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How to respond to Indian false propaganda

If our thread is false propaganda than why bangladeshi never comes tho that kind of thread and prove it propagada?

Just like this


there are no sign of bangladeshi in that thread and unlike us. Come on. Debate with us and prove it wrong like us. Why are you scared?

I believe that my both flag is indian flag.

Tell me. What you did for India in recent times other than sending terrorist and refugess?


I don't think that is good to reply a person filled with delusion.
Whats the point in it. It is false & propanganda, vote bank for your politicians and a lot of trolling. If you find any illegal Bangladeshi's, deport them back to Bangladesh. Take actions as per your law. We ain't against that. But you have no right to shoot anyone is the border.

Indians also go as illegals to many foreign countries. There is no reason BD feel so irritated when their illegal immigration comes up. BD as immigrants are not always welcome, they've had problems in the gulf, infact they are banned in some places. also most of them in UK are very poor as per various available statistics. All this is not India's fault neither is it propaganda.

On the other hand many BDis keep posting north east India belongs to BD and blah blah blah blah and how they will rule it one day. I request them to stop making such claims as it shows them as intellectually inadequate sheikh chillis!

They really don't need that, its bad as it is.
Illegal immigrants are not welcome anywhere. Look at us, we have hundreds of thousands of illegal Burmese and people from Mijoram and other places in our country. If they are poor in UK, than that is their struggle of life in UK, and people are struggling all over the world. Stop being racist.
there is msaint and al zakir. Those 2 are extremists here, they are very rare in bangladesh. M saint even calls me a malaun lol and indian dalal.:lol:....they are a slight minority if they gave their views in public they'd get their ***** kicked in dhaka.
Exactly bhai, these extremist bluffs don't work in Dhaka, bhai they would get some public dholai to begin with. Then RAB will try to give them a chance to flee with (fictious)weapons to their grave. Hell bhai I guess someone just called me Jamati...lol:rofl::blah::blah::blah:

this is really sad..........as a person from Tripura i always used to think that the people across the border treat us as thier brothers for all the help we gave them in the time of need..................Tripura had handled more refugees than the total population of Tripura in 1971 and b4 that.................but after comming to pdf i now see the truth..........brotherhood is a faroff thing.......not even friends............................BD's treat us as their enemy!!!:frown:

Dude people from Tripura and NE are very well aware of our relation than someone from Delhi or Mumbai. We do like you all more than many. We don't treat you as our enemies. BD always gives first preference to Tripura in any Indian matters. I can give you many examples. Just don't believe false propaganda against us.

Lastly, this is Bangladesh section in PDF. We don't usually go over to your India section and spread BS:undecided:. You lot interfere in our matters.
^^^ Are you a jamaati too, as they seem to have major comprehension problems because all they needed to learn they leaned at age three by rote.

First of all you are posting indian, thats propaganda as per the thread. Besides, despite all that BDis come to India all the time as India is still relatively richer (per capita PPP of 3703 usd AGAINST 1697) and our north east is many times less densely populated compared to the overpopulated BD (BD per sq KM population 964, all india less than 400, Assam 397. tripura 350, meghalay 132, manipur 122, nagaland 119).

How Ironic is this. Rate of muslim population growth of Assam is highest in India. About 24%, but Rate of Population growth of bangladesh is less than India. No wonder why.
For BD members only:

