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how to improve number of push ups

i will tell you nice technique..
1. lie on your stomach.
2. keep your palms on the floor.
3. think of hot jessica alba
4. when you automatically go up, think of your mom.
5. keep repeating 3-4 till you are finished.

For inspiration. ;)


not inspiring she looks very ugly
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i currently cant even do one push ups(i mean the most proper one) in which the guy goes all the way into horizontal position :cry:

is there any way to improve the stamina for push ups?
Stop masturbating thrice daily :astagh:
BEST thread ever,,,,
No a** screwing ,,,only Push-ups :cheers:,,,,,
This may sound weird...but when younger would do 400-600 pushups a day (not all at once.....but often over 100 at a go). Before I joined the Army at 17....could barely do 20 good ones.....would be hard pressed to do 20-30 good ones now (I am closing on 50 years old, been slightly less than 20 years since I kept that routine). What got me there? One thing....practice! Do them EVERY day. Push yourself. PS.....I was never a real athletic type... was strong and light for my size....but an attainable goal, not like I spent all my time in a gym...this was at home. Oh, and usually with my feet up (on a couch or table) so I was perpendicular at full extension.
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