christ and Mary by the Muslims and the parts of Bible which predict the coming of Prophet Mohammad PBUH should be emphasized to create a soft corner for the Muslims.

Similarly, the Jews religious concept of thinking of other people as less than human and treating them like animals or misdirecting them such as with their sex and pornography industry or enslaving individuals and countries through their bank loans based on interest are other points that can be used against this filthy race.

How the Shia Majalis for Imam Hussain Shahdat are conducted can give ideas to follow.
The answer to your long post is simple. Don't do anything. Ever pulled on a elastic cable? The more you pull it the more it recoils back. So leave it alone. Call it economy of force.
say Jesus is middle eastern so he is a refugee because of you evil white Christians (it a joke). I get a feeling this time it Muslims that will be rounded up in the west. history will repeat world war 1,2 zionist international bankers fire up western Europeans against Jews so that they move to Palestine, of course, the anti-zionist Jews paid the price and sent to death camps. the goal was to grab land called Palestine and rename it Israel. expose the Talmud, Rothschild, Rockefellers etc protocols and best defeat for the world of knights templar zionist money lenders is to ban usury and switch to gold and silver and barter trade. They will panic and will be exposed.

All mosque should have cameras and security. All children and adults should partcipate in some kind of self defence training.
TBH they will never stop supporting Israel. Their religious book advices them to support the Zionism. Cannot do anything about it. Its like saying you want to stop Imperialists from supporting Israel or stop wahabis from fighting for Zionists. As impossible as that
There is a religious background to the problem of Israel related to prophecies and it is present in all the three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The extremist Christian Evangelists are supporting Israel to make it more powerful and bigger as according to Christian predictions a powerful and bigger Israel will hasten the second arrival of Jesus Christ PBUH. 80% of American Christian Evangelists voted for Trump in the presidential election.

The second part of this tradition is that the Jews would be annihilated after the coming of Christ PBUH which is present in both Christianity and Islam.

These Evangelists are not supporting Israel because they like the Jews or they are concerned about the Holocaust. There only concern is with the coming of Christ and how to make it at the earliest.

There are these two groups of people Jews and Christians supporting each other but with aims which become different and opposite at some time in the future.

So, this is the weak spot in the chain.

The treatment and persecution of Christians and Jesus Christ by the Jews and his torture on the Crucifix as reported by them is an important point against their unity.

Additionally, it is common knowledge that most Israeli jews are not legally jews because the religion is based on the Semite race while the Russian Jews are Ashk e Nazim or Caucasians.

Now coming to the Jews, they believe that they have to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount so that they can make their Temple of Solomon on the spot which was destroyed twice in history before the Muslims. They believe that when the Temple is rebuilt then Israel will become great. That is why they are weakening the foundations of the building by digging tunnels.

They are already training young boys to become priests in that future temple. Secondly they believe that when a cow of a particular colour (probably red or yellow) is born in Israel then the whole process would start. They have got some cows of that colour from an American Evangelist Farmer and are breeding them for offsprings in Israel.

The point is that the unity of Jews and American Christians must be broken. The Eurpoean Catholics are already not with the Jews.

The strategy for breaking the unity is to hold discussion groups in American universities and cities about the life of Christ and his treatment at the hands of the jews. How he called upon the Jews to turn back towards God and not sell His religion for minor profit. How the Jews were bending Divine Laws to their own benefit. How the Jews used the Roman Governor against Christ and got him crucified. Then they persecuted the Christians for many decades until such time that the Roman Emperor embraced Christianity.

At the same time the high level given to Christ and Mary by the Muslims and the parts of Bible which predict the coming of Prophet Mohammad PBUH should be emphasized to create a soft corner for the Muslims.

Similarly, the Jews religious concept of thinking of other people as less than human and treating them like animals or misdirecting them such as with their sex and pornography industry or enslaving individuals and countries through their bank loans based on interest are other points that can be used against this filthy race.

How the Shia Majalis for Imam Hussain Shahdat are conducted can give ideas to follow.

Man, what have you been smoking and falling in to the conspiracies; take this directly to the evangelists movement in US who are making life difficult for all people; you are using the same narrative from medival europe against jews with vile writings. We can take similar writings by the rightwing who chastise islam for world domination and call for extermination; you and them are same identical images of hate. Keep these to yourself. Seek solice and serve humanity first vs wasting time of such garbage

I am surprised that the moderators on this forum have allowed become a place for rabid conspiracies and attacks like these carry on yet if someone states anything to moslem prophet they get a ban.

@MastanKhan @waz @HRK
Man, what have you been smoking and falling in to the conspiracies; take this directly to the evangelists movement in US who are making life difficult for all people; you are using the same narrative from medival europe against jews with vile writings. We can take similar writings by the rightwing who chastise islam for world domination and call for extermination; you and them are same identical images of hate. Keep these to yourself. Seek solice and serve humanity first vs wasting time of such garbage

I am surprised that the moderators on this forum have allowed become a place for rabid conspiracies and attacks like these carry on yet if someone states anything to moslem prophet they get a ban.

@MastanKhan @waz @HRK
Is there any wrong that you saw in the article?

He is right, Israelis have been conspiring against Muslims,

They are digging AL-Aqsa and preparing it for their fake christ, actually they wan to prepare it for anti-christ. Satanic traditions are conducted in their gatherings, sacrificing kids, drinking human blood etc. It has nothing to do with followers of prophet Moses PBUH that are called کلیمی people, we are talking about Zionism and its worldwide organizations.
Man, what have you been smoking and falling in to the conspiracies; take this directly to the evangelists movement in US who are making life difficult for all people; you are using the same narrative from medival europe against jews with vile writings. We can take similar writings by the rightwing who chastise islam for world domination and call for extermination; you and them are same identical images of hate. Keep these to yourself. Seek solice and serve humanity first vs wasting time of such garbage

I am surprised that the moderators on this forum have allowed become a place for rabid conspiracies and attacks like these carry on yet if someone states anything to moslem prophet they get a ban.

@MastanKhan @waz @HRK
all the religious debate is banned on the forum ....
One of the challenge of genuine struggle of separatist movement is about associating with any religious movement....The moment it is in religious in natuere, it provides scope to hardline elements of sides to exploit the situation..

Apart from religious issue, it is definitely a big humanitarian issue when such a large Palestine population is boxed together in small place..
Overall...sanity should prevail from both sides..
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