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How to respond to Indian false propaganda

If our thread is false propaganda than why bangladeshi never comes tho that kind of thread and prove it propagada?

Just like this


there are no sign of bangladeshi in that thread and unlike us. Come on. Debate with us and prove it wrong like us. Why are you scared?

Proves you are Indian.

I believe that my both flag is indian flag.
Fact is your country's past and present Govt. is responsible for many things. Neither you guys admit it or try to solve it. eg. border dispute, enclave transfer problem, water sharing treaty, Talpatty, etc. Why do you think people will like you? Try to build a good image. Show me some genuine good things you guys have done in recent time with or in BD.

Tell me. What you did for India in recent times other than sending terrorist and refugess?
After joining PDF , i think most of you are either jerks or kids.

What refugee??? There is no Bangladeshi refugee in India now
. Do you know how many Myanmar refugees we feed everyday? Official figure is more than 250,000. Still they try to provoke us into a war.

We are grateful to your nation which was in 1971 for all the things. But you know what all the good things you all did, most of it got eroded away over years. Reasons- many. (Just google it)
Thank You.


I don't think that is good to reply a person filled with delusion.
Indians also go as illegals to many foreign countries. There is no reason BD feel so irritated when their illegal immigration comes up. BD as immigrants are not always welcome, they've had problems in the gulf, infact they are banned in some places. also most of them in UK are very poor as per various available statistics. All this is not India's fault neither is it propaganda.

On the other hand many BDis keep posting north east India belongs to BD and blah blah blah blah and how they will rule it one day. I request them to stop making such claims as it shows them as intellectually inadequate sheikh chillis!

They really don't need that, its bad as it is.
Indians also go as illegals to many foreign countries. There is no reason BD feel so irritated when their illegal immigration comes up. BD as immigrants are not always welcome, they've had problems in the gulf, infact they are banned in some places. also most of them in UK are very poor as per various available statistics. All this is not India's fault neither is it propaganda.

On the other hand many BDis keep posting north east India belongs to BD and blah blah blah blah and how they will rule it one day. I request them to stop making such claims as it shows them as intellectually inadequate sheikh chillis!

They really don't need that, its bad as it is.

Before you call some one a name, i think you should check your back as well.

About 70 percent of India is poor: Top adviser

New Delhi, March 25 (IANS) Debunking the government's claim that the number of poor in India has come down, a top adviser has claimed that around 70 percent of the country's 1.2 billion population is poor, and stressed the need for a multi-dimensional assessment of poverty.
"The government claim that poverty has come down is not valid... there is a need for a multi-dimensional assessment of poverty as around 70 percent of the population is poor," National Advisory Council member N.C. Saxena told IANS in an interview.
According to Saxena, the various poverty estimates the government relies on to assess the impact of developmental schemes are faulty as they fail to factor in the lack of nutritional diet, sanitation, drinking water, healthcare and educational facilities available to the people.
The former bureaucrat, who now is part of the NAC that reports to Congress president Sonia Gandhi, claimed that not only the National Sample Survey Organisation data is faulty, the ongoing Socio-Economic and Caste Census, which is expected to throw up the latest poverty estimates, is highly flawed.
"The NSSO data is unreliable and the SECC is highly flawed," said Saxena.
The National Advisory Council (NAC) was set up as an interface with civil society. The NAC provides policy and legislative inputs to the government with special focus on social policy and the rights of disadvantaged groups.
After the government faced flak over its latest poverty estimates, according to which anyone earning over Rs.28 per day in urban areas and Rs.26 per day in rural areas is not poor, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said a multi-layered approach is required to assess poverty as the widely accepted Tendulkar committee report "is not all inclusive".
The government now plans to set up another expert panel to devise a new methodology to assess poverty levels in the country, said the prime minister.
The government recently revised its poverty estimates from earlier Rs.32 per day in urban areas and Rs.26 per day in rural areas based on 2011 prices, to the current estimate which is based on 2009 prices.
Using the Tendulkar panel report, the Planning Commission pegged poverty at 37.5 percent of the population.
Saxena said in reality out of about 200 centrally sponsored schemes, only 5 or 6 are linked to the poverty estimates, pegged at 37.5 percent by the Planning Commission.
Having a realistic assessment of poverty in not only crucial for the government to ensure that around Rs.80,000 crore that it spends on various welfare schemes annually reaches only the genuinely poor, it is also important for the United Progressive Alliance which hopes to roll out the ambitious National Food Security Bill, which aims to provide subsidised rations to around 65 percent of the 1.2 billion population some time next year.
(Amit Agnihotri can be contacted at amit.a@ians.in)

Source: About 70 percent of India is poor: Top adviser - Yahoo! India Finance

Hope this opens up your eyes.

