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How to get rid of Pakistans Feudal System

The sad thing is that you can only do it the slow way. The best way to deal with these people is to build free schools in the poor areas (the places where these "leaders" get their dumb followers) Also look into party management and write legislation preventing these nepotist practices. Not to mention the cronyism (ask people like Lahori about that stuff)

After all what will organisations like the BLA (and the crooked politicians in PAK) say to prevent people being educated?

The problems with snatching their land is that they would ferment civil war for their own greed. So free schools would be the best way.

I second you thoroughly.

This is an idea that has been in my mind since, well, forever. Rather than creating free schools, our governments should create a system wherein a child gets paid to get educated. Further, the pay scale should rise with merit. I'm damn sure it well help the child's parents and the child itself.

Just let me know your thoughts...

I agree with you Keys.

If the Feudals won't give up the land, and the system isn't geared up to do it, then the Feudal should be made obsolete by moving towards an economy and life that is knowledge based and bypasses the Feudal.

I have always argued that education and health care need to be provided universally and free of charge to every citizen.


Your idea of "paying to get educated" is quite interesting. It is being tried out in some US school systems actually, and so far seems to be delivering positive results.

In the context of South Asian societies, this might be even more successful, since in lower income groups the reason children are not able to go to school is not because of lack of motivation, but due to the economic constraints faced by the child's family that either require the child to work or cannot cover the expenses associated with school.

Your idea of "paying to get educated" is quite interesting. It is being tried out in some US school systems actually, and so far seems to be delivering positive results.

In the context of South Asian societies, this might be even more successful, since in lower income groups the reason children are not able to go to school is not because of lack of motivation, but due to the economic constraints faced by the child's family that either require the child to work or cannot cover the expenses associated with school.

Thaks a lot AM, wonder when our governments will wake up.
This is an idea that has been in my mind since, well, forever. Rather than creating free schools, our governments should create a system wherein a child gets paid to get educated. Further, the pay scale should rise with merit. I'm damn sure it well help the child's parents and the child itself.

May I further add my two bits to my earlier suggestion (do let me know your thoughts on this):

Girls should be paid more than boys.
Incase of a third child, the payments would cease.
Plan 3 - Nationalise all land from feudal landlords and redistribute to local populace. This will put them out of power and empower the comon man.

I think Muradk's statement that powerful and vested interests are in the decision making loop and hence it will be well nigh impossible.

While in India fuedalism has vanished, yet there are pockets in our cow belt where it is operative in a ''hidden'' manner! And all these areas are full of semi literates steeped in the 'Mai Baa.p' culture and biradri nonsense!
I think the first step should be the land reforms and constraint on having more land by setting the maximum limit for keeping the land and then the land recovered from feudal should be distributed among poor people and they should be given microeconomic loans to utilize on their land and maximize the production.

This could be done immediately only if there are sincere rulers.
i havnt had the chance to read the previous posts. we cannot get rid of the fuedal system. it is them who are running the show in the corridors of power. this unfortunately includes the generals who are also acting like fuedals (it saddens me). musharraf had the best chance in 1999 to do something about this but he got very cold feet. there was resistence from all fronts. politicians, establishment and the army. if u rid the fuedal system, the power-base of the afore-mentioned erodes and why would they want that?
^^^ ... and this is when the Islamists start gaining power, and the average Joe starts supporting them, because the traditional establishment has failed, and no one sees any hope of change since the status quo is perceived to benefit the "establishment".
Tax them to death. Have the army collect it and use the money to pay for poverty alleviation. IF they refuse, take over their assets including the land and distribute it to small private farmers or companies that are into agricultural production. Might even give a boost to the field of agricultural engineering.
i havnt had the chance to read the previous posts. we cannot get rid of the fuedal system. it is them who are running the show in the corridors of power. this unfortunately includes the generals who are also acting like fuedals (it saddens me). musharraf had the best chance in 1999 to do something about this but he got very cold feet. there was resistence from all fronts. politicians, establishment and the army. if u rid the fuedal system, the power-base of the afore-mentioned erodes and why would they want that?

I agree with you that musharraf could have done something about this. but i still think that there is a chance that these people will be remove from the hiarchy of pakistani politics.
i havnt had the chance to read the previous posts. we cannot get rid of the fuedal system. it is them who are running the show in the corridors of power. this unfortunately includes the generals who are also acting like fuedals (it saddens me). musharraf had the best chance in 1999 to do something about this but he got very cold feet. there was resistence from all fronts. politicians, establishment and the army. if u rid the fuedal system, the power-base of the afore-mentioned erodes and why would they want that?

Ifully agree. More than the feudals it is the Generals and the Establishment that are resisiting this move. However, idont think we need to do anything more than to impose Income tax on the earnings from land holding say above 10 acres. This would solve the problem once and for all. But would this happen in my and your lifetimes in Pakistan??? HECK NO!!!!
I wanted to know the opinions of all the respected members of this forum about this certain topic which i think is the reason why our growth has been stunted. i would also like to know what all the members think can be done to implement comprehensive land reforms in Pakistan to get rid of this problem once and for all. Also do the members feel that as more and more people move to the urban areas the feudal lords will eventually lose there power.
I hope we have a lively discussion :pakistan:

Hang Musharraf and his friends, and thats it.

These generals have lucrative businesses through out Pakistan. You should read the Military Inc. Its shocking how feudal the establishment is they should be hanged for the 60 years of treason.
^I thought feudal system was the primary cause to have PPP as the national party?
Hang Musharraf and his friends, and thats it.

These generals have lucrative businesses through out Pakistan. You should read the Military Inc. Its shocking how feudal the establishment is they should be hanged for the 60 years of treason.

I agree again. Let's start with Zardari giving back some of the 40,000 acres of land he owns in Sindh, why not?

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