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How to kill F-22

Compare Egypt's economy to the US, then ask yourself, "can Egypt field a military?." Now go think about it.
hey i am shocked i didnt know my beloved country has economic crisis
i know that we have economic problems but it can be solved simply becouse our spending and income is small compared to you you have huge income and huge spending a simple mistake in one year can cause disaster for your economy and that what happened army spending in iraq and afganstan amircan economy is now based on Stock market speculation and all the work has gone out from the us to india and china the usa has become a huge consumer not to mention the huge debt and trying to solve it by printing dollars which will cause inflation at higher rate than it is today
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laugh all you like if your faced with a f22 curently your best solution is

You guys are RIGHT !! The F-22 is a piece of junk. No need to fear it at all. To all our adversaries... Just fly right up to any F-22 you encounter and destroy it. It will be easy. Don't worry.:bunny:
i would never say that everyone knows what is the f 22 and it is a beast but it can be shot down
I read this article before but it was terrible. The way to kill an F-22 is to locate it (using VHF-band radar) and then throw Mig-21s or other old expendable aircraft at it (with instructions for the pilots to eject at the first sign of a missile attack) until it runs out of missiles shooting them down. Then you send in a group of modern aircraft to engage it WVR and destroy it.

You could also just send a few Sukhois at it with the same results, but rather than relying on the Sukhois defeating any AMRAAMs fired at medium range, it's safer to use decoys to soak up the AMRAAMs first.
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i am sure you can replace it it is just a matter of time but you should worry about your economy which can stop your whole war machine

Might as well say the same for the largest European economies, and Japan. But we know they are not going anywhere.

Heck even Russia rebounded and today stands as a formidable military and political power.
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i would never say that everyone knows what is the f 22 and it is a beast but it can be shot down

My dear friend.....how good it will do if a F22 is shot down after it has taken down 10-15 (or more) fighters? Who has got the numerical superiority to field 10-15 sqds in reply to a single sqdn of F22s? Or to field sufficient number of very deadly SAM batteries interconnected with AWACS, ELINT, C4I and SATCOMS who will themselves be history (or may get badly damaged if not dead) before they take down even a complete sqn of F22s? Think practically.
Update on F-22A Raptor oxygen system related measures:

“Though we have not yet resolved the root cause of some physiological events, we have mitigated the risk of F-22 flight operations to a level where we can safely operate the F-22 while we continue the investigation to identify the root cause,” said Lt. Col. John Dorrian on Tuesday.

Dorrian, an Air Force spokesman, said some of the measures taken to allow pilots to continue to fly the jets include an improved emergency oxygen system handle, a finger-mounted device to monitor pilot blood oxygen, and software updates to provide better oxygen sensors.

It should be kept in mind that F-22 is designed to test physical limits of human beings. No, I am not joking; this machine has such level of performance. Below is a hint;

Col. Sholtis said the final answer to F-22 pilots’ high rate of hypoxia may be the plane’s unique performance.

“We’ve got normally healthy pilots who go up, fly a mission, experience some kind of physiological symptoms, come back, and after a period of time, those symptoms go away,” he said.

Update on whistle-blowers:

may be you guys should humiliate a flanker in wvr, say at farnborough? what say?

Lol, no doubt F-22 will get its chance to fly against another aircraft, given world events.
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My dear friend.....how good it will do if a F22 is shot down after it has taken down 10-15 (or more) fighters? Who has got the numerical superiority to field 10-15 sqds in reply to a single sqdn of F22s? Or to field sufficient number of very deadly SAM batteries interconnected with AWACS, ELINT, C4I and SATCOMS who will themselves be history (or may get badly damaged if not dead) before they take down even a complete sqn of F22s? Think practically.

You are right on that, plus don't forget, these planes don't fight in a vacuum, we have a Navy, Army, etc. As a previous poster noted, they are only part of an over-all strategic plan.

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