^^^ Are you a jamaati too, as they seem to have major comprehension problems because all they needed to learn they leaned at age three by rote.

First of all you are posting indian, thats propaganda as per the thread. Besides, despite all that BDis come to India all the time as India is still relatively richer (per capita PPP of 3703 usd AGAINST 1697) and our north east is many times less densely populated compared to the overpopulated BD (BD per sq KM population 964, all india less than 400, Assam 397. tripura 350, meghalay 132, manipur 122, nagaland 119).
^^^ Are you a jamaati too,

There you go again, when indians do not any facts or proof they resort calling "razakar", "Jammati" none of it relevant for the discussion. Typical indians.

Besides, despite all that BDis come to India all the time as India is still relatively richer

There is no point for any Bangladeshis to go from poverty to abject indian poverty. Hell even indians in their enclave does not want to be in india. Population from half of indian states wants to get out of indian "abject poverty" union. But offcourse indians will keep repeating lies.

what a noble idea from OP :D excellent ,he is smart .. IDK about others, but many times when I read BD members post, the shameless display of their ignorance and arrogance make me poke my own eyes with my fingers and bang my head on the wall :fie: how many times I had to calm down myself doing baba Ramdev's breathe in and out exercise...few BD members are level headed and capable of healthy discussion ,but others are absolutely hopeless and their kind seems to be rising in numbers in pdf..
Following the guidelines by the OP would save them from a lot of embarrasment but then ,what else would they rant about ?It is always "India this and that" & "propaganda" etc in their closed mind and fenced nation...
Try not to resort to personal attacks, attack the logic instead(if you can). His point is very valid, AT LEAST half the Bangladeshis in this forum are false flagger Pakistanis (not you, but there definitely are some who when they comment their bias for Pakistan even above Bangladesh becomes apparent). For example, I remember in a previous thread a Bangladeshi member here in PDF trying to defend Pakistani Army for its 1971 atrocities by saying how more Biharis were killed in 1971 than Bengalis and so on...

..may be that's true but rare. No bangladeshi will ever defend the atrocities committed by pakistani army in 1971, as well as the BSF brutality now. I think if the government on both sides were much aware and committed these problems can easily be solved.
..may be that's true but rare. No bangladeshi will ever defend the atrocities committed by pakistani army in 1971, as well as the BSF brutality now. I think if the government on both sides were much aware and committed these problems can easily be solved.
You seem to be a new guy here. What do you think of quality of posts in bd section compared to pakistan and India section.
What do you think about quality of bd posters here.

By quality I mean posts where arguments are laid down logically and supported by facts.
It can be pro or anti anything. It can be wrong or right, does not matter.
Many countries of the world do not differentiate between India and Bangladesh.

On many occasions, I have been in presentations where Bangladesh is shown as India.

Bangladeshis themselves mark their inrestaurants in london as indian. LOL

There you go again, when indians do not any facts or proof they resort calling "razakar", "Jammati" none of it relevant for the discussion. Typical indians.

There is no point for any Bangladeshis to go from poverty to abject indian poverty. Hell even indians in their enclave does not want to be in india. Population from half of indian states wants to get out of indian "abject poverty" union. But offcourse indians will keep repeating lies.


Please follow BD rules on India as set by Kalumama
So sometimes stores say INDO-PAK groceries but never INDO-BANGLA groceries
Bangladeshis themselves mark their inrestaurants in london as indian. LOL

Please follow BD rules on India as set by Kalumama

yes because it was part of the same region, subcontinent. I have seen an indian opening a restaurant and calling it an Italian restaurant. So, restaurants should be based on what nationality the owner is? dude its 2012 and this is part of globalization, move on. Also, we were all part of the same country not long ago, you certainly don't expect a radical change in pallet and cuisine by 70 years surely. What you are is a xenophobe.

