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How to respond to Indian false propaganda

Many countries of the world do not differentiate between India and Bangladesh.

On many occasions, I have been in presentations where Bangladesh is shown as India.

Many countries do not differentiate between south asian countries because most of BD and Pakistani ppl introduce them as Indians.. most of them will brand their store as Indian grocery store or Indian restaurant ..
We have couple of them here ... but never seen a map where countries are intermixed .. all of them are very clear abt India and BD.
Pls show us example where u find such a map dated after 1947 ... if there are any
Lets devise a strategy on how to respond to Indian false propaganda:

1. Any Indian origin source or Indian influenced source can be tainted so it is not credible
2. Any matter that involves Indian internal issues is not for us to comment on or bother about, it is for them to solve, so please stay out of it and please do not take the bait, Indian Muslims, whether they are Bengali or not is their problem, not ours
3. So Indian newspapers or news services or Indian origin news establishment like Khaleej is also not for us to be bothered about, as they are NOT credible
4. Only time it becomes an issue for Bangladesh is when they bring any of these formally to our govt., and make some allegations, and we have a credible source (not Indian origin or influenced) who is reporting on it

So fellow Bangladeshi's, please take it easy and let the idiots waste their time and effort banging on their key-boards, as far as we are concerned, it is a non-issue. Eventually they will get tired of trying to waste our time with non-issues.

If you see indian responses just in this thread you may would conclude they are mocking on your
gesture. Also the fact yes, indians get tired but then next batch of indians from billion chest thumping pool with extremist understanding will come....you just need hang around longer to see this trend.
If you see indian responses just in this thread you may would conclude they are mocking on your
gesture. Also the fact yes, indians get tired but then next batch of indians from billion chest thumping pool with extremist understanding will come....you just need hang around longer to see this trend.

He has to be like you ... just like you found a tiny fiber cable matter of national security :lol:
If you see indian responses just in this thread you may would conclude they are mocking on your
gesture. Also the fact yes, indians get tired but then next batch of indians from billion chest thumping pool with extremist understanding will come....you just need hang around longer to see this trend.

What extremist bhai?He has suggested good points too like 2nd point.
look at your self,your every thread is india oriented and what do you expect from us?
Right on... Specially these Indian scum bring up the illegal migration bull sh!t each and every time when no such credible information from Indian government is available apart from some radical hindu extremist groups like BJP/RSS.

Not only that neither BJP/Congress ever raised the issue officially to Bangladesh as there is no proof of such.

I and some other Bangladeshis here already debunked these propaganda on illegal migration based on comment from Indian minister and other government documents. Better now when ever they raise the issue ask them to consult their government to raise the issue officially to Bangladeshi government that they will never do.

N regarding credibility of Indian news papers... they published few days ago a fake news that 75 illegal bangladeshi citizens were arrested in a train in Assam later turned out all of them is Indian citizen and police did that under the pressure of hindu student groups. Same case also apply to the other same types of news where Indian government never asked Bangladeshi government to take them back.

These are a pure hate filled propaganda by terrorist and extremist hindu groups like BJP and rss where they target Bengali speaking muslims for their vote bank politics and to create fear as they have least support among the muslim bengalis and also west bengal and ne india. They started this strategy after demolition of Babri mosque to divert people attention and to make one group of people against another. Their initial target was dalits and south indians. These fact was revealed back in 1995.

Bangladesh government should raise awareness campaign directly or indirectly to debunk these propaganda by terrorist and extremist group like BJP/RSS so that they can not feed less intelligent Indian mass with such propaganda. Most of the indian member here are supporter or paid agent of BJP/RSS. So you can not expect more from them.

Kudos to and much appreciate your efforts to debunk these myths and false propaganda against Bangladesh and its people.

If you see indian responses just in this thread you may would conclude they are mocking on your
gesture. Also the fact yes, indians get tired but then next batch of indians from billion chest thumping pool with extremist understanding will come....you just need hang around longer to see this trend.

idune Bhai, let them mock, it shows their character and exposes them, more than anything else.
...here it goes again, omniscience( about idiocy ) indians ..:rofl:

Try not to resort to personal attacks, attack the logic instead(if you can). His point is very valid, AT LEAST half the Bangladeshis in this forum are false flagger Pakistanis (not you, but there definitely are some who when they comment their bias for Pakistan even above Bangladesh becomes apparent). For example, I remember in a previous thread a Bangladeshi member here in PDF trying to defend Pakistani Army for its 1971 atrocities by saying how more Biharis were killed in 1971 than Bengalis and so on...
BD section is let down by bdeshis, first of all there are too few of them. If there were large number of bd members a few of them can be good and keep a check on trolls of their own country.
Now even those who want to balance the debate are called dalal, soldout etc and that poor guy gives in.
I dont want to name them but it has happened.

I would suggest bd members to encourage their friends and colleagues to join.
Write on facebook, twitter etc, post links to the forum.

Disclaimer: I dont gain anything (financially or otherwise) from this forum. :)
Many countries of the world do not differentiate between India and Bangladesh.

On many occasions, I have been in presentations where Bangladesh is shown as India.

:rofl::rofl: kindly send me a few of them. i would like to see those presentations.
Try not to resort to personal attacks, attack the logic instead(if you can). His point is very valid, AT LEAST half the Bangladeshis in this forum are false flagger Pakistanis (not you, but there definitely are some who when they comment their bias for Pakistan even above Bangladesh becomes apparent). For example, I remember in a previous thread a Bangladeshi member here in PDF trying to defend Pakistani Army for its 1971 atrocities by saying how more Biharis were killed in 1971 than Bengalis and so on...
There is a sizable behari community in bangladesh who is unapologetic about what they did in 71. Also as India is enemy now(in bangladeshi minds here), history can be change retrospectively (like Terminator does :) to suit current state of relation.

I have rarely seen false flagger here with bd flag.
Try not to resort to personal attacks, attack the logic instead(if you can). His point is very valid, AT LEAST half the Bangladeshis in this forum are false flagger Pakistanis (not you, but there definitely are some who when they comment their bias for Pakistan even above Bangladesh becomes apparent). For example, I remember in a previous thread a Bangladeshi member here in PDF trying to defend Pakistani Army for its 1971 atrocities by saying how more Biharis were killed in 1971 than Bengalis and so on...

No one commented here Pakistan above Bangladesh, you need to come out of typical indian lie.
And just because one does not like what india and their stooge Awami regime doing against Bangladesh does not mean the person is anti india. indians are proven to be pathological liar, don't try to wrap your lie and fundamentalist view to label someone you have no clue about.
just ignore if you feel its propaganda, i don;t knwo what is the need for scuh stupid thread.
Now even those who want to balance the debate are called dalal, soldout etc and that poor guy gives in.
I dont want to name them but it has happened.

First you need to come clean about how many indians
called Bangladeshis "rajakar"?
defended Awami misrule and repression in Bangladesh?

You can not be hypocrite and try to take moral high ground at the same time.
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