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How to join Pakistan Army?

do we have to give initial tests whilewe are not recommended in issb
please tell me
Once not recommended from ISSB if you want to reappear you are then exempted from the initials.
I just saw this ad regarding this 2 Years long course for regular comission in Pak Army, I've the follwoing questions.

1. My brother is doing his B.Com (Part 1) Third year about to appear in the exams. I know he is eligible as they have mentioned in the ad. After completing this course What are the choices he will have ???

2. Online registration is not available at the moment on their website. Should he wait for the online registration or Just go visit the AS/RC ???

Any feedback will be greatly appericiated!!!

Thanks alot
See if the dates allow you to wait, or else just visit the AS&RC.
Yeh long course karnay k baad kon c job per apoinment hoti hia ? aur uss ka pass kon kon c oppertutines houn ghee ??
I have made my decision and I am going to join the army. I just have a few questions:
Can you do fsc pre medical after doing o levels?
Also how hard is fsc urdu? I can speak urdu well but my reading and writing is weak which I am to improve
Such sound advice. Make your decisions because thatris what you want to do and not what your parents or financial security is demanding of you. Remember you can contribute to the growth of your country in many ways , even by becoming a good doctor. As long as the spirit is there you can do so many things . To give you an example a friend of mine who is a GP here opened and ran a diabetes centre in islamabad. He was so happy there , because he was so popular and the work that he did earned him so many prayers and thanks. I think the centre is now independant and he is back in London although he visits islamabad frequently. Another acquaintance opened a hospital in kASHMIR following the quake that still provides free treatment to the people of the locality.
So here for you are 2 examples of people who as docotrs have served their nation even sitting outside. You can assess the need and fulfill it as a doctor too.
Really? I was actually looking at joining the military as a civil engineer- I just thought there would be less corruption and I could put my skills to good use...
I will be graduating from australia next year and would eventually like to move back to pk. How about NGO's? I'm not after a huge salary but I want to make a difference.
Asalam o alikum,guys,i will finish my a level next year INSHALLAH and i am thinking to go into Pak army,can any one tell me about their req. and how long training goes on and what rank is given after completing training and what pay we get ?
1. The preliminary test for engineers is the same as for normal candidates applying for the armed forces ?
No. It's different. The test contains more pertinent subject in this case. Obviously you would not tested for anything else what you have studied during your engineering.
2. What books should I consult to prepare for the Preliminat test ?
You course/syllabus books would be the best in this case.
3. And if I'm successfull in the preliminary test, what material should I use to prepare for the ISSB Exam ?
i think you need to worry about the Initial Tests, we can talk about ISSB later.

Before going abroad for my Engineering I applied for PAK Army for the PMA Long course, got throught with the Preliminary Test easily, but unfortunately could not clear the Prelimincary Medical test. If the preliminary test is the same, can you please tell me the book names as I have totally forgotten the names of the books I consulted that time.
Can you pleas tell me on what grounds were you declared medically unfit?
that thread is too weird and i did not got answers of my questions.
brothers i m too much dispaointed my age is 22 30-6-1988 is my date of birth mean i wil b 23 years after 2 month i think if i m not wrong i have try to apply for 128PML course online.online form reject my application what is error my tottle max are metric 461-850 2005 FA 578-1100 h2007 and in B.A mass communication i have gain 700 marks out of 1200 (2011) what i need to apply for this if i will go to center will they get my application or not and can i give test or not and way they reject my application they give me 2 error 1st age may b ur age is low or high 2nd may b ur max are low now what i need to do kindly update me thanks
dont join forces look for civil Engineer job and help the nation . its 100 times better if you will work as civil Engineer and work on a small poject for nation then be in forces.

Why do you say this?
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