আমাদের হাস্যকর/অসন্মানজনকভাবে উপস্থাপনের পিছনে পিডিএফ এর ভারতীয় সদস্যদের অবদান যতটা তার চেয়ে বেশি ভূমিকা আমাদের বাংলাদেশী সদস্যদের। হাসিনা-খালেদা/আওয়ামী লীগ-বিএনপি এর পারস্পরিক কাঁদা ছোঁড়াছুড়ি নিয়ে কোন থ্রেড/পোস্ট না দেয়ার জন্য সকল বাংলাদেশী সদস্যের প্রতি অনুরোধ রইল। পরস্পরের প্রতি সন্মানজনক আচরণ করুন। আমি আওয়ামী লীগ, বিএনপি না জামায়াতে ইসলামীর সমর্থক তা একজন ভারতীয়, পাকিস্তানী, চৈনিক বা যে কোন বিদেশীর কাছে বিবেচ্য বিষয় নয়, তাঁদের কাছে আমার সবচেয়ে বড় পরিচয় আমি বাংলাদেশী। প্রকৃতপক্ষে সকল ভারতীয়, পাকিস্তানী, চায়নীজ সবাই এই ফোরাম-কে নিজেদের দেশ, জাতি ও জনগণের দৃষ্টিভঙ্গিকে ইতিবাচকভাবে তুলে ধরার কাজে ব্যবহার করছে। কোন আন্তর্জাতিক ফোরামে প্রোপাগান্ডার প্রাথমিক উদ্দেশ্য তা-ই হওয়া উচিত।
How Ironic is this. Rate of muslim population growth of Assam is highest in India. About 20%, but Rate of Population growth of bangladesh is less than India. No wonder why.

It is astonishing to see attitude of Bangladeshi, after triggering violence in Assam for 3 decades, making Paresh Barua/Anup Chetia their National guests. It is true when Bangladeshi could not bear the wrongdoing and Shame of their own people, the only way to sooth themselves to call it a propaganda or remain in denial.
How Ironic is this. Rate of muslim population growth of Assam is highest in India. About 20%, but Rate of Population growth of bangladesh is less than India. No wonder why.

That goes to show how bigot and hindu fundamentalist in indian view Muslims in india. Even more amusing india can not cotrol its population as good as Bangladesh is became Bangladesh fault now.

For BD members only:

আমাদের হাস্যকর/অসন্মানজনকভাবে উপস্থাপনের পিছনে পিডিএফ এর ভারতীয় সদস্যদের অবদান যতটা তার চেয়ে বেশি ভূমিকা আমাদের বাংলাদেশী সদস্যদের। হাসিনা-খালেদা/আওয়ামী লীগ-বিএনপি এর পারস্পরিক কাঁদা ছোঁড়াছুড়ি নিয়ে কোন থ্রেড/পোস্ট না দেয়ার জন্য সকল বাংলাদেশী সদস্যের প্রতি অনুরোধ রইল। পরস্পরের প্রতি সন্মানজনক আচরণ করুন। আমি আওয়ামী লীগ, বিএনপি না জামায়াতে ইসলামীর সমর্থক তা একজন ভারতীয়, পাকিস্তানী, চৈনিক বা যে কোন বিদেশীর কাছে বিবেচ্য বিষয় নয়, তাঁদের কাছে আমার সবচেয়ে বড় পরিচয় আমি বাংলাদেশী। প্রকৃতপক্ষে সকল ভারতীয়, পাকিস্তানী, চায়নীজ সবাই এই ফোরাম-কে নিজেদের দেশ, জাতি ও জনগণের দৃষ্টিভঙ্গিকে ইতিবাচকভাবে তুলে ধরার কাজে ব্যবহার করছে। কোন আন্তর্জাতিক ফোরামে প্রোপাগান্ডার প্রাথমিক উদ্দেশ্য তা-ই হওয়া উচিত।

It would been possible if we did not have subservient regime which is working for indian interest than ours. So reality is much complicated than straight forward thinking.
That goes to show how bigot and hindu fundamentalist in indian view Muslims in india. Even more amusing india can not cotrol its population as good as Bangladesh is became Bangladesh fault now.

It would been possible if we did not have subservient regime which is working for indian interest than ours. So reality is much complicated than straight forward thinking.
what is wrong in the indo-bd relations tath you dont like...
It would been possible if we did not have subservient regime which is working for indian interest than ours. So reality is much complicated than straight forward thinking.

Still there's no point in bashing each other. Also complaining to foreign nationals wouldn't solve our problems.

To idune: the current regime may be subservient to Indian interests but our own people elected them and we'd have to take responsibility for our people's action.
why even need to respond in the first place?

why bangladeshis giving importance to wht india says?

let them say whtever they want, just like we pakistanis do u kknow according to indians text books & media they had vanished Pakistan long before...:D....

ever see elephents replying to the Dogs barking on his way?
Still there's no point in bashing each other. Also complaining to foreign nationals wouldn't solve our problems.