So sometimes stores say INDO-PAK groceries but never INDO-BANGLA groceries

yes, we are a relatively new country. Your point being?

You seem to be a new guy here. What do you think of quality of posts in bd section compared to pakistan and India section.
What do you think about quality of bd posters here.

By quality I mean posts where arguments are laid down logically and supported by facts.
It can be pro or anti anything. It can be wrong or right, does not matter.

If you have problems with the quality then why bother posting in the section? shows more of your own quality with posts like this.

what a noble idea from OP :D excellent ,he is smart .. IDK about others, but many times when I read BD members post, the shameless display of their ignorance and arrogance make me poke my own eyes with my fingers and bang my head on the wall :fie: how many times I had to calm down myself doing baba Ramdev's breathe in and out exercise...few BD members are level headed and capable of healthy discussion ,but others are absolutely hopeless and their kind seems to be rising in numbers in pdf..
Following the guidelines by the OP would save them from a lot of embarrasment but then ,what else would they rant about ?It is always "India this and that" & "propaganda" etc in their closed mind and fenced nation...

Yes Einstein! yet we are out numbered in our defense section. It is you Indians who are obsessed with us:lol:..the ratio of Bangladeshi to Indian in the Bangladeshi section is atleast 1:5.
Lets devise a strategy on how to respond to Indian false propaganda:

1. Any Indian origin source or Indian influenced source can be tainted so it is not credible
2. Any matter that involves Indian internal issues is not for us to comment on or bother about, it is for them to solve, so please stay out of it and please do not take the bait, Indian Muslims, whether they are Bengali or not is their problem, not ours
3. So Indian newspapers or news services or Indian origin news establishment like Khaleej is also not for us to be bothered about, as they are NOT credible
4. Only time it becomes an issue for Bangladesh is when they bring any of these formally to our govt., and make some allegations, and we have a credible source (not Indian origin or influenced) who is reporting on it

So fellow Bangladeshi's, please take it easy and let the idiots waste their time and effort banging on their key-boards, as far as we are concerned, it is a non-issue. Eventually they will get tired of trying to waste our time with non-issues.

Add too it:

1. stop whining when smugglers get shot.
2. stop posting fake Felani pictures for sympathy.
3. stop whining when India fences the border.
4. Stop bringing India into your political aunty fights.
5. stop the bickering about transit trade.
6. stop trying to promote your worthless books like "India doctrine" :lol:

Add too it:

1. stop whining when smugglers get shot.
2. stop posting fake Felani pictures for sympathy.
3. stop whining when India fences the border.
4. Stop bringing India into your political aunty fights.
5. stop the bickering about transit trade.
6. stop trying to promote your worthless books like "India doctrine" :lol:


You have the right to deport them back to Bangladesh not shoot them. It is a gross human rights violation to shoot unarmed civilians.

Fair enough, its your country, fence it, make a dmz, its your will.

Your government is trying to control our government and run her nose in our matters. Respect our sovereignty. I guess you have never heard the term 'freedom of speech'

Again, 90% of the Bangladeshi population are against the transit route and citizens on Bangladesh have every right to voice their opinion. It is you who seem to be obsessed with Bangladesh. You are in our section not the other way round.

About the "india doctrine", i believe its a conspiracy theory book.

Now listen:

1.stop trying to gain browny points by saying "we gave you freedom and you folks are backstabbers", you guys didn't do it for us, you did it for yourself and it was in your interest to separate Pakistan otherwise you'd be having nukes pointing at you from 2 wings of Pakistan.

2. stop rambling about how Hasina is the best thing and the best thing that happened for Bangladesh and our prosperity. We are Bangladeshis we certainly more of her corruption than you Indians.

3.Even when your journalists are get caught with your pants down, you folks still defend them without logic and basic ramblings.

4.supa powa india syndrome with below sub saharan poverty.:lol:

5. stop using propaganda that Bangladeshis are over flowing in India, that is a sheer Hindu nationalist propaganda, if you can prove them they are bangladeshis, then deport them. You don't do that, thus it means it is a propaganda just like you blame those ghost Bangladeshis as terrorists.
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