To idune: the current regime may be subservient to Indian interests but our own people elected them and we'd have to take responsibility for our people's action.

With indian money and help to win the election, I or anyone deceived by awami league wold not take responsibility for that farcical vote. So you are not talking based on reality but something else.
what is wrong in the indo-bd relations tath you dont like...

Jamati are unhappy with the move that their national guests Paresh Barua/ Anup Chetia had to face hardship.

That goes to show how bigot and hindu fundamentalist in indian view Muslims in india. Even more amusing india can not cotrol its population as good as Bangladesh is became Bangladesh fault now.

Typical comment from Jamati who want to rubbishes wrong-doings of their countrymen by giving communal color to all these. By the way, Kesang is not a Hindu.
Jamati are unhappy with the move that their national guests Paresh Barua/ Anup Chetia had to face hardship.

indian fundamentalist can not tolerate Muslims in Bangladesh, that is the core of your issue. Good that you are coming clean with your fundamentalist view.
indian fundamentalist can not tolerate Muslims in Bangladesh, that is the core of your issue. Good that you are coming clean with your fundamentalist view.

LOL. Every Indian knows how Jamatis in your country are whining after seeing ULFA dismantling and causing lots of hardship to your national guests like Paresh Barua and Anup Chetia.
With indian money and help to win the election, I or anyone deceived by awami league wold not take responsibility for that farcical vote. So you are not talking based on reality but something else.

The choice of people is quite reactive as opposed to being proactive. They vote for Awami League when they are fed up with BNP and for BNP when they are fed up with Awami League. Money plays a role in every election and it does even when BNP wins the election.
LOL. Every Indian knows how Jamatis in your country are whining after seeing ULFA dismantling and causing lots of hardship to your national jamai Rajas like Paresh Barua and Anup Chetia.

Do you want to know what ULFA thinks about bangladeshi migration?

The United Liberation Front of Asom raised its voice for the first time against Bangladeshiinfiltration into Assam and warned that the problem will soon pose a major threat to Delhi [ Images ]. [image]
"The illegal Bangladesh national issue has posed a serious threat to the state," ULFA 'foreign secretary' Sashadhar Choudhury told a public rally after his release from the Guwahati Central Jail on bail.
"If I am selected to take part in the negotiations between the ULFA and the Indian government, then my first agenda will be to raise the Bangladeshi immigration issue," the ULFA leader, who was hiding in Bangladesh till his arrest there in December 2009, said.
"If the central government continues to ignore the vital issue then shortly it will be a major threat to Delhi," Choudhury warned.
Meanwhile, ULFA chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa on Tuesday visited the outfit's elusive `commander-in-chief' Paresh Baruah'smother Miliki Baruah, who insisted that her son, general secretary Anup Chetia and othersbe brought back for the peace talks.
"As all of you went out together on your struggle 30 years ago, now bring Paresh Baruah, Anup and others back by any means for the talks for a lasting solution to the Assam problem. Otherwise it will remain unsolved," an emotional and weeping octogenarian Miliki said.
Baruah is reportedly in China and is still insistent on discussing the outfit's core issue of sovereignty.
Accompanied by the outfit's idealogue Bhimkanta Buragohain, Rajkhowa came to Jeraigaon in Dibrugarh district and visited Baruah's mother for the first time since his release on bail recently. Rajkhowa's wife Kaberi Kochari also accompanied him during his visit.
The ULFA leaders also visited the ancestral residence of Chetia, now in a Dhaka jail, also in the same village.

ULFA leader wants end to Bangladeshi infiltration - Rediff.com India News

and they were calling me a Hindu fundamentalist. It shows the delusion bangladeshis. Every north-eastern knows about those islamic extreamist irrespective to their religion. BTW. Native Muslim is very rare in NE.
The choice of people is quite reactive as opposed to being proactive. They vote for Awami League when they are fed up with BNP and for BNP when they are fed up with Awami League. Money plays a role in every election and it does when BNP too wins the election.

And dont you see people reacted to Awami deception armed with indian money and indian originated propaganda and subversive sources? As I said you are far from reality and no point arguing on something that you are so far from realizing